High Bridge Lodge No. 296 of The Independent Order of Good Templars, Brookton NY

Last Update:

An overview of the temperance group High Bridge Lodge No. 296 of the Independent Order of Good Templars in Brookton NY, including transcriptions of a photographic inventory of entries from a meeting minutes notebook archived at the Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca, NY. As time allows, I will transcribe the entries, proofread, index and identify the members, and provide more complete citations for the literary works mentioned. I will also provide contextual information on the organizational structure and history of High Bridge Lodge and the overall Order, to provide context for better understanding the newspaper accounts and meeting minutes.

“High Bridge Lodge is one of the largest and most successful Lodges in Tompkins County and is noted for its suppers also for its music, both vocal and instrumental…”

“We have an orchestra in connection with our new lodge…Their choice selections of instrumental music interspersed through the business part of the meetings tend to greatly enliven us. We also boast of having as fine a band of singers as can be found in this part of the country.”

The First Lodge

The first recorded activity of the Independent Order of Good Templars that I have found is in 1868:

On 23 March 1868, the Independent Order of Good Templars, Lodge #562 was organized in Mott’s Corners (Brooktondale). Their motto was “Faith Hope, and Charity.” The charter members were: Edward Lounsbery, Helen Losey Walker V. Personius, Amanda Lounsbery, George Wolcott, G. E. Sanders, Kate Losey, Emma G. Lounsbery, L. B. Landon, A. M. Wolcott, E. S. T. Lounsbery, Richard Lounsbery, Benjamin Losey, James Roe, Sarah F. Edwards, Ella M. Personius, Abby Landon, Addie L. Genung, Frank Heath, Harley L. Miller, N. I. Roe, D. V. Personius, William Personius, George Aldrich, George L. Pelham, Frank Osburn, F. M. Loncry (or Loncoy), Lyman Sherter, “N’ls Edwards"", and Justus H. Heath.

— 1994, “A History of the Town of Caroline, Tompkins County, New York, United States of America”, compiled by Barbara Kone. 2015 reprint by The White Church Cabin Country Store, Brooktondale NY. Also known as “The Bicentennial Book”.

I have come to learn that there are multiple versions of the Bicentennial Book, and although I initially thought that they were merely formatted differently, I have also found significant differences in content among them. For reasons unknown to me, the reference above to the Good Templars only exists in the version published by the White Church Cabin Country Store.

The misspellings of the names suggests they were transcribed from a handwritten document. For example, “L. B. Landon” is obviously S. B. Landon; an L and S in cursive are easily confused. A transcription error may also explain why this earlier lodge apparently had a higher lodge number than the later Templar lodges. (Lodges were numbered sequentially within each state, and when a lodge in a given area “went down” and was re-instituted, it was assigned a new number.) However, after searching through the Caroline History Room and consulting with Barbara Kone, I have yet to locate the original document.

It is interesting to note the timing and overlapping membership between the Good Templars and another prominent temperance group in Mott’s Corners, the Sons of Temperance, which may provide clues to how long the Good Templars Lodge #562 existed. As with the previous quote, the following quote is only found in the White Church Cabin Country Store edition of the Bicentennial Book:

The Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Western New York was organized in Motts Corners on 21 February 1874. It was Division # 115 (?) and located in Personius Hall. Charter members were: George Wolcott, Julia Wolcott, Edward Mulks, Edward Lounsbery, Amanda Lounsbury, John McWhorter, J. B. Lull, Ruben G. Tucker, W. V. Personius, Nelly Personius, Sarah Edwards, George G. DePuy, Josiah Shurter, Willis Shurter, D. V. Personius, C. W. Burt, Cantine Lounsbery, Richard Lounsbery, Libbie Sanders, Ellen Wolcott, George E. Sanders, Fannie Sanders, James H. Mount, G. E. Ingraham, Hattie Hazen, L. B. Landon, Albert Landon, Fred Lounsbery, John Lounsbery, Ellen Personius, Herbert Shurter, Lyman Shurter.

— 1994, “A History of the Town of Caroline, Tompkins County, New York, United States of America”, compiled by Barbara Kone. 2015 reprint by The White Church Cabin Country Store, Brooktondale NY.

The Early Years of High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Mott’s Corners

As the 22 Jan 1891 edition of the Ithaca Journal confirms, High Bridge Lodge was named for the wooden trestle at Mott’s Corners, which had just been completed in December 1875, a few months prior to the formation of High Bridge Lodge on 06 March 1876.

A Good Templar lodge at Brookton is known as “High Bridge Lodge” named for the big bridge at that place.

22 Jan 1891, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, fultonhistory.com.. View largest available size.

Bridge over Six Mile Creek at present-day Brooktondale, believed to have been taken at the opening of the Utica, Ithaca & Elmira RR span December 11, 1875. This is the south end, at Brookton, formerly known as Mottville and Mott’s Corners. The train is headed to Elmira.

Caroline History Room, Slaterville Springs NY. View largest available size.

There are perhaps future members of High Bridge Lodge in the photograph above. For more information on the “High Bridge”, see The Trestle.

High Bridge Lodge No. 296 of the Independent Order of Good Templars (I.O.G.T., IOGT) was instituted on 06 Mar 1876 at Mott’s Corners. (See the 30 Apr 1886 Quarterly Return form further below, which gives the exact date.) At the very beginning, the Lodge met on Mondays, but by their third anniversary supper until their last meeting as No. 296, 27 Aug 1886, they met on Friday evenings at Lounsbery Hall, the second floor over Mills’ Store, at present day 484 Brooktondale Road, often called “The Old Post Office” by current residents. Lounsbery Hall was so named for the building’s owners at the time, Edward and Amanda Lounsbery, who were also members of High Bridge Lodge. For more information on Lounsbery Hall, see Mills' Store in Brookton NY.


County Deputy Andrews assisted by Dr. B. W. Franklin, L. D., of Crandall Lodge, of Ithaca, instituted “High Bridge Lodge” of Motts Corners, last week, with fifty petitioners and forty-two initiated. The following are the officers elected and installed.

Geo. L. Graham, W.C.T.; Mrs. D. Besemer, W.V.T.; M. T. Denman, W.C.[unclear]; Dr. M. Besemer, W.S.; Miss Libbie Sanders, W.A.S.; Clarence Lull, W.F.S.; Sam Woodhull, W.T.; Arthur Denman, W.M.; Mrs. William Hungerford, W.O.M.; Mrs. Morris Losey, W.I.G.; George Richardson, W.O.G.; Mrs. E. Lounsbery, W.R.H.S.; Mrs. M. T. Denman, W.L.H.S.; Wm. Hungerford, P.W.C.T.; J. L. Mandeville, L.D.

This Lodge starts with a foundation that must insure success, being composed as it is of men and women of age, experience and standing in the community, who join this Order not from mere curiosity but for the promotion of the cause of temperance and the benefitting of their fellow mortals.

Some twenty more are to unite with them at their next meeting, thus giving them strength to commence the good work at once.

This Lodge will for the present meet on Monday evening in “Lounsberry [sic] Hall” over the store of Mr. Sanders, who by the way, with his family are members of the Order.

We guarantee a good report from them.

C. D.

14 Mar 1876, The Dryden Herald, Dryden NY, fultonhistory.com. View largest available size.

The temperance movement in Tompkins County appeared to explode in growth between 1875 and 1880 as a result of the activities of the Good Templars in particular, and at the end of that period, High Bridge Lodge would have “about seventy” members, and the Good Templars county-wide would boast over 1000 members.

By the time Emily Mills joined High Bridge Lodge in Spring 1879, there were four Good Templars Lodges in Caroline alone:

  • Crystal Fountain Lodge No. 234 of Slaterville.
  • High Bridge Lodge No. 296 of Mott’s Corners.
  • Speedsville Lodge No. 353 of Speedsville.
  • Temperance Star, No. 384 of Caroline Center.

Communications[?] of Good Templars of the County.

The session of Tompkins County Lodge No. 46, which convened at Slaterville, Nov. 14th and 15th, was perhaps the most interesting one that this thriving lodge has ever held. The G.W.C.T., Mr. A. S. Draper of Albany being present and by his presiding the first day assisted greatly in keeping up the interest, which never lagged throughout the session. The following list of delegates was presented.

Crystal Spray, No. 144, Ithaca–Regular–Wm. Hirst, Addie Lucas, Ira Stillwell, Alternate–E. E. Vandehoof, Mary Dewel, Eliza Waterfield.

Ithaca High School, No. 225, Ithaca–Regular–Clark N. Baldwin, Ella Gray, A. A. Walters. Alternate–Carrie Quick, T. E. Quick, Fred Durling.

Star of Hope, No. 539, Ithaca,–Regular–Mrs. J. A. Bandfield, S. Smith, Ella Polley. Alternate–H. P. Barnes, T. A. Bouton, C. Manning.

Crandall, No. 561, Ithaca,–Regular–W. K. Sinton, O. Shevalier, B. W. Franklin. Alternate–Emma Quinn, Mary E. Clapp, Joseph Sinton.

Forest Home, No. 339, Free Hollow–Regular–W. C. Ellis, Jas. Vannatts, J. McKinney. Alternates–Wm. Edwards, Wm. Snyder, Sophia Niver.

Onward, No. 345, Lake Ridge–Regular–Gardiner Gifford, Jay McCormick, Frank Campbell. Alternates–Frank Jefferson, Lucy Ives, Ada McCormick.

Faithful, No. 63, North Lansing–Regular–Frank Holden, Frances Beardsley, R. E. Lewis.

Mt. Vernon, No. 143, Lansingville–Regular–Chas. Conklin, Jay Drake, J. W. Smith. Alternates–Helen Smith, Mary Brong, Mary Drake.

Ludlowville, No. 162, Ludlowville–Regular–Nelson E. Lyon, S. B. Hayes, Chas. D. Howell. Alternates–Mrs. Chas. Wood, Miss Belle Dewitt, Hattie Gillett.

Fidelity, No. 86, McLean–Regular–C. H. Dutcher, Amelia Gross, G. Piquette.

Progress, No. 93, Freeville–Regular Will Mineah, Geo. Tucker, Elton Garrett. Alternates–Ida George, Adda Cotanch, Hattie George.

Charity, No. 140. West Dryden—Regular–J. F. George, P. R. Robertson, J. M. Carr. Alternates–Ellen George, Parintha Fulkerson, Sarah Sa[o?]ft.

Watchful, No. 147, Varna–Regular–D. W. Sperry, D. O. Manning, Sarah Tucker. Alternates–Mrs. D. W. Sperry, Ada Cremer, A. Tucker.

Joy, No. 341, Dryden–Regular–Jennie Burch, E. E. Dates, Edwin Wells. Alternates–F. Baker, Martha Saltsman, Herman Carmer.

Crystal Fountain, No. 234, Slaterville–Regular–Henry Krum, Moses Diedrick, Jessie Speed. Alternates–Melvinia Slater, Estelle Hawkins, Emma Avery.

High Bridge, No. 296, Motts Corners–Regular–D. F. Roe, Amelia Loser, M. T. Denman. Alternates–E. Lounsbery, Mrs. E. Lounsbery, Hattie Hazen.

Rescue, No. 181, Danby–Regular—G. F. Horne, S. A. Roper, W. E. Roper. Alternates–Kate Banfield, Mary Bierce, Tillie Beardsley.

Temperance Star, No. 384, Caroline Center–Regular–Joel Evans, Ambrose Bull, Mary Vermilya. Alternates–Jay Clark, Chas. Knapp, Mrs. Bovee.

Phoenix, No. 330, Newfield–Regular–Geo. W. Cox, Rev. Wm. Sharp, Samuel Dunham.

Myrtle, No. 334, Trumbull’s Corners–Regular–Wm. Collumn, B. Rumsey, E. Jones.

Laughing Water, No. 170, Enfiend Center–Regular–A. F. Murray, Mrs. Mary Murray, J. P. Topping, Alternates–Miss Mary Murray, Eugene Curry, M. R. Curry.

Crystal Wave, No. 764, Trumansburg–Regular–A. H. Pease.

Franklin Cold Water Temple, Ithaca–Lewis Clapp, Representative.

Joy Cold Water Temple, Ludlowville–S. B. Hayes, Representative.

Tuesday evening Nov. 14th a lecture was delivered by A. S. Draper, after which a number were initiated for the Slaterville Lodge. The following questions were very ably discussed during the session, from which those present derived great benefit:

  1. Duty of the church as relates to Good Templars.

  2. How can we as a County Lodge best keep up the interest and promote the interest in the county?

  3. How can we keep up the interest in subordinate Lodges.

  4. What is the duty of the Good Templars as relates to juvenile Templars?

The report of the Lodges shows the number to be about the same as last quarter.

Co. Sec’y.

24 Nov 1876, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


The Grand Lodge I.O. of G.T. of New York, will hold its annual session in Elmira, commencing to-morrow and continuing three days. Following are the delegates from this county:

Tompkins County, No. 46, and Ludlowville, No. 602, N. E. Lyon; Laughing Water Lodge, Enfield, Will Graham; Myrtle, Rev. E. Jones, Trumbull’s Corners; Phoenix, D. P. Cook, Newfield ; Forest City, No. 539, I. C. Andrews, Ithaca; Forest Home, W. C. Ellis, Varna; Purity, Geo. B. Davis, Etna; Watchful, T. Morris, Varna: Fidelity, No. 86, W. A. Tompkins, McLean; Faithful, No. 63, J. F. Rhodes, North Lansing; High Bridge, Rev. George Brown, Motts Corners: Crystal Fountain, Mrs. Henry Krum, Slaterville; Speedsville, Jos. H. Steele, Speedsville: Crystal Spray, D. W. King, Ithaca.

27 Aug 1877, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

Several other temperance organizations were also strongly represented in the county, and Caroline specifically, at that time including the Royal Templars of Temperance, the Sons of Temperance, and eventually, the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

The Summer and Fall of 1877 seems to be a particularly exciting time in the movement, as national temperance leader Francis Murphy was active in NY, including participating in a number of events throughout Tompkins County. In many villages, including Mott’s Corners, there were a number of “Murphy Meetings” held.

Francis Murphy (24 April 1836 – 30 June 1907) was an American temperance evangelist. …Murphy was born in Tagoat, County Wexford, Ireland on 24 April 1836. He immigrated to the U.S. when he was 16 years old. He served in the Federal army during the Civil War. Beginning in 1870 at Portsmouth, N. H., he started temperance reform clubs throughout that state and was their first president. His headquarters were in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and after his first address there in 1876, 65,000 people signed the pledge he wrote: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, I hereby pledge my sacred honor that, God helping me, I will abstain from the use of all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and that I will encourage others to abstain.” This is where he adopted the blue ribbon badge, inspired by a line from The Bible. He labored also in Britain and was a chaplain in the Spanish–American War. In 1900, he went to Honolulu and held a series of meetings. From there he went to Australia, where he obtained a great many more signatures. In 1901 he returned to California to tour there and then established himself in Los Angeles, where he lived the rest of his life. During the course of his temperance labors in America and abroad, Murphy is said to have induced 16 million to sign the pledge.

Francis Murphy (evangelist), Wikipedia.org.


Aug. 21.–A Murphy meeting was held in the Congregational Church last Sunday evening, Although the house was not full, during the evening about fifty signed the pledge and donned the blue ribbon. Dr. Parker, of Ithaca, conducted the meeting. (Short addresses ware made by Messrs. Wheelock, Sanders, Denman and others. Altogether the Murphy movement seems to be a success Here. Another meeting was appointed for next Monday evening.

—Mr. George L. Graham spent one day last week visiting the school, and his many friends at Mott’s Corners.

–Miss Hattie Lounsbery is visiting at Corning.

—Quite a large number from here attended the camp meeting at Spencer last Sunday, it being the first time in a number of years the gates have been open on Sunday.

–School commenced last week with about fifty scholars. Mr. E. C. Barto, of Jacksonville, is the principal for the next year.

–People wishing to attend the temperance picnic next Friday at, or near, Tobeytown, are requested to meet at the Congregational Church, at half-past eight o’clock. The procession starts at nine o’clock.

–The Congregational Sunday School has been re-organized. Dr. Besemer is superintendent. They have a supply of good teachers, and quite a large number of scholars, and will be glad to see as many more as will attend. Everything that is necessary to make it instructive and interesting will be done. I understand they intend to give a concert before long.


22 Aug 1877, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p2, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


Sept. 11.—There will be an ice cream, and peach festival at the house of Mr. Kellog, on Friday evening of the present week, for the benefit of the Congregational church. All are cordially invited to attend.

—The mite party at Mr. Personius’s was quite well attended, and passed off very pleasantly.

–Mrs. Julia Platt of Towanda, Pa., is visiting her relatives, and numerous friends at Mott’s Corners.

— William Roe’s little girl,who has been dangerously ill for some time past, is slowly getting better.

—Theodore Mandeville’s little girl died Sunday afternoon. The funeral was held in the Congregational church, Tuesday morning.

–Rev. William Spaulding died at his residence on Monday, after a brief illness. His funeral occurred on Wednesday afternoon, in the Baptist Church. This makes two funerals in one week. An unusual occurrence in this place.

–Mr. S. J. Pettigrove is so far recovered as to be about a little. I hope to see him improve rapidly.

–Another Murphy meeting was held in the Congregational Church Monday evening, and proved very interesting. Nearly forty more wear the blue ribbon.

The Hayseeds of Danby and the B. B. club of this place played a match game here last Saturday, resulting in a core of 12 to 11 in favor of the Hayseeds.

Some persons entered the cellar of the Baptist parsonage last Friday night, and helped themselves to all of Mrs. Brown’s canned fruit, cakes, pies, etc., without asking permission, or even waiting to say, thank you.


12 Sep 1877, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p2, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

During this period, Caroline lost one of its strongest temperance leaders, Josiah Shurter (26 Apr 1815 to 05 Aug 1877), a former owner of the Mills’ Store property, and the grandfather of Jessie Brewer, who was born four years after Josiah died. Josiah was a “worthy brother” in the Mott’s Corners Division of the Sons of Temperance, which was contemporary with the Good Templars, and shortly after his death, Josiah’s widow Jane (Shutt) Shurter (21 Nov 1825 to 23 Jun 1897) joined High Bridge Lodge.

Resolutions of Respect.

At a regular meeting of Mott’s Corners’ Division of the Sons of Temperance, held on the 11th day of August, 1877, the following resolutions were ordered printed in the Ithaca Journal.

Whereas, the Great Patriarch above has removed by death our worthy brother, Josiah Shurter, in the midst of his usefulness, although advanced in years, therefore

Resolved, That we cherish the memory of his many virtues and good works, both in our order and among his neighbors and friends.

Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family, and large circle of relatives.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of our deceased brother, entered upon the minutes of the Division, and published in the Ithaca Journal.

Rich’d Lounsbery, Homer Genung, Albert Landon., Com.

16 Aug 1877, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


—July 9.—The Rev. S. Vorhis, of Spencer, has preached in the Baptist church, since Mr. Brown went away; but we understand he is not expected again.

—The meeting of the Sons of Temperance last Saturday evening, though not quite as full as usual, was very interesting. The following is a list of the officers installed for the present quarter. W. P., Homer Genung; W. A., Alida Vorhis; R. S., Elmer Landon; A. R. S., Carrie Bates; F. S., John Loungbery: Treas., Richard Lounsbery; Chap., Ophelia Aldrich; C., Jay Jansen; A. C., Cynthia Vorhis; J. S., Howard Shurter; O. S., Charlie Lounsbery.


09 Jul 1878, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

—The Sons of Temperance here hold their anniversary supper on the evening of Feb. 21st. The division was never in a more flourishing condition than at present.

11 Feb 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


The Good Templars of this county will celebrate the twenty-sixth anniversary of the organization of the order by a grand mass meeting and basket picnic on the camp ground at Freeville on Thursday, August 8th, 1878. A. S. Draper, G.W.C.T., of Albany; B. K. Douglas, G.D.D., of Oneonta; Rev. Mr. Smith, of Groton; Rev. M. S. Hard, of Ithaca; Bro. E. Jones, P.C.C.T., of Trumbull’s Corners; C. O. Abbott, G.D.D., of Auburn are expected to be present and address the meeting. Rev. Dwight Williams, of Trumansburg, will deliver an original poem.

Good music will be present and a grand good time is expected. All are invited and are requested to put an extra ten cent piece in their pocket to help pay the expenses of the meeting. It is hoped and expected reduced rates will be secured on the different railroads centering at Freeville. Ample accommodations will be provided for all who do not wish to furnish their own provisions.

20 Jul 1878, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


HIGH BRIDGE LODGE, NO. 296, I. O. of G. T.,

Celebrated their third anniversary by giving a public supper in their Lodge rooms, Friday evening, March 8th. It was largely attended and highly enjoyed by all. Especial credit is due Mrs. Josiah Shurtor [sic] and the young lady members of the lodge who superintended the refreshments. After supper the guests and members listed to some fine instrumental music by the Lodge Band, conducted by Dr. Besemer. High Bridge Lodge is one of the largest and most successful Lodges in Tompkins County and is noted for its suppers also for its music, both vocal and instrumental, as all who have attended will bear your correspondent witness, and here allow me to say the Lodge will give a public entertainment in the Congregational Church, Wednesday evening, March 20. The programme will consist of the well known and popular drama, Rip Van Winkle, or the Sleepy Dutchman of the Catskill Mountains, also music, tableaux, &c. The Lodge has spared no cost of pains in obtaining costumes and scenery to make this one of the first dramatic entertainments that has ever been presented to the public in this place. The scenery is all new and painted expressly for this play.

12 Mar 1878, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

The Besemer Cornet Band, of Motts Corners, consists of thirteen pieces and is in a flourishing condition. It was organized about three months ago.

— 22 Dec 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, see also 29 Sep 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org.


There are fourteen Good-Templar lodges in the county distributed through the various towns as follows: Ithaca, 1; Lansing, 1; Dryden, 4; Groton, 2; Caroline, 4; Danby, 1; Newfield, 1; while Enfield and Ulysses have none.

There are also two juvenile temples in the county; one in Ithaca and one in Slaterville.

The town of Caroline is the “banner town” of the county; Lansing has the largest lodge, while every lodge, we hope is the best lodge.

One of the most flourishing lodges in the county is Progress, No 93, of Freeville. For two or three years they were sickly enough “up there” but about two quarters ago they went to work and began to carry out the principles of our order, and to make their lodge a home for reformed men, and in this short time they have more than doubled their numbers. They had one initiation last Saturday evening. There is one truth, at least, supported by the history of this lodge, and that is “As soon as people see that an organization is helping and saving men, they give it their support.”

There have been eight members initiated into Ithaca Union Lodge this quarter and the quarter is only three weeks old. Can any lodge show a better report so far? If so, let us hear from you soon, for they will swell that number next week.

This lodge also held a very pleasant sociable in their rooms last Tuesday evening, and have a festival in view in the near future.

We have received the following communication from the Secretary of High Bridge Lodge, No. 296, of Motts Corners: “It can truly be said that High Bridge Lodge is in a very flourishing condition. The regular weekly meetings are very interesting and well attended even at this busy season. The following are our officers for the present quarter: W. C. T., John McWhorter; W. V. T., Mrs. F. G. Ault; W. S., Geo. G. Depuy; W. A. S., Miss Ellen Allen; W. M., M. D. Shaw; W. D. M., Mrs. Geo. G. Depuy; W. F. S., Geo. E. Vandemark; W. T., F. G. Ault; W. C., Arthur Denman; W. I. G., Stephen Voorhis; W. O. G., Mrs. Dr. Besemer; R. H. S., Miss Cinthia Vorhis; L. H. S., Miss Gussie Merrill.

We have an orchestra in connection with our new lodge, consisting of the following members: Geo. G. Depuy, 1st violin; Dr. M. Besemer, 2nd violin; W. T. Graham, organist; John McWhorter, bass viol; J. P. Merrill, guitar. Their choice selections of instrumental music interspersed through the business part of the meetings tend to greatly enliven us. We also boast of having as fine a band of singers as can be found in this part of the country.

The lodge has recently purchased a new organ of the Ithaca Organ Company, of which we have every reason to be proud.

Our list of members comprises many of the wealthy and influential men and women of this vicinity, such as Moses T. Denman and family, Wm. Hungerford and family, Rev. Geo. Brown, Edward Lounsbery and wife, etc., all of whom are good workers in the cause of temperance, and prove their interest in our lodge by their regular attendance and willingness to take an active part in the exercises at all times. Our membership at present is about seventy, and more are being added to the ranks almost weekly. Our lodge has already done much good in this village. We have some genuine “reformed men” with us who by their faithfulness to the lodge and its principles prove that they are in earnest.

Our lodge meets each Friday evening in Lounsbery’s Hall, where we are always pleased to have visitors from other lodges call and lend us a helping hand or speak for us a few words of encouragement. Hoping to hear from some our sister lodges through these columns I remain yours fraternally,

Geo. G. Depuy, W. Sec.

The Sec. of Temperance Star, No. 384, of Caroline Centre, says that this lodge is in a more prosperous condition than ever before.

There have been three initiations since county lodge was held at Slaterville, and still others who have sent in their names. The lodge edits a paper entitled “The Temperance Herald,” the regular appearance of which is looked forward to with much pleasure. The next number is to be read before the lodge Saturday evening, May 31st.

28 May 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

The items immediately following offer some insight into the Lodge’s organ. The meeting minutes further below mention that the organ still existed then.



Not Only Manufacture the Best Organ in the World, but Furnish the Best Pianos,

both upon the most favorable terms. Second hand instruments taken in exchange for new.

Those desiring to purchase an organ or piano are invited to call and examine.

Liberal discount to dealers. Send for illustrated catalogue.


Ithaca, Feb. 13, 1879. dtf

01 Mar 1879, Ithaca Daily News, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

The Ithaca Piano & Organ Company was established in 1877 by William Bostwick and Henry Wegman as successors to The Swiss Organ Company. The firm was first listed as the “Ithaca Organ Company” and was a division of the “Ithaca Calendar Clock Company”, makers of clocks and other small mechanical devices. Alonzo Cornell, son of Ezra Cornell (founder of Cornell University) was principal financial backer of the firm.

The Ithaca Piano & Organ Company built a limited number of very elaborately styled parlor organs and lavishly carved upright and square pianos. Instruments by the Ithaca Piano & Organ Company were of very good quality and are quite rare today. The Ithaca Piano & Organ Company went out of business in 1885.

— Ithaca Piano & Organ Company, Antique Piano Shop.com.

“The Ithaca organ.” Card. Buffalo, N. Y.: Gies & Co., [ca. 1870–1900]. Digital Commonwealth. View largest available size.

Inlet Section Busy Half Century Ago

Just before 1888 was the golden day of Ithaca’s manufacturing. A cluster of mills at the foot of Fall creek’s Ithaca Falls was turning out paper, guns, agricultural implements, plaster, pottery and flour. Down in the Inlet section, in the city’s First Ward, things were even busier. An old First Ward resident recalled the days.

“The Ithaca Organ Company was the biggest thing in the Inlet section at that time,” he said. “It started in a little wooden building on the south side of the creek and later came across and put up a brick building on the east side. They made organs on the west side and pianos on the east. They employed about 300 men at one time. About 1885, though, the business went to pieces through mismanagement. When it was going, Ithaca organs and pianos were well known and pedalled throughout the country. Every farmhouse had an Ithaca organ for miles around here. At one time the company got Wegman, the German piano man, to come here and look after the business but he went to Auburn and set up business for himself. You’ve heard of Wegman pianos.

01 Jun 1938, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p56, newspapers.com. View largest available size.

“The Ithaca organ.” Card. Buffalo, N. Y.: Gies & Co., [ca. 1870–1900]. Digital Commonwealth. View largest available size.


[Compiled for the Journal.]

—County Lodge will be held Thursday and Friday, August 7th and 8th with Ithaca Union Lodge, No. 295. Don’t forget to elect your delegates and then see that they attend.

—Elect your best members for delegates to the County Lodge.

—Remember that the County Lodge will attend the Spencer camp meeting in a body, and in full regalia Friday, August 8th. If you can’t come to Ithaca Thursday, go to Spencer Friday and be sure and take your regalia. Faithful Lodge of North Lansing expects to send a large delegation; and if this lodge, the farthest from Spencer of any lodge in the county does so well, surely the other lodges will do well also, and there will be a grand rally around our colors. Among those to be present at Spencer and deliver addresses are A. S. Draper, G.W.C.T.; the Rev. Henry Ward, P.G.W.C.T., Mrs. M. B. O’Donnell, and: John N. Stearns, Esq. Meetings will be held under the auspices of the Order in the morning, afternoon and evening.

—It is almost time for another quarterly election. All W.C.T.’s W.V.T.’s, W.S’ and W.T.’s must be full degree members. The other officers need not have taken either degree.

—It is not proper to install by proxy. If an officer elect is absent at time of installation, elect another and go ahead.

—Lodges will bear it in mind to recommend a suitable member for L.D. at the time of the next election of officers. A suitable one will be the best one you have got. Send in the recommendation promptly.

—Ithaca Union Lodge is making preparation to care for a host at the county lodge. Be sure to come so that they will not be disappointed.

—One initiation at Ithaca Union last week.

—High Bridge Lodge, No. 296, of Motts Corners has elected the following delegates and alternates to represent them at the County Lodge session. Regulars: E. Lounsbery, Wm. Montgomery and M. D. Shaw. Alternates: Mrs. Dr. Besemer, Mrs. J. P. Merrill and Wm. Hungerford.

—Lodges will please be prompt in sending in delegates’ credentials before the opening of the first day’s session of the County Lodge, or at least let the delegates see that their credentials are in during the first half hour of the meeting; also send duplicates to the county secretary. The duplicates are the postal cards received by the W.S.’s. Also let the delegates be particularly sure to bring a copy of the lodge deputy’s report. If anything should possibly happen so that a lodge cannot be represented, send a copy of the deputy’s report to the county secretary.

—All who attend County Lodge, delegates or visitors are urgently requested to furnish their own regalias.

—Don’t go hunting around town for the place you want on County Lodge day. The right place is Temperance Hall, opposite Journal block, over Stevens’ marble works.

—Remember that County Lodge begins at 10 o’clock, A.M., and not at 11 or even half past ten. Let every delegate be on hand promptly at the hour if a possible thing. I believe now I have said my say about County Lodge. At least I don’t think of any other orders I want to give just at present. But I did want to say just what I have said to every member in the order. If any one wants to have any fuller particulars let him apply to the County Secretary and he will answer more minutely. I don’t want to hear any one say that they didn’t understand fully about the County Lodge, as I have heard them say before now.

—We hear as follows from High Bridge Lodge, No. 296, Of Motts’ Corners: “We had a full attendance, owing partly to election of officers and also to a growing interest in our meetings. We had one initiation, also one last week.” The names of the delegates and alternates from the various lodges will be given next week.

County Secretary.

29 Jul 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


Compiled for the Journal.

–The Grand Lodge is to be held this year at the Thousand Islands, one of the finest pleasure grounds in world. [sic] The fare from Syracuse for a round trip is only two dollars and fifty cents. If enough from this county attend, the fare from Ithaca and return will not exceed four dollars. These will be the cheapest excursion rates that have ever been given to the Thousand Islands. There is no reason why a large number from this vicinity should not attend, and it is especially important that every lodge be represented at the Grand Lodge this year, for business of the greatest importance to the Order is to be transacted.

–the following are the regular and alternate delegates that have been elected to attend County Lodge, by the various subordinate lodges, and which have not otherwise been published:


Delegates. Amelia Gross, C. H. Dutcher, Edith PerLee,

Alternates. Louise Robertson, W. A. Tompkins, Fred J. PerLee.


Delegates. Chas. Bills, Wm. Glazier, Hattie George,

Alternates. Allie Lamont, Geo. Wood, Wm. Mineah.


Delegates. A. C. McLachlan, Redell Page, E. B. Moe,

Alternates. J. P. Moe, Chas. Harring, Florence Samuel.


Delegates. J. F. George, J. M. Carr, H. A. Dearman,

Alternates. Mrs. M. George, Mrs. A. Snyder, Mrs. M. Snyder.


Delegates. Judson Rounseville, Abel Lott, James Mulks,

Alternates. Martha Krum, Emma Avery, Jay Phillips.


Delegates. Mrs. Sarah Seaman, Miss Maggie Whitbeck, I. P. Smith,

Alternates. C. N. Baldwin, G. V. Benjamin, M. N. Tompkins.


Delegates. Arthur Graham, Frank Knapp, Mary Bartholomew,

Alternates. Stanley Miller, Chas. Smiley, Sarah Hughl[?].


Delegates. W. L. Kenney, Sister Meaddough, Campbell Preston,

Alternates. John Blackman, Mrs. Ann Kenney, Lettie Jenks.


Delegates: R. C. Clark, Ernest Winchell, H. D. Haskins,

Alternates. Mrs. H. D. Haskins, Etta Brink, Gilbert Higgins.


Eloisa Landon.

—Faithful, No. 63, of North Lansing has just elected and installed a fine corps of officers for the ensuing quarter. It will be noticed that they have filled the W.C.T.’s chair with a lady and the W.V.T.’s with a gentleman, which change is a good one to make occasionally. We give the officers below:

Mrs. L. J. Townley, W.C.T.; J. S. Osmun, W.V.T.; L. J. Townley, W.S.; Miss Minnie Brown, W.F.S.; Denton Lobdell, W.T.; Wm. H. Buckley, W.C.; Frank Singer, W.M.; Mrs. Wm. Wilcox, W.I.G.; Abram Armstrong, W.O.G. Frank Tarbell received the recommendation for Lodge Deputy for the ensuing year. Frank Tarbell, J. S. Osmun and L. J. Townley were elected delegates to the session of the County Lodge.

Diligent Lodge, No. 137, of Peruville, installed the following officers on Saturday evening last for the quarter ending Nov. 1, 1879:

W.C.T., J. P. Moe; W.V.T., Mate Fox; W. Sec., Rich Morgan; W.F.S., Charley Gross; W.T., M. J. Larned;W.C., Emma Moe; W.M., Eugene Moe; W.I.G.; Sarah Johnson; W.O.G., A. C. McLachlan; W.A. Sec., Nettie Darling; W.D.M., Viola Searles; W.R.S., Ida Van Marter; W.L.S., Hattie Steele; T. R. Page was recommended for L.D. for the ensuing year.

–At the regular meeting of Crystal Fountain lodge, No. 234, of Slaterville, Saturday evening, the following officers were installed by Bro. Lounsbery of High Bridge lodge: W.C.T., C. H. Stephans; W.V.T., Emma Avery; W.S., Elosia Landon; W.F.S., Omar Earsley; W.T., James Mulks; W.C., J. H. Smiley; W.M., Jay Phillips; W.G., Geo. Haynes; W. Sent., Ora Delaney; D.M., Clara Higgins; A.S., Alonzo Carle; R.H.S., Mary Harding; L.H.S., Jennie Smith.

—The list of new officers for High Bridge lodge, No. 296, was sent last week, but, on account of the press of other matter, we were unable to publish it at that time, and laid it by for this week; but evidently we put it in too secure a place since we are unable to find it when wanted. IF the secretary of that lodge will send us another list in his next communication, we will take care that is has a watchful eye kept on it.

–One initiation at Ithaca Union, No. 295, again last week.


–S. B. Landon has returned from the West, having purchase 160 acres of land in Dickinson County, Kansas. He expects to go thither with his family some time this fall or winter. Will Heath started last week for Abilene, Kansas to put in Mr. Landon’s winter wheat, and take charge of his mules, etc. Quite and undertaking for a boy who never had been west of Elmira before.

–Rev. Geo. Brown announced last Sunday that there would be no services on Sunday evenings during the month of August. It was quite [sic] surprise and disappointment to many, especially the young folks.

–F. G. Ault has his cellar complemented and expects to soon be the owner and occupant of a new house, it is pleasantly situated and will be an ornament to our village.

–Justus Heath has his new blacksmith shop enclosed, and the sound of the hammer and anvil will soon be heard within its walls.

–Geo. G. DePuy has the lumber and material on the spot preparatory to repairing and beautifying his house, and so the work goes on.

–A number of fresh items may be expected soon from this town, but we will not mention them yet as it might discourage the coming census taker.


05 Aug 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. Transcribed with different formatting better suited for this presentation.View largest available size.


Compiled for the Journal.

–Members of the Order going to the Grand Lodge will start Monday morning, Aug. 25.

–There was one initiation, and two received by card, at Ithaca Union Lodge one week ago Wednesday evening. They also installed a good corps of officers that evening. Under the good of the order some very encouraging words were given by Rev. and sister Lousbery [sic] of High Bridge lodge.

–Owing to our absence for the last week the Good Templar news for this week will be rather limited. During our absence we have had a chance to learn something about Good Templarism in Orange county. The Orange county lodge met last Thursday in Middletown, and from the reports given we would say that county was doing nicely. For some time back, the order there has been damaging itself and the cause of temperance by internal dissensions. But now they have settled down to the fight against the common foe, and the result is that the Order is doing once more a good work in “Old Orange”. We feel some interest in the cause of Good Templarism there, because it was in the county that we were first led into a Good Templar’s lodge. Since that time, nearly four years ago, we have found what a great and grand order we were a member of and have been led to enter more fully into its work. But we want to say a word right here, in regard to what many call a failure in the workings of our order. The lodge that we first united with, after working a couple of years, went down for various causes. People said that “they told you so,” and “they knew Good Templarism would never amount to anything,” and so on ad infinitum. But let us see what that lodge really did do. Last spring a few of the young men who had belonged to the old lodge, and had there had the finest principles, that are so thoroughly taught by our order, fastened indelibly upon their minds, young men who before they entered the lodge were the most careless of the careless in regard to temperance; a few such young men as that got together, called a temperance meeting, nominated a no-license excise commissioner, worked for him at the polls and elected him by a good majority. Can any one say, in the face of such things as these, that any lodge was ever instituted in vain? Nay! but I tell you that no lodge was ever instituted, no matter how short lived it may have been, but that the cause of temperance was advanced. We sometimes get discouraged, and seem to feel when we hear of members leaving the order, that somehow our work has proved a failure. But instead, could we look at it as it really is, we would find that we were meeting in some such cases with our grandest success. And so the sum and substance of the whole matter is that we have every encouragement to work on more energetically than ever.

–The following report is from High Bridge lodge, No. 296, of Motts Corners. We had a good attendance and a splendid meeting, full of interest and pleasure. Every member seemed to be in a humorous mood. This spirit appears characteristic of our lodge. Your correspondent has been a member of High Bridge lodge upwards of two years and has never yet witnessed a hasty or angry discussion. Whenever a question meets opposition, it is discussed good humoredly [sic], and in every instance the minority submits with good grace to the majority. To my mind, harmony is one of the great essentials to the success of a lodge. I think I have read that Napoleon, or some other equally distinguished military being, after inspecting his army just before a battle said “we are in accord.” This seems to apply to us; we are in accord with each other and the cause of temperance. But to return to my subject of Lodge items. Dr. Besemer’s string band was fully reorganized and gave the lodge a rare musical treat. Miss Mills, Messrs. Besemer, Merrill, Graham, and McWhorter furnished entertainment for the good of the order. It is hoped our members will all be present at our meeting, as the appointments are good and a good time may be expected.

–All those expecting to attend Grand Lodge are requested to immediately inform Bro. I. C. Andrews, of Ithaca, of the fact. They will also find it necessary to purchase their tickets at the ticket office of the Ithaca depot of the U. I. & E. R. R. in order to secure the reduced the rates. [sic]

County Sec’y.

20 Aug 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

Compiled for the Journal.


–One initiation last Wednesday night at Ithaca Union.

–The Sons of Temperance in North America number about 90,000; the Temple of Honor, 20,000; while our Order, which extends to every civilized and semi-civilized quarter of the globe, numbers about 300,000.

–Good Templarism in Cayuga County is about as low as it can be. There were at one time Thirty-three lodges in that county, but they have fallen off till only three remain. But the prospect is that the work is about to revive in that district. W. W. Gunnison, Grand Lodge lecturer, strikes that county this month, and, if he meets with his usual success, there will be some good work done in old Cayuga directly. To those acquainted with the history of the Order there and its working for the past few years, there is another illustration of the fact if Good Templars lodges are used for any other purpose than that of advancing the cause of temperance, or are turned to promote selfish ends, they will miserably fail. We are glad that the Good Templars of Tompkins county understand so well the objects for which we are banded together. Let us never forget the results we are laboring for and each time that success perches on our banners, move forward with greater zeal to crown the foe to the wall.

–Onondaga county has 22 lodges, with a membership of 1,625, and increase in three months of 165. That completely settles the “hash” for Tompkins County since our gain in membership last quarter was only forty. How much of a gain are we going to report next November?

–The following communication from Progress, No. 93, of Freeville, is gladly received. It is the first we have had from that lodge but we hope no the last:

Freeville, Sept. 2, ‘79

Progress Lodge, although numbering only forty members, is still working harmoniously and adding to its membership. At our last installation we made choice of Wm. Glazier for W.C.T., and we believe that office as well as all the others in our lodge are held by the best of the officers. At this season of the year our attendance is not fully up to the average, but now as harvest and threshing are nearly over we shall expect all to come out. I am sorry to say that we have some members who get led away by associates that think it is a good joke to lead a Good Templar to violate their solemn pledge. Such members we attend to and if we cannot keep them within bounds we give them what is called the “grand bounce.” We don’t want such, but we will try in every way, and a number of times, if there is any hope, to keep them with us.

We have noticed communications from neighboring lodges published in the Ithacan and Journal but have seen none from our lodge. We don’t see why, as we have members that are competent and have been urged to assist you in the good work. Perhaps we may induce our Secretary to lend a helping hand.

–The correspondent from High Bridge Lodge sends in a long communication which we will be glad to publish next week. It is crowded out this week by other matter which came in ahead. We glean a few facts from it. He says: Our lodge was never in better condition than at the present time. During the present quarter we have had four initiations and expect to report many more before its close. Dr. Besemer, assisted by other members of the band gave us some excellent music. Miss Mills, Miss Keeler, Mr. Ludwig and Mr. Miller read selections; and Bro. Lounsbery gave us an interesting account of his trip and stay at Grand Lodge.

–From Crystal Fountain in Slaterville we hear as follows:

Our last two sessions have been of unusual interest, for, although we admitted no new members, we made the most our time when we came to “Good of the Order.” At our last meeting, one of our older members, Bro. Slater, gave us a brief history of the temperance work in this vicinity from his earliest recollection, Sister Dora Wilson, of Ithaca Union Lodge, favored us with music, the remainder of the time being occupied in interesting remarks and selections. Bro. Lewis Schuster, of Ithaca Union, and Bro. Luding, of High Bridge Lodge, made very interesting remarks. Bro. Schuster also recited a poem. We also had a selection read and had any number of short speeches, making it a very interesting session.

09 Sep 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


Compiled for the Journal.

–There are in New York State 446 lodges of Good Templars. Of this number 109 were initiated last year and of those 109 thirty were instituted by Bro. Gunnison. Our membership, last May was 22,222. Of this number, 11,509 were initiated last year.

–At the last session of the Grand Lodge there were represented English, German and Swedish lodges, together with negro and India, and yet some say that Good Templarism doesn’t reach all classes.

–The Grand Lodge of Missouri is the leading grand lodge as far as the number of new lodges for the past year counts, having instituted 160 since their last grand lodge. Eighty-seven counties of the state have lodges in working order.

–The clause in the new Massachusetts liquor law requiring every liquor dealer to get the written consent of the owner of the premises is a source of great trouble in the trade, because many real estate owners, while willing to take the money of such tenants, refuse to commit themselves on paper. Some of the most prosperous places in Boston are closed.

–The Ward Lodge of New South Wales at its sixth annual session reported the increase in lodges during the year as 100 per cent and of membership over 200 per cent. At the sixth session of the Grand Lodge of Tasmania (Australasia) reported 2,231 members. The seventh annual session of the Grand lodge of Victoria (Australasia) reported 121 working lodges and a membership of 5,697. That grand lodges has also under its jurisdiction 22 juvenile temples with 1,084 members, and that is what they are doing on the other side of the world.

–Progress lodge, No. 93, of Freeville, has at length, we are glad to hear, elected a regular correspondent, and we hope to hear from them oftener hereafter. A few weeks ago, they had an entertainment given by N. R. Streeter and family, assisted by Miss Nina Halsey, and Dana Rhodes. Next Friday evening, Sept 26, they are to give another of these popular and enjoyable musical feasts at the Lyceum Hall, Freeville. They invite all to attend, especially the members of neighboring lodges.

–Our correspondent from High Bridge Lodge, of Mott’s Corners, sends us the following account of their meeting one week ago Friday night:

Another initiation to-night. Much praise is due to the young members of our lodge in inducing their young friends to join our order and I can assure them that their efforts are much appreciated. I have taken some pains to get an expression of the older members and I find they do not look upon the younger ones as merely paying members but live workers and a material means of success to our lodge. May they continue the good work. Our selections and music were good and [unclear], allow me on behalf of our lodge to express thanks to the large number of visiting members from Slaterville and Caroline Centre for their presence at our last meeting, and extend a hearty invitation to come again and bring their friends. We also extend the invitation to all other members of our Order. Our latch string is always out to our friends and it shall be our endeavor to make it interesting for them.

–G.W.S. Hooker and the following in the Good Templar Gem which may be meant for some of our lodges: “All lodges whose night of meeting is wrongly reported in last year’s Journal of Proceedings, or who have changed to some other evening since then, will please report the change to the G.W.S. at once, whether before reported or not, that it may appear correct in the Journal of 1879.”

–Two initiations at Ithaca Union last Wednesday evening. Ithaca Union challenges any lodge, or any two lodges in the county to report more initiations at the next county lodge, for the present quarter than she does. She has invited nine so far and expects more next week. Last quarter she initiated 21 and intends to do better for these three months than that. If the lodges around the county expect to give Ithaca Union a hard thing to do in coming in ahead this quarter, they will have to wake up pretty soon. Last quarter, Crystal Fountain, of Slaterville, initiated 20. We have not heard even a whimper from that lodge this quarter. Will some one tell us whether or not Crystal Fountain has suspended? Last quarter Speedsville did a good work and reported a number of initiations. What are you doing at Speedsville now-a-days?

–Last quarter, Diligent, of Peruville, Faithful, of North Lansing, Charity, of West Dryden, Joy, of Dryden, Purity, of Etna all reported a number of initiations. But that was for last quarter; what are you doing this quarter? Come! enough of dilly dally! Rally all among the line and tell us what you are doing! If you have done nothing, then, out of shame for that nothing, if for no higher reason, go to work and accomplish something. It can not be that you are looking back with so much satisfaction on what you did last quarter that you think there is no need of effort now. Because you had your breakfast yesterday morning, it isn’t any reason why you don’t want it again this morning. The time of year has come now when you ought to begin to do hard work in fixing for an earnest and determined fall and winter campaign. Don’t put it off till long in November, but go to work now; else you will lose the best month of the year. If it wasn’t slang, we would say “brace up” for hard work, but it is slang and so we only say do your best for the next two months.

23 Sep 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


–We find in one of the Auburn papers the following account of Bro. Gunnison’s work in Cayuga county up to last week:

Good Templarism once more “booms” in this county. Since W. W. Gunnison began his labors in the county, nearly 100 members have been added to the order. Wednesday evening Mr. Gunnison reorganized the lodge at Levanna, to which several new members were added; and last evening at Union Springs, Mr. Gunison instituted a new lodge to be know as “Wide Awake” lodge with forty-four applications for a charter, of whom forty-two were initiated last evening–twenty-four sisters and eighteen brothers.

–There was one initiation at Ithaca Union last week. At this meeting it was decided to hold an open session one week from this present Wednesday night and to continue to hold them monthly during the winter, the second Wednesday evening of each month being set apart for that purpose. Let the members throughout the county come and see us on any of these night and we will try to entertain them. We will try to do that any time they may come, but will be well prepared for them on these special occasions.

–The following is from High Bridge lodge: Judging from the good templar items in our county papers, one would naturally infer that there were but two or three lodges in the county.

We are sorry to see this. Our county papers have generously given good templarism a place in their columns, and we in this way get much valuable information and encouragement. But, at the same time, we do not get what we might and would get, if all the lodges in the county would report promptly and oftener. Too much praise cannot be given to the county press for what it is doing; and let us improve the opportunity by doing our part.

Our meeting two weeks ago was nearly or quite up to my idea of a lodge meeting. We had two initiations, the initiatory ceremony being performed with dignity and impressiveness. After the regular order of business, we opened under the head of the good of the order and invited a few outsiders to seats in our lodge. We had a number of recitations, songs, and instrumental pieces; also selections which were much enjoyed. One of the outsiders said it was one of the finest gatherings it had ever been his good fortune to attend and it was a wonder in his mind that the entire community were not members of our lodge. So you see I am not alone in my selfish praise of High Bridge. Like all earthly mortals, I am inclined to be selfish and perhaps put too high an estimate on our lodge. No doubt there are many lodges in this county far superior to ours; but if so they selfishly withhold from us their superior mode of conducting a lodge meeting.

–The following is the report of the meeting of Temperance Star lodge of two weeks ago:

Temperance Star Lodge No. 384 met in their room as usual last Saturday evening and after being called to order by W.C.T., G.S. Higgins at the usual hour, they enjoyed a very pleasant session. After going through with the regular order of business they held an open session and after listening to some very choice selections spoken by Sister Lottie Preston and Sister Susie Evans they had a charade which was played by Bro. H. D. Haskins and other prominent members of our order. The charade proved very interesting and was highly appreciated by all. There was more than a usual attendance present, and also quite a large delegation from High Bridge Lodge, and taking all things into consideration I think I can say that it was one of the most profitable and interesting meetings we have had yet this quarter, and one that we could go home from and feel in our own hearts a more full determination than ever to exemplify by our lives outside of the lodge room what we learn there of Faith, Hope and Charity.

County Secretary.

01 Oct 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


The twenty-sixth quarterly session of Tompinks [sic] County Lodge, No. 46, I.O. of G. T. was held Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 25 and 26 with Speedsville Lodge No. 353, of Speedsville. The situation of the place of meeting being so far removed from the centre of the county not so many of the lodges were represented as usual. But this fact did not prevent the session from being one of the most interesting and important that has been held for a long time. This was in part because the people of Speedsville have lately been much stirred up in regard to Good Templarism and they gave those who came a most hearty welcome. The great cause of the interest and importance of the meeting, however, was owing to the fact that the delegates from the different lodges were all fully in earnest in regard to the great question for the discussion of which they had met. The attendance was good through the two days. The morning session was opened short after 11 o’clock by C.J.T. R. G. H. Speed. From that time, until the close of the session, Wednesday afternoon, the interest continued unabated. There were eight lodges and one temple represented by delegates during either the whole or a part of the meeting. Some of the lodges report a slight falling off in membership since last quarter, while others again reported a large gain. Progress reported a loss of 7; Crystal Fountain of 5; Diligent reported a gain of 1: High Bridge of 7; Ithaca Union of 8; Speedsville of 25; while Ivy, though reported a numerical gain of only 1, as shown by the books stated that really their gain was much greater. This much from the lodges reported makes a very good showing indeed; what the other lodges, throughout the county will do in adding to or detracting from this report remains yet to be seen.

The greater part of the afternoon session was taken up with discussing the question laid down upon the programme. “How can we the most effectually accomplish the building up of our order in this county?” There was much to be said, many plans to be proposed, and much deliberation necessary in order to determine exactly what was the best method of proceeding. Among other things it was at length determined to secure the assistance of a suitable lecturer, the executive committee being authorized to use the funds now in the treasury for that purpose. This was only one of several things that was determined upon. Of the others we will speak farther on.

Through a slight misunderstanding in the matter of arrangements, there come near being no speaker for the evening session. However a way out of the difficulty was opened by the prompt manner in which the Rev. Geo. Brown, of Mott’s Corners, responded to the call for his services. He most admirably filled the threatened gap with one of his excellent lectures that always hit the mark at which they are aimed. Moreover, bros. Benjamin and Franklin were present unexpectedly to themselves and every one else, and had no small part in making the public meeting the success it was. During the second day the following resolutions were passed:

Resolved, that the County Secretary invite all the temperance organizations of this county to meet (by means of representatives whom they shall appoint) with the executive committee of this body, for the purpose of effecting a county organization that shall have for its subject the securing of a concerted action in the work of redeeming all the towns of this county from the evils of the license system.

Resolved: That this County Lodge appoint a committee of one from each town in this county, such persons to be chairman of a committee to be chosen from the different lodges in each town; the united committee thus appointed to be county committee for the purpose of enforcing the excise law in each town, their sole and only duty being to suppress all illegal traffic in the liquor business.

On motion brother Epenetus Howe was made chairman of the town of Caroline, and the appointigg [sic] of the others left with C.C.T. R. G. H. Speed.

Resolutions of thanks to Bro’s. Brown, Benjamin, and Franklin for their services at the open session were adopted, and also a vote of thanks tendered Speedsville Lodge for the royal entertainment afforded all those who were present.

During the session it was agreed that the home talent we possessed in this county should be more effectively employed than hitherto in preparing the way for a lecturer and in assisting one after he came here.

Therefore, Epenetus Howe, of Speedsville, agreed to go with a good body of assistants to Slaterville, Tuesday evening, December 2, to speak on the temperance question; and to Ithaca at a date to be hereafter decided upon. The above is but the merest skeleton of a report of the session. We have endeavored to condense the matter all that we could, and yet, after having left out so much that was of importance, we have trespassed upon the space and patience of the newspapers that have so kindly lent us their columns.

However good, however important, other meetings of the county lodge may have been, this last one certainly takes the front rank. If during the next two months, a work hitherto unparalleled 1n the history of the temperance cause in this county is not done, these signs must go for naught. Brothers and sisters, let us start the movement now, this present week in our own lodges. The interest of the session was greatly added to by the presence of members from Tioga county; also by the fine singing of Brothers McWhorter and Landon of High Bridge lodge.

The place of holding the next session yet to be determined upon. Those lodges desiring to have the next session held with them will notify the programme committee or County Secretary, as soon as possible.

County Secretary.

29 Nov 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


—The present quarter is about half gone; how much temperance work have you done during the past six weeks or how much has your lodge done? A thoughtful answer to the above question may do us all good. Let us go to work in downright earnestness again and see how much we can accomplish in six weeks. We ought to be ashamed to confess that we did not last quarter, as a county, do as well as we did in the summer months when every body was busy.

—Speedville lodge has not stopped with the good work they commenced last quarter. They at that time doubled their membership and by the start which they had obtained two weeks ago seemed in a fair way to repeat the doubling again this quarter. They had then initiated eleven new members and had as many more applicants for admission. Of course we will not find fault with any of the work that the people of Speedville are doing. We only wish them “God Speed” in their hearty endeavors after success. We would say however to the other lodges of the county, “Go thou and do likewise.”

The following communication is from Temperance Star Lodge, No. 384 of Caroline Centre: Although it hag been some time since our lodge has been represented in the Good Templars’ column, nevertheless our zeal for the cause is growing stronger and we feel as though we were accomplishing a good work. We have had nine initiations so far this quarter. But we do not wish to be understood that we boast of the increase of our numbers only but of the interest. But we wish it to be understood that we take pride not only in this increase of membership but also in the increase of interest manifested by all our members, old and new alike. In our last meetings we have had some excellent work done under the “Good of the Order;” fine speaking, the reading of choice selections and good music together with a large attendance has made the sessions exceedingly interesting. Last week we had a play entitled the “Rough Diamond,” which gave all who listened to its rendition great pleasure.

—The regular monthly session of Ithaca Union Lodge occurs this week at their rooms in “Temperance Hall.” On Tuesday evening, Dec 23, they will hold a public meeting in some one of the places of public gathering in this town, the place has not yet been decided upon. At this meeting 1t is expected that not only those from Speedsville who promised to come will be present, but also many from other adjoining places will also see fit to come. We promise to make it interesting for all the brethren who will attend and of course for the sisters. Another matter in regard to Ithaca Union Lodge may be well to mention here, It is very likely that after this week the night of meeting will be Tuesday instead of Wednesday as at present.

However due notice will be given of this fact as soon as it becomes a by-law.

Slaterville sends greeting as follows:

Crystal Fountain Lodge is doing nicely. Last Saturday night the Juvenile Temple held a meeting in the place of our lodge meeting and admitted the good templars. It being a very stormy evening but few good templars were present, but the juveniles were out in full force and did splendidly. John R. Clark is to speak Friday evening on “Intemperance” and Saturday evening on “To and Fro in London”. An interesting time is expected.

—At a meeting of High Bridge lodge No. 296 the following resolution was unanimously adopted by the lodge

Whereas It has pleased God to lay his hand in heavy affliction upon our brother Wesley Dorn in the death of his beloved wife, our sister, in the morning of life just at the period to our finite wisdom she seemed most needed. Therefore be it

Resolved, that in the death of sister Dorn this lodge also 1s deeply bereaved in losing one of its faithful members and workers.

Resolved, That while we deeply feel our loss as a lodge and as individuals our most heartfelt sympathies are extended to Bro. Dorn.

Resolved, That with him we rejoice in the hope that our loss is her eternal gain,

Resolved, That on one page of the book of minutes be inscribed these words: To the memory of Sarah Dorn, wife of Wesley Dorn, initiated into High Bridge Lodge, May 11, 1877; died Nov. 24, 1879.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be copied on the minutes of this meeting, a copy be presented to Bro. Dorn and a copy be sent to the County Secretary for publication.


C. A. Denman, W.C.T.

10 Dec 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


—The report has just reached us from Fidelity Lodge, No. 86, of McLean for last quarter, and is encouraging. They had four initiations last quarter, no suspensions, no deaths, and one withdrawal leaving a net gain of three. The lodge 1s certainly proving true to its name. Fidelity forever!

—Onondaga county has just been divided into districts by the Good Templars for the purpose of enabling them to hold union meetings once a month. They have made five districts in the county. The step seems to us to be a good one and worthy of imitation whenever practicable.

– The regular weekly communication from High Bridge Lodge is given below:

Mott’s Corners, Dec. 20.

“Oh! brudder you’s ought to have been dar!” We mean that we had a good meeting last Friday evening at High Bridge. This is nothing unusual because we have good meetings every week. But last Friday evening was one of those times we can look back to with especial pleasure for a long while, and in the future meetings will be considered good, bad, or indifferent in proportion as they approach to the standard set up last week. And what was the cause of all this? Why the members of Temperance Star Lodge of Caroline Centre were present and ave us under the “Good of the Order” a short play entitled the “Rough Diamond.” The acting was good. Where all did so well it seems to be impossible to set forth the particular ones who excelled; yet we must needs mention Jay Clark, R. C. Clark and Brother Haskins who acted their parts especially well. Besides this we had recitations by Sister Evans and Bro. Jenks. Our own members also furnished songs and recitations and Dr. Besemer’s orchestra favored us with several selections. We like these meetings where we as members of one Lodge can assist our sister Lodges and be assisted in turn, The friends from Caroline Centre claimed to be indebted to us because we had been there at different times and helped them—at least they say we helped them—and desiring to show their indebtedness, they volunteered to come and give us this play. They may now, however, rest assured that they have paid off all old scores and more too, and we would like to get them indebted to us again. At our next meeting we discuss the question of “Home Amusements.”

—Last Tuesday evening Ithaca Union Lodge held a public meeting at its rooms., The meeting was ad dressed by Bro’s. Legg, Smith, Howe and Jenks of Speedsville. To say that they all spoke eloquently and to the point would be to say what outsiders felt who listened to them. But it would not convey any conception of the good that they did us as a lodge, We wanted just the help that we received at that time. They reached for us a class that we had labored for in vain before they came. But now we have broken the ice and we hope to receive goodly additions from that quarter, and by the added influence thus gained, to be infinitely more useful than ever before. The brethren from Speedsville may rest assured that they have laid up for themselves, among the good templars here, an unlimited stock of thanks, upon which they may draw at any time and always get the full value of their draft. We hope some time to be able to prove by our actions that our words are not idle.

Such news as the following is very encouraging:

Caroline Center, Dec. 29.

Temperance Star Lodge is still “booming.” Last Saturday evening’s session wad one of the most profitable and enjoyable sessions that we ever held.

Three candidates were initiated, namely: Mrs. F. A. Snow, Mrs. G. S. Higgins and Miss Gertrude Ward. There were also several propositions for membership. Owing to the liberality of some of our members in furnishing refreshments in the shape of nuts, fruit &c. intermission was unusually well enjoyed.

For the “good of the order” we were favored with short speeches from several of our members.

In our the opinion Temperance Star Lodge never was a more prosperous condition than at the present time. Thus far during this quarter we have initiated fifteen, “and still there are more to follow.” Still, we flatter ourselves that we could have held our own, had we not had a single initiation this winter. For, as our report for last quarter shows, we had 53 members in good standing; and moreover a very large majority of these were not only regular attendants but active members as well.

Our treasury also, was in a flourishing state, there being in it a surplus of some $13 or $14 at the end of last quarter.

In giving you these facts, we have had no other object than to assure those of our friends who suppose that the late ‘influx’ of members was all that saved our lodge from dying a natural death, that there was no cause for fear. It seems to us that a lodge having an average attendance of 35 or 40—that even dreams of giving up “the ship” is not worthy of the name of a permanent organization

— Crystal Fountain Lodge of Slaterville has another tidbit for us this week as follows:

Miss Elma Davis read an appropriate and interesting selection before Crystal Fountain Lodge, last Saturday evening. A good deal of time was taken in making arrangements for our “Annual Supper” which was postponed till Tuesday evening Dec. 30th, and will be held at the residence of Dr. W. C. Gallagher.

30 Dec 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY p4, pnyshistoricnewsapers.org.. View largest available size.


–Gunnison has commenced his work in earnest in this county. This (Tuesday) evening and to-morrow, he will spend at West Danby. From there he goes to Danby for one evening and then strikes off into Lansing, going first to Lake Ridge on Friday evening and Saturday at Lansingville. Sunday and Monday evenings he lectures in Ludlowville and Tuesday evening at North Lansing.

–The following letter from Freeville explains itself:

Progress Lodge by unanimous vote at their last meeting extends a hearty invitation to the officers of the County Lodge to hold their next session with them at Freeville. Although the convenience for entertaining them may not be as commodious as is an older village, still our people will be pleased to have you meet with them and will do all they can to make you welcome. Trusting that our invitation will meet their approbation, I am

Fraternally, W. H. Richmond, W.S.

No better place than Freeville could be selected for holding the County Lodge. The session will probably be held early in February as it is desired to have the County Lodge meet just as Brother Gunnison closes his work in the county.

—A communication was received from the correspondent of Crystal Fountain Lodge last week, but it came too late for insertion and would probably be stale by this week. One of the things mentioned was that Crystal Fountain Lodge had started a paper of which Miss Elosia Landon was editor. We have forgotten who was assistant editor. Saturday evening, W. W. Gunnison lectured at Enfield Centre. He found, just before commencing the lecture that there was a Division of the Sons lately re-organized there, and feeling that the place was too small to support two strong organizations, he urged all to turn in and assist the Sons. We believe that his lecture there did much to set the people to thinking more earnestly and that the result will certainly be beneficial to the Division at that place. We wish them every success in their good work. From Enfield he went to Trumansburg, and of his work there he himself will tell us at a later time.

–The County Union Temperance meeting that was held at Temperance Headquarters in this place last Saturday afternoon was adjourned to meet in two weeks at the same place. Will every lodge and temperance organization of whatever kind see to it that they have a good delegation presented at that time.

–The drama which was to have been played at Mott’s Corners this week Wednesday and Thursday evenings has been postponed one week on account of the illness of one o the actors, Mr. W. T. Graham. This drama was to be given for the benefit of High Bridge Lodge and we think many from the neighboring lodges will be present to make up a load and go.

–It is time to begin preparations for election of officers for the new quarter. Put up your best men, and then elect them.

–Ithaca Union Lodge had four initiations last Tuesday evening, and several additional propositions.

County Secretary.

13 Jan 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

As alluded to in the piece immediately above, Emily Mills and George Richardson, along with other Good Templars members, acted in an acclaimed production of the play The Colleen Bawn, in which Emily had the supporting role of “Sheelah”.




Dramatis Personae

First Performed at Miss Laura Keene’s Theatre, New York, March 27th. 1860.

Myles-na-Coppaleen … Mr. Dion Boucicault.

Hardress Cregan … Mr. H. F. Daly.

Danny Mann … Mr. Charles Wheatleigh.

Kyrle Daly … Mr. Charles Fisher.

Father Tom … Mr. D. W. Leeson.

Mr. Corrigan … Mr. J. G. Burnett.

Bertie O’Moore … Mr. Henry.

Hyland Creagh … Mr. Levick.

Servant … Mr. Goodrich.

Corporal … Mr. Clarke.

Eily O’Connor … Miss Agnes Robertson.

Anne Chute … Miss Laura Keene.

Mrs. Cregan … Madame Ponisi.

Sheelah … Miss Mary Wells.

Kathleen Creagh … Miss Josephine Henry.

Ducie Blennerhasset … Miss Hamilton.

No. 389. Dicks’ Standard Plays.

The colleen bawn; or, the brides of Garryowen : a domestic drama, in three acts, Boucicault, Dion, 1820-1890, London : John Dicks, Identifier b13704126, Image Number colleenbawnorbri0000bouc_0003, Hall Collection of Prompt Books, Warwick Digital Collections. View largest available size.

The Colleen Bawn, or The Brides of Garryowen is a melodramatic play written by Irish playwright Dion Boucicault. It was first performed at Laura Keene’s Theatre, New York, on 27 March 1860 with Laura Keene playing Anne Chute and Boucicault playing Myles na Coppaleen. …The Colleen Bawn captivated audiences with its interwoven character plots and overall story.

The Colleen Bawn, Wikipedia.org.

—The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club will give an entertainment for the benefit of the High Bridge Lodge I. O. of G. T. at Lounsberry Hall, Mott’s Corners, Wednesday and Thursday evening January 14 and 15, 1880, consisting of the popular Irish drama, The Colleen Bawn, W. T. Graham, manager; Dr. Besemer, musical director; with the following cast: Miles na Copleen, J. T. Merrill; Hardress Cregan, C. A. Denman; Danny Mann, W. T. Graham; Kyle Dailey, Rube Merrill; Corrigan, D. F. Vannetten; Father Tom, Will Montgomery; Bertie O’Moore, Geo. H. Richardson; Patsey O’Moore, Frank King; Servant, Geo. Seager; Eily O’Conner, (The Colleen Bawn); Miss Eloria Landon; Anna Chute, Mrs. Adda I. Merrill; Mrs. Cregan, Mrs. Dr. Besemer; Sheelah, Miss Emily Mills; Kathleen, Miss Gussie Merrill; Ducie, Miss Cynthia, Vorhis.

J. S. W.

07 Jan 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

The dramatic entertainment which was to have taken place at Lounsberry Hall, Motts Corners, this Wednesday and Thursday evenings has been postponed to the evenings of the 21st and 22nd, on account of the illness of the manager, Mr. Will T. Graham.

14 Jan 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

—The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club played “The Colleen Bawn” on Thursday evening at Mott’s Corners, and although the night was dark and the road in a terrible condition, the hall was filled to its utmost capacity. The performance is said to have richly deserved the enthusiastic praise so generously given by the large audience.

24 Jan 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

MOTT’s Corners.

The amusement loving public will have another opportunity of witnessing the play of Colleen Bawn, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Feb. 4th and 5th. The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club has met with public favor. It certainly deserves it. Its members have been studying assiduously, and must have improved greatly. We shall expect to see some of the parts played with a good deal of feeling and power. Some of the situations afford an abundant opportunity for the display of emotional talents.

—We have the gratifying assurance that an immediate effort, will be made to secure a pastor at the Congregational Church.

—The report that Capt. Personius would pass the summer in Europe is incorrect.

—Geo. Depuy who has held the highly responsible position of telegraph operator (U., L & E. R. R) is soon to be promoted, and will leave us for a more profitable position.

—One or two new residences will soon be ready for occupancy.

—Mr. “Al” Merritt has sold his horse (Mountain Boy) so much admired, for $800. He will be sent to California for a much larger sum.

—There will a complimentary meeting of Rev. Mr. Brown’s friends this week. His faithful service to the public 1s entitled to the highest reward. Those who find it inconvenient to attend should remember that he can be reached in other generous ways. G.

28 Jan 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

–The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club repeated the drama “The Colleen Bawn” here on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week. They were greeted with a crowded house on both evenings and universal praise was bestowed upon all the members of the club. Where the characters were all so well sustained it would be difficult to make particular mention of any without doing injustice to others. Competent critics pronounce it to be much superior to amateur performances in general. The music was furnished by Dr. Besemer’s orchestra and was fully in keeping with the performance on the stage. The club have received pressing invitations to present the play at Candor, Danby, Slaterville and several other places.

11 Feb 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

—The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club will play the popular Irish Comedy the Colleen Bawn on Saturday evening, February 28th at Speedville, N. Y. This organization has won an excellent reputation and really possesses actual merit.

18 Feb 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

—The Mottville Dramatic Association will favor Danby people with their popular play “Colleen Bawn” on Wednesday evening next.

26 Feb 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

The Caroline Dramatic Association played “Colleen Bawn,” at Young’s Hall, Candor, on Friday evening of last week, $51,77 being the gross receipts. The Money was divided between the troupe and the Good Templars. The Owego Times says it was the best entertainment, that had been in town for some time. Twenty-two dollars were the net receipts of the Good Templars.

05 Mar 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


There are at present between 1,000 and 1,100 Good Templars in the county. If the various lodges in the county maintain the same spirit–during the present quarter that they manifested last, we can report an addition of 200 or 300 to that number at the next County Lodge. Let us rally to the work!

An attempt will be made on Monday evening, March 1, to organize a lodge among the colored people of Ithaca. From present indications the attempt will prove a successful one.

Ithaca Union Lodge has had eight initiations so far this quarter and about twenty propositions.

Cascadilla Lodge, No. 177, of Ithaca, is getting into good working order. They have had initiations at every meeting since their institution. They meet at Temperance Headquarters on Saturday evenings.

Spring Valley Lodge of Groton has organized a reading room in connection with their lodge. They have the furnishing of their room well under way, and when the work is completed, they will have as pleasant quarters as can be found in the county. In fact, we understand that the lodge room goes ahead of anything in the shape of a Good Templar’s room, in this part of the State. We wish that the lodge would appoint a regular correspondent that we might be kept informed through the Good Templars’ column of their movements.

The various temperance organizations throughout the county will receive a communication in a few days from the secretary of the County Temperance Society. Among other things in this communication will be a request for all the lodges to appoint delegates to meet at Temperance Headquarters in Ithaca, on the first Saturday afternoon in March, at one o’clock. We hope to see a strong delegation present.

On Monday evening the members of the Ithaca Union Lodge celebrated the anniversary of their birthday by having a re-union. Members were present from Slaterville, McLean, and other parts of the county, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Various literary exercises occupied a part of the evening among which were a history of the lodge by Bro. Baldwin, an essay by Sister Jennie Burritt, a declamation by Sister Minnie Christiance, and charades by various members together with music. After these the friends repaired to the dining room, where they performed some wonderful gastronomical feats. After the supper various toasts were given out responded to by Brothers Gallagher and White of Slaterville, and Brothers Holden, Franklin, Scudder and Hyde and Sister Seaman of Ithaca, after which a prophecy was read. A more detailed account of the pleasant affair we are unable to give on account of lack of space.

As already announced through the columns of the county papers, a call for a meeting of the Grand District Convention has been made for the 18th of March at Ithaca, by the Grand District Deputy, Bro. Andrews. Of course a good representation will be present from this county. G.W.C.T. Draper will be present during the session.

County Secretary.

25 Feb 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


The Good Templars of Tompkins county held their seventh annual meeting at Groton on Thursday and Friday of last week. The weather being cool and pleasant a large number of members were present.

Most of the morning session on Thursday was spent in organizing and getting ready for work; we had time, however, for some stirring speeches by Rev. E. R. Wade, of Malloryville and Epenetus Howe of Speedsville.

On assembling in the afternoon reports were received from the different lodges in the county. With one or two exceptions these reports were very encouraging indeed. Nearly three hundred members have been added to the order during the last three months. Spring Valley Lodge of Groton leads the list in point of increase in membership, having initiated sixty-six during the quarter; Crystal Wave Lodge of Trumansburg comes next with forty-three initiations; Fidelity Lodge of McLean reported thirty-two new members and Ithaca Union Lodge thirty.

After the reports had been given the following officers were elected for the next year: C. C. T., I. P. Smith, Ithaca; C.V.T., Mrs. W. H. Allen, Groton; C. Sec., F. P. Rundell, Ithaca; C.C., Rev. E. R. Wade, Malloryville: C.F.S., James MeLachlan, Jr., Groton; C.T., Frank Tarbell, North Lansing; C.M., Rich Morgan, Peruville; C.G., Miss Anna Thomas, Ithaca; C. Sent., Lauren Stone, McLean; C.D., Epenetus Howe, Speedsville; C.R.H.S., Miss Elosia Landon, Slaterville. C.L H.S., Miss Hattie George, Freeville. C.A. Sec, Miss Emma A. Watson, McLean: C.D.M., Miss Lill Rhodes. Representative to Grand Lodge, Edward Lounsberry[sic], Mott’s Corners.

After the election of officers a very interesting paper was read by Rev. E. R. Wade on the subject, “Our Duty, and How to Meet It.”

An open session was held in the Congregational Church in the evening. An address of welcome was given by Rev. A. T. Edwards, of Groton, which was responded to by R. G. H. Speed, C.C.T. The paper read by Wade in the afternoon was so interesting that he was persuaded to read it again in the evening. Speeches were made by Epenetus Howe and Geo. V. Benjamin. Mr. Benjamin having just returned from Maine gave some interesting facts concerning that state. He said Good Templarism is flourishing there, the state containing about twenty thousand members of the order. The lodge at Portland contains three hundred members among which are Hon. Neal Dow; an ex-governor of the state; an ex-mayor of the city; and the prominent business and professional men of the town. Good Templars exert a great influence in shaping the policy of the state. The Maine law is a grand success, the liquor traffic being almost entirely stamped out.

The exercise of the evening were much enlivened by the excellent music furnished by Mr. Landon from Mott’s Corners and by the Groton Glee Club.

Quite a portion of the Friday morning session was taken up with the installation of officers and the transaction of other business. Speeches were made by Mr. Stark and Mr. Corby two visitors from Cortland.

The following resolutions were adopted :

Resolved, That our thanks are due the Congregational Church for kindly opening their house for the public meeting of the County Lodge.

Resolved, That Rev. A. Edwards has our hearty thanks for the cordial and eloquent welcome extended us by himself and the people of Groton.

Resolved, That the County Lodge extend their thanks to the people of Groton for their cordial greeting and generous hospitality manifested in welcoming us to their homes.

Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to the Quartette Club, of Groton for their appropriate and timely music furnished at our meetings.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting of the County Lodge be published in the Groton Journal, the Ithaca Journal, the Ithaca Democrat, the Weekly Ithacan, the Trumansburg Sentinel and Dryden Herald.

The afternoon session was spent very pleasantly in listening to speeches and music for the good of the order. The Lodge adjourned at four o’clock and after a general hand-shaking the members separated it being agreed by all that this session of County Lodge was one of the most interesting ever held in the county.

The next meeting of Tompkins County Lodge will be held at Trumansburg.

County Secretary.

17 May 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


We have been asked for the names of the secretaries of the varies [sic] Good Templar lodges of the county. We give below the list so far as reported.

Faithful Lodge, No. 63, Mrs. L. J. Townley, North Lansing; Fidelity No. 86, Mrs. Della Stout, McLean; Progress, No. 93, C. B. Bills, Freeville; Diligent, No. 137, Miss Sarah Johnson, Peruville; Crystal Wave, No. 161, C. L. Farrington, Trumansburg; Spring Valley, No. 171, W. F. Jones, Groton; Cascadilla, No. 177, C. D. Preston, Ithaca; Crystal Fountain, No. 234, Miss Frank Davis, Slaterville; Ithaca Union, No. 295, E. F. Wilson, Ithaca; High Bridge, No. 296, Charles Vandermark, Motts Corners; Purity, No. 326, Frank Bailey, Etna; Ivy, No. 341, Giles Ford, Dryden; Speedsville, No. 353, J. M. Parker, Speedsville; Temperance Star, No. 384, T. H. B. Martin, Caroline Center.

We have not yet received any communication from any of the above lodges during the present quarter and hence we have very little in the way of local news to report this week. The new county secretary has not yet had sufficient experience as a newspaper writer to enable him to evolve news out of his own consciousness. Therefore if the Good Templars of the county wish to receive news through this column, it will be necessary for them to report to him promptly any facts of interest with which they may be acquainted. We hope the secretaries named above will bear this in mind.

H. P. Barnes, P.R.W.G.S. of Ithaca, is attending the Right Worthy Grand Lodge at New York city this week.

Cascadilla Lodge initiated three new members last Saturday evening. This makes eleven initiations in that lodge during May.

Fifty new lodges have been instituted in Maine since last October making an aggregate at the present time of about three hundred in that state.

Twenty-four new lodges were organized in Missouri during the month of February.

Returns from Wisconsin show that the order is growing rapidly in that state. Fifty-four new lodges have been organized during the last five months and the old lodges show a marked increase in membership.

An amendment to the constitution prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors in the state has been adopted by the legislature of Iowa.

The great contest of the year, however, is taking place in Kansas. A constitutional amendment which if adopted will establish total prohibition has been submitted to the people and will be voted upon in November. The state is being thoroughly canvassed and organized. The governor predicts that the amendment will be carried by fifty thousand majority.

County Secretary.

25 May 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


The people of North Lansing are actively at work making preparations for the session of County Lodge to be held at that place May 24th and 25th. They are determined to do all in their power to make this session a successful one. We hope the Good Templars of other localities will do their part also. This being the annual meeting a large amount of important business is to be transacted. It is hoped that every lodge in that county will be well represented.

The county secretary visited High Bridge lodge at Mott’s Corners last Friday evening. This lodge is gaining in strength and is in a flourishing condition.

Ithaca Union Lodge has received new impetus this quarter and may be relied upon to report a large increase in membership in the near future. There were eight propositions for membership at the last meeting. Four candidates were initiated.

Cascadilla Lodge at Ithaca, is also doing good work. The report shows a net gain of eighteen members during last quarter.

County Secretary.

11 May 1881, Ithaca Daily, Journal Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


Rev. Mr. Merrill, a former pastor of the Baptist church, preached at the grove meeting in place of Rev. C. M. Crandall.

Mrs. Crandall has returned from her trip to the Thousand Islands somewhat improved in health.

Mrs. Priscilla Cooper of Williamsport, Pa., is visiting at J. A. D. Cooper’s. Mrs. Cooper came from Atlantic City, where she has been sojourning for the benefit of her health.

With Mr. John McWhorter as leader, and Miss Lottie McWhorter as organist, the Baptist choir have made considerable improvement.

At a regular meeting of High Bridge lodge, I.O. of G.T., the following officers were elected: W.G.T., Sarah Sherman; W. Sec., Mrs. Edward Lounsbery; W.F. Sec., Arthur Denman; W. Treas., Mrs. Addie D. Genung; W. Chap., Mrs. Shurter; W.M., George Saunders; W.D.M., Miss A. H. Reed; R.S., Lottie McWhorter; L.S., Mrs. Dr. Besemer; W.J.G., Elmer Allen; W.O.G., Chas. Vandemark.

The ladies’ aid society of the Baptist church will hold an ice cream and peach festival at Johnson Quick’s grove, on Wednesday evening, Aug 23d.

Married on Thursday, Aug. 10th, by Dana Bower, of North Lansing, Etta Swartwood, of Lansing, and Phineas Taplin, of Five Corners.

Visitors: Miss Cora Woodruff, of Ithaca, at Luther Hedden’s, and Miss Belle Gibbs, of Kings Ferry, at E. A. Lester’s


Mr. Fenton Hudson is on the sick list.

Mrs. M. L. Vermilya left last Tuesday for Spender, Tioga Co.

Mr. George Smith, of Cortland, was at his home here last Sabbath.

Mrs. F. C. Speed, of Slaterville, spent a few days with relatives here last week.

Mr. Mason Clark and wife are spending a few days in Windom, Penn., with Mr. Clark’s brother.

A thousand dollar legacy fell to A. G. Haskins last Tuesday Aug. 8th, it is a boy. Weight 8 pounds.

Mr. Al Winchell and family of Cortland are spending a few days calling on friends and old acquaintances here.

A certain delegation which attended the County Lodge here last week caused a good many remarks by their rudeness. We would advise them before they attend another County Lodge to study etiquette a little.

17 Aug 1882, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

The Earlier Members

The following list is grouped by last name with the names of members within each group emphasized to distinguish them from any non-members mentioned.


Miss Ellen Allen

Elmer Allen (1862 to 1951).


F. G. Ault and Mrs. F. G. Ault appear to be Freeman C. Ault (1851 to 1930) married Mary V. Ault (1855 to 1923).


Dr. Martin VanBuren Besemer (14 Jul 1848 to 03 Dec 1916) married Emma (Wolcott) Besemer (1845 to 19 Dec 1917) and was therefore the brother-in-law of William Benton Wolcott, another member listed below among the later members, and the original owner of “The Wolcott Lot” that would later be known as “The Mills’ Place”, 475 Brooktondale Road.

Dr. Martin Besemer was born in Dryden on the 14th of July, 1848. He has always been a very busy man, and has not devoted time to investigate his family tree as thoroughly as might be; he considers his ancestors as valuable, only that from them he has a heredity of the medical “diathesis.” His mother was Joannah Hutchinson, youngest daughter of Dr. Silas Hutchinson, one of the earliest settlers and earliest physicians in the county. Somewhere are yet preserved the antiquated saddle bags and poisonous mixtures of the “old fashioned” doctor, which he carried on his horseback trips; often going beyond Owego on one hand, and to Aurora and even to Auburn on the other. Dr. Silas’s father was Dr. James Hutchinson, whose name is among the fifty subscribers to Cullen’s “Practice,” printed in 1781. On the other side Dr. Besemer starts his genealogy, like all good Americans, from the first settlers in this country. This was J. J. Besemer, a tanner from Central Germany, who settled about 1765 in Albany. Like all good emigrants he reared a large family and died. His son, John Besemer, married a Miss Van Steemburgh, who lived at the time of the Revolution in the one house in Kingston that was not leveled to the ground by the British. Their son, Josiah Besemer, the doctor’s father, departed from the shores of the Hudson, and after some wandering came to live on the borders of Dryden and Caroline.

Dr. Martin Besemer has thus a good heredity toward acquiring the medical art and combines the elements of German industry, Dutch thoughtfulness, and Puritan idealism. His early schooling was at the Ithaca Academy, then a more ambitious institution than now, and with Howard Mead, now Judge Mead, and Will Halsey, now of Halsey Brothers, Chicago, kept bachelor’s hall, and graduated in the course of civil engineering.

His intentions as to life were yet vague, and the following winter he studied in the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie. Meanwhile he had read some medical works, and after leaving Poughkeepsie spent about two years in surveying and in reading mathematics and medicine. In 1867, at the age of twenty, he came to a settled conviction and married, choosing Miss Emma Wolcott, one of the daughters of Squire Wolcott, of Mott’s Corners.

For the five or six years following he devoted his energies to farming and in still further preparing for the study of medicine, which he has always claimed was a hereditary impulse, and could not be gainsaid. In 1873 he entered the Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College, and graduated in 1875, being prosecutor and demonstrator of anatomy the last year, and capturing the Sander’s obstetric prize.

From 1875 to 1885 he was engaged in the practice of medicine in Mott’s Corners, now called Brookton, and in 1885 came to Ithaca, where he has since lived. Thus the doctor has been in active practice nineteen years, part of it full of the hardships of a country practice, but latterly a life that is less arduous. Through all the intricacies of a large practice he keeps a cool, mathematical head, always hurried, but still collected, always finding more to do of necessity or charity than he has time for, yet compelling himself to regular hours for everything.

In 1891 the doctor was elected to the Board of Censors of the Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College, and in 1893 was chosen alumnus trustee of the Cleveland Medical College. He is a member of the Central New York Society and of the American Institute of Homeopathy.

Dr. Besemer has one son following in his footsteps as nearly as may be. He graduated from Cornell University in 1889, at the age of nineteen; from the New York City University Medical College in 1891 ; from the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College in 1892. He is now associated with his father in the practice of medicine, making pathology and microscopic diagnosis a special study and work, with the intention of making a specialty of surgery.

— 1894, Landmarks of Tompkins County, New York Including a History of Cornell University by Prof. W.T. Hewitt, edited by John H. Selkreg, D. Mason & Company, Syracuse NY, p49-50. This is an excerpt of a significantly larger biography of Dr. Besemer in that volume.


Mrs. Emma W. Besemer.

Mrs. Emma W. Besemer, aged 72 years, widow of the late Dr. Martin Besemer, died last night at her residence, 232 South Albany street. Mrs. Besemer had been in ill health for some time but only during the past two weeks did her condition become critical. She is survived by one son —Dr. Howard B. Besemer.

The funeral, which will be private, will be held from the late residence at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon, Rev. Henry P. Horton, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, officiating. Interment will be at West Slaterville.

20 Dec 1917, Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, newspapers.com. View largest available size.


Rev. George Brown


Moses Townley Denman (28 Dec 1817 to 29 Feb 1892), married Maria Catherine “Catherine” (Lounsbery) Denman (01 Sep 1825 to 12 Jan 1893) and among their children are fellow members Charles Arthur “Arthur” Denman (25 Mar 1855 to 21 Apr 1911) and Richard Lounsbery Denman.

Catherine is Edward Lounsbery’s sister. Moses’ mother was Rebecca (Townley) Denman, the sister of Fannie (Townley) Sanders, the grandmother of siblings Amanda (Sanders) Lounsbery, George E. Sanders, and Libbie (Sanders) Peck, all of whom are explored further below.

Census records confirm that Charles Arthur Denman commonly went by “Arthur”, despite how it may initially appear in the meeting minutes below, such as the 15 Jun 1883 entry that initially references “C.A. Denman” and later, “Bro. A. Denman”. In the newspaper accounts above, he is referenced as “C. Arthur Denman”. Arthur was a farmer, and he remained a Templar in the later years of the Lodge, alongside his brother Richard Lounsbery Denman.


Geo. G. Depuy

Mrs. Geo. G. Depuy


Wesley Dorn and wife Sarah Dorn

—At a meeting of High Bridge lodge No. 296 the following resolution was unanimously adopted by the lodge

Whereas It has pleased God to lay his hand in heavy affliction upon our brother Wesley Dorn in the death of his beloved wife, our sister, in the morning of life just at the period to our finite wisdom she seemed most needed. Therefore be it

Resolved, that in the death of sister Dorn this lodge also 1s deeply bereaved in losing one of its faithful members and workers.

Resolved, That while we deeply feel our loss as a lodge and as individuals our most heartfelt sympathies are extended to Bro. Dorn.

Resolved, That with him we rejoice in the hope that our loss is her eternal gain,

Resolved, That on one page of the book of minutes be inscribed these words: To the memory of Sarah Dorn, wife of Wesley Dorn, initiated into High Bridge Lodge, May 11, 1877; died Nov. 24, 1879.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be copied on the minutes of this meeting, a copy be presented to Bro. Dorn and a copy be sent to the County Secretary for publication.

— 10 Dec 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, nyshistoricnewspapers.org.


Mrs. Addie D. Genung


Geo. L. Graham


Hattie Hazen


Wm. Hungerford “and family”

Mrs. William Hungerford

William Hungerford (20 Dec 1822 to 10 Feb 1893) married Nancy Lucinda (Nye) Hungerford (28 Jul 1838 to 13 Oct 1923).

Nancy participated in the annual Tompkins County Fair: “The old log cabin is again in charge of Mrs. William Hungerford of Dryden. It will be filled as usual with interesting articles, which have come down from our ancestors.” (11 Sep 1900, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p6.)


Mariah Amelia “Amelia” (Cole) Losey (05 Sep 1846 to 10 Sep 1923) married Maurice A. “Morris” Losey (26 Jan 1844 to 22 Feb 1931). When Amelia is mentioned as a member in Nov 1876, Morris is a butcher in Brookton, but by 1880, they are living in Syracuse where Morris works as a gunsmith for several decades. The Losey’s remained in Onondaga County for the rest of their lives.


Edward and Amanda Lounsbery were charter members of the Mott’s Corners Lodge #562 of the Independent Order of Good Templars, 23 Mar 1868, and remained involved in the later instances of the Good Templars in Mott’s Corners/Brookton. They were also charter members of the Sons of Temperance Division #115 in Mott’s Corners, 21 February 1874. Edward was also politically active in the Prohibition Party.

Edward Lounsbery (11 Oct 1833 to 27 Nov 1904) was a veteran of the Civil War, and a tanner and currier whose “tan yard lot” (Deeds) was next to present day 559 Brooktondale Road, where fellow veteran Walker V. Personius continued “Mott’s original store” (Drive by). Edward was a founding member of the David Ireland Post #158 of the GAR in Brookton, which traditionally met outside Personius’ store, on Decoration Day to march to Quick Cemetery to decorate the veteran graves.

Edward fought in the 179th Infantry: “Enrolled, August 31, 1864, at Caroline, to serve one year; mustered in as private, Co. B, October 1, 1864; as first lieutenant, October 28, 1864; mustered out with company, June 8, 1865, near Alexandria, Va. Commissioned first lieutenant, November 19, 1864, with rank from October 9, 1864, vice G. Cook promoted.” (179th Infantry Regiment Unit Roster, New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center.)

The following photographs appear to be taken at the same studio on the same day; when seated, Edward’s cap and right glove are removed and rest on his lap:

Edward Lounsbery. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.

From a family collection and posted to Ancestry.com by Debra Rogers, reproduced here with permission.

Edward and wife Amanda (Sanders) Lounsbery (12 Oct 1842 to 13 Nov 1921) were founding members of the Congregational Church of Mott’s Corners, and more examples of Amanda’s handwriting can be found in the Church’s records from her lifetime. The meeting minutes above make it clear that they were among the primary leaders of High Bridge Lodge during that time, and the group typically met in “Lounsbery Hall” above Mills’ Store. During that time and for many years after, the Mills’ Store building was one of a number of properties owned by Edward and Amanda, that would eventually include Mill’s Home, a few years after these meetings. The Lounsbery’s charged $5.00 per quarter rent to the Good Templars for the meeting space. Amanda’s father, George Townley Sanders ran the general store below Lounsbery Hall prior to the Mills move to Mott’s Corners, and his son George E. Sanders owned the building before selling it to his sister Amanda and husband Edward.

Amanda Lounsbery. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.

For more information on Edward and Amanda Lounsbery, see their treatment in the following sections:

Ellen S. (Tobey) Lounsbery (08 Aug 1841 to 22 Nov 1921) was, at the time of these meetings, the widow of Richard Lounsbery (27 Mar 1836 to 27 Jul 1881), one of Edward Lounsbery’s brothers. Ellen is also the sister of May Tobey, who is discussed further below among the later members of the Lodge.


Clarence Lull


J. L. Mandeville


John J. McWhorter (1857 to ?) was a blacksmith like his father James McWhorter (Jul 1823 to 1905). (1875 NYS Census). In addition to singing, John played the bass violin in Dr. Martin Besemer’s “Lodge Band”. In 1882, it is said that he is the leader of the Baptist choir, with sister Charlotte (“Lottie”) McWhorter (17 Aug 1882, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org.), who was also a member of High Bridge Lodge in 1882 (ibid.). Their father James and mother .

Lottie McWhorter


Miss Gussie Merrill

J. P. Merrill

Mrs. J.P. Merrill

Ruben “Rube” Merrill


Mary Emily “Emily” Mills, born Dec 1858 Staten Island NY, died 03 Nov 1937 Brooktondale NY, who commonly went by Emily, and in more formal contexts, M. Emily Mills or M. E. Mills. Emily (and perhaps Jonas) joined the Lodge shortly after arriving in Mott’s Corners, as she “furnished entertainment for the good of the order” in August 1879. (20 Aug 1879, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4.) She remained with the lodge until its last meeting, where her name, and position as Secretary are the last words recorded for the Lodge. Emily was the youngest child of Edward Hallock and Mary Ann Mills, and she was the last surviving member of Edward Mills’ family. At least by 1892, she lists herself as clerk in her father’s store in the NY State Census. Emily took over her father’s store after his death and ran it as M.E. Mills until her death. Emily was a member of the Congregational Church and was involved in temperance for many decades, also joining the WCTU. For more information, see Emily's section.


Wm. Montgomery


Miss A. H. Reed


George H. Richardson (May 1862 to 26 Feb 1938) married fellow Good Templar Emma L. (Allen) Richardson (1868 to 18 May 1918) in 1886, during the time George was working as clerk and postal assistant in E.H. Mills general store and postoffice. George subsequently opened his own grocery business in Personius Hall at present day 559 Brooktondale Road and also supplied groceries to farmers from his delivery wagon two days a week. George moved his family to Ithaca in 1905.

George Richardson’s father Jerome worked on the railroad alongside Jerome Miller’s father John, as well as Alfred Gould, Ellen Gould’s second husband.

For more information on George Richardson, see George’s section.


D. F. Roe


George Townley Sanders (14 Nov 1818 to 04 May 1887) and wife Lurana Maria “Maria” (Nicholas) Sanders (30 Oct 1820 to 13 Jan 1884) were also founding members of the Congregational Church of Mott's Corners. Their daughter Libbie Sanders is also explicitly referenced, as is their son George E. Sanders (16 Aug 1847 to 01 Nov 1889) and his wife Fannie (Webster) Sanders (23 Nov 1847 to 10 Feb 1896). Amanda (Sanders) Lousnbery is another daughter of George and Maria, and she and her husband Edward Lounsbery are also members of the Order, discussed above.

It is the father George T. who ran the general store immediately prior to Edward H. Mills, but it was his son, George E. who owned the property prior to selling it to his brother-in-law and fellow “brother” Edward Lounsbery.

George Townley Sanders. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.

Maria Sanders. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. Cropped. View largest available size.


SANDERS.–In Cortland, at the home of her daughter, Libbie Sanders Peck, Sunday Jan. 18, 1884, of paralysis, Maria Sanders, wife of George T. Sanders, of Brookton, aged 63 years.

05 Feb 1884, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


SANDERS.–In Brookton, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward Lonnsbery [sic], May 4, 1887, George Townley Sanders, in the 69th year of his age.

18 May 1887, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

—George Townley Sanders, who died at Brookton, N. Y., on the 4th instant, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward Lounsbery, at the advanced age of 69, was at one time a leading man and merchant in that village. He was universally esteemed in public relations and in private life.

10 May 1887, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.


Lyman Shurter spent Sunday with his parents at this place.

Delmer Singer visited his brother Frank in Varna last Sabbath.

Miss Lela Roe, of Philadelphia, and Clarence Wolcott, of Boston, are home on a vacation.

The ball playing season has opened here. The Brookton nine go to Candor to play a match game next Saturday.

James Brooks’ bay barn was completed this week, and Chas. Bacon is having his barn on the Colman farm repaired.

The funeral of George T. Sanders was held at the Congregational church on Friday afternoon last, Rey. Q. J. Collin, a former pastor of the church, presided with all his old time power.

13 May 1887, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

George E. Sanders. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.

George E. Sanders. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.


George Sanders of Brookton lay down for a nap yesterday afternoon and when an effort was made to arouse him it was discovered that he was dead. Deceased was 45 years of age. He was a produce dealer and had quite an extensive acquaintance throughout the county. The cause of his death is not known, but it is reported that Mr. Sanders took an overdose of morphine, by mistake.

02 Nov 1889, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

George E. Sanders is discussed in more detail in another listing of members given further listing below.

Elizabeth “Libbie” H. (Sanders) Peck (05 Nov 1857 to 04 Nov 1929) married George Riley Peck (14 May 1851 to 28 Nov 1916) on 28 Feb 1877 in Brookton NY.

George R. Peck. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.

Libbie Peck. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.


Former Caroline Supervisor and Well Known Democrat Succumbs At Brookton.

Former Supervisor George R. Peck, a prominent retired business man of Brookton, died unexpectedly of heart trouble at his home last night. Mr. Peck is well known in Ithaca and in Tompkins County where he has been prominent in public life [sic] He was a well-known members [sic] of the county Democratic organization.

Mr. Peck was a member of the board of supervisors representing the town of Caroline in 1908 and 1909 and held various town offices prior to that time.

He was a candidate for member of assembly, running against Fox Holden, in 1909.

He is survived by his widow; two daughters—Mrs. C. F. Denman and Mrs. Frances Tripp, both of Ithaca; one son, Ross S. Peck of New York City; a sister—Mrs. Harriet Saunders of Cortland; a brother—Chester Peck of Mechanicsville, Iowa.

The decedent was a member of the Caroline Masonic lodge, F. and A. M. and several other organizations.

The funeral will be held at 2:30 o’clock Friday afternoon at the Peck residence. Rev. S. A. Worden of 109 Cornell street, this city, will officiate. interment [sic] will be made in the family plot in the Quick Cemetery, Brookton.


Bradford Snyder, a life-long resident of Etna, and well known throughout the county. died at his home Wed

29 Nov 1916, Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p2, newspapers.com. View largest available size.

Mrs. Libbie S. Peck

Mrs. Libbie S. Peck, widow of George R. Peck, died at 11 o’clock Monday morning, November 4, at her home in Brooktondale. Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, November 6, at the home. Trevor Teele will officiate. Interment will be in Quick’s Cemetery in Brooktondale.

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. F. Denman of this city, Mrs. Frances Morgan of Brooktondale; one son, Ross S. Peck of Philadelphia, Pa. and four granddaughters and three grandsons.

She was the oldest member of the Congregational Church in Brooktondale, and a member of a very prominent family.

05 Nov 1929, Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p5, newspapers.com. View largest available size.

For more information on the Sanders family, see their treatment in the following sections:

The name Sanders is misspelled as “Saunders” in several sources.


M. D. Shaw


Sarah Sherman


Mrs. Shurter


Chas. Vandemark

Charles W. VanDemark (1864 to 1939).

Geo. E. Vandemark


Miss Cinthia Vorhis

Stephen Voorhis


Sam Woodhull

The Templars’ Organizational Structure

This section seeks to provide the reader with adequate context to understand the Lodge meeting minutes.

High Bridge Lodge was what was known in the Order as a “subordinate lodge”. Articles V and VI of the Subordinate Lodge Constitution describes offices, terms and duties necessary to understand the meeting minutes.

The regular terms shall commence with the first meetings in February, May, August and November. The officers shall be elected by ballot and majority vote at the last regular meeting of each term, and installed at the first.

— 1875, Subordinate Lodge Constitution, Article V, Sec. 5, from A Digest of the Laws, Decisions, Rules and Usages of the Independent Order of Good Templars by Simeon B. Chase, p40-41.

The following are the offices in the order defined in the Subordinate Lodge Constitution. In practice, the honorific “Worthy” may precede any office title in the meeting minutes, and abbreviations such as W.C. or W.C.T. for the Worthy Chief Templar, were commonly used in the meeting minutes as well as Good Templars publications generally.

  1. Worthy Chief Templar

    “The W.C.T. shall be the chief executive officer of the Lodge, preside at its meetings, enforce a due observance of the Constitution and Laws…” (Chase, Digest, p41)

  2. Worthy Vice Templar

    “The W.V.T shall render the W.C.T such assistance as may be required, perform the duties of that office in his absense, and have charge of the doors and ante-rooms of the Lodge.” (Chase, Digest, p41)

  3. Secretary

    “The Secretary shall keep a fair and impartial record of the proceedings of the Lodge, write communications, fill up certificates, notify of meetings when ordered by the W.C.T., and attest all moneys ordered to be paid at a regular meeting, and no other.” (Chase, Digest, p41)

  4. Financial Secretary

    “The F. Secretary shall keep just and true accounts between the Lodge and its members, credit the accounts received, and immeidately pay the same over to the Treasurer, taking a receipt.” (Chase, Digest, p42)

  5. Treasurer

    “The Treasurer…shall pay all order drawn on him by the W.C.T., attested by the Secretary, and no others. He shall receive all moneys of the Lodge, and hold the same until experiation of his term, unless otherwise ordered.” (Chase, Digest, p42)

  6. Chaplain
  7. Marshal

    “The Marshal shall have charge of the regalia and all other property of the Lodge, which is not specifically entrusted to other officers, and see that it is kept in proper order… He Shall assist the W.C.T. in preserving order, superintend the balloting, count the votes upon division, introduce candidates,and perform such other duties as may be required by the Ritual or Lodge.” (Chase, Digest, p43)

  8. Guard, or "Inside Guard"

    “The Guard and Sentinel, under direction of the W.V.T., shall have charge fo the doors and the anterooms of the Lodge.” (Chase, Digest, p43)

  9. Sentinel, or "Outside Guard"
    See #8 immediately above.
  10. Assistant Secretary

    “The A.S. and D.M. shall act under the direction of the S. and M. respecitvely, and perform such other duties as may be required of them.” (Chase, Digest, p43)

  11. Deputy Marshal
    See #10 immediately above
  12. Right Supporter or "Right Hand Supporter"
  13. Left Supporter or "Left Hand Supporter"

The first nine shall be elective, the Supporters appointed by the W.C.T. elect; and the others by the officers they assist.

— 1875, Subordinate Lodge Constitution, Article V, Sec. 1, from A Digest of the Laws, Decisions, Rules and Usages of the Independent Order of Good Templars by Simeon B. Chase, p40.

The Secretary, Financial Secretary and Treasurer all had the additional responsibilities of making reports to the Lodge at the end or their (quarterly) terms.

An additional office was the P.W.C.T., the Past Worthy Chief Templar:

The W.C.T of one term shall be, when present, the acting P.W.C.T of the succeeding term. In his absence, the P.W.C.T. next in seniority shall fill that office. He shall have an oversight of the ceremonies, correct errors in the signs and instructions, give the charge to initiates as required by the Ritual, and examine and introduce visitor who apply for admission.

— 1875, Subordinate Lodge Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 1, from A Digest of the Laws, Decisions, Rules and Usages of the Independent Order of Good Templars by Simeon B. Chase, p41.

Subordinate lodges also had the title of Lodge Deputy which was an annual position position appointed by the W.C.T. with input from other Lodge members. Although Chase’s Digest references this position in many of its documented decisions, I cannot seem to find an actual description of the duties of this position in the lodge constitutions. Other guides and commentaries more explicitly describe it. [TODO: add lodge deputy description, responsibilities, contrast with “Deputy Marshall”]

High Bridge Lodge also had two standing committees: the finance and sick committees. [TODO: add prescribed standing committees, responsibilities of sick committee.]

At the county level, there was the County Lodge (a “District Lodge” in the more formal terminology of the Good Templars) which held quarterly meetings that was attended by appointed delegates from High Bridge Lodge. Subordinate lodges reported membership numbers to the County Lodge quarterly, as evidenced by the surviving form for High Bridge Lodge, shown elsewhere in this material.

At the state level, the Grand Lodge held annual meetings of delegates from subordinate lodges across the state. Officers of the Grand Lodge had the additional honorific “Grand” in their titles, for example, Grand Secretary and Grand Worthy Chief Templar, the highest state officer in the Order.

Similarly at the national level, The Right Worthy Grand Lodge met annually and was “the source of the true and legitimate Order of Good Templars in North America, and possesses such powers and jurisdiction over the whole Order” (Digest, p11.) Somewhat confusingly, the Right Worthy Grand Lodge is sometimes referred to simply as The Grand Lodge of North America or even just “Grand Lodge” when the context implies the national organization. Titles of officers at the national level begin “Right Worthy Grand…” and the highest officer was the Right Worthy Grand Templar, dropping “Chief”.

The Meeting Minutes, 20 Apr 1883 to 27 Aug 1886

(Status I have completed an initial transcription of the notebook, but the transcriptions have not yet been proofread.)

Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 20 Apr 1883

Brookton April 20th, 1883. I.O. of G. T. Lodge called to order by W.C.T. Officers Pro. Tem. V.T. Sis Mills. W.F.S. Bro. Lounsbery. Officers absent Treas. ~ F.S. ~ V.T. ~ L.S.

Minutes read & approved. Roll call Result Lounsbery 10.. Denman 9… All members reported true to the pledge

under the head of new business it being the time to nominate officers the following were nominated

W.C.Vice TemplarSecretary
Chas VanDemarkEmily MillsRichard Denman
Emily MillsSis AuchmoodyBurrie Besemer
M. C. NolanV. T. Sis JohnsonArthur Green
Arthur GreenSis ShurterSis Georgie Tucker
Sis HungerfordSis HungerfordSis Genung


TreasurerFinan. Secy.Chaplain
Fred AllenSis NewburrySis Shurter
M. C. NolanArthur DenmanSis Besemer
Arthur DenmanBro GenungJohn McWhorter
Burrie BesemerRichard DenmanSis Genung
Wm HungerfordChas VanDemark~~


[Mar]Inside GuardOutside Guard
M. C. NolanBro McWhorterCora Bush
Sis BesemerBro. LounsberyAngelia Reed
Ed. AuchmoodySis AuchmoodyBennie Genung
Bennie GenungFred Allen~~
Geo. SandersM. C. Nolan


For good of the order, the following selections were read

Sel. Bro. Lounsbery, A Doctor’s Prescription. Sel. Bro. Green, The Sign Board. Sel. Sis. Lounsbery, Whistling in Heaven. Sel. Sis. Johnson, Kims Last Whipping. Recitation, Sis. Genung, Listen to the Water Wheel. Sel. Sis. Besemer, Auntie Bell’s Bonnet.

Song by Bro. McWhorter

closing song Marching to Zion

Lodge adjourned for one week

No Recpts

Chas. VanDemark, W.C.T.

Arthur Green Secy

20 Apr 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

20 Apr 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 27 Apr 1883

Brookton April 27, 1883

Lodge called to order by W.C.T.

Officers Pro Tem V.T. Sis. Mills, Chap, Bro. Lounsbery. Officers absent Treas ~ F.S. ~ V.T. ~ Chap & O.G. Minutes read & approved. Roll call Result Lounsbery 7 Denman 6.

The Sec read a letter from the Union Lodge of Ithaca inviting us to attend an open session held by them Tuesday evening, May 1st. Moved & carried to accept the invitation. The next order being election of Officers the following elections were made

W.C. Chas Vandemark. ~ V. T. Sis Mills. Secy. Arthur Green. ~ Chap. Sis Shurter. F.S. Richard Denman. Treas. Burrie Besemer. Mar. M.C. Nolan. I.G. Fred Allen. O.G. Bennie Genung.

moved & carried to adjourn the appointment of Delegates to County Lodge till some future meeting. Lodge adjourned for one week. No Recpts.

Chas. Van Demark, W.C.T.

Arthur Green, Secy.

27 Apr 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 04 May 1883

Brookton May 4, 1883

Lodge called to order by W.C.T. Officers Pro. Tem. V.T. Sis. Bush. Officers absent Treas. ~ V.T.

Minutes read & approved. Roll call result tie. Bill presented by Bro Lounsbery of $5.00 for Hall rent. Also a bill presented by the secretary of $.75 for secretary’s book. moved & carried the bills be paid.

Recess. After recess the W.C. opened under[?] of nomination of Officers. Sis Besemer being nominated & elected as Treas in place of Burrie Besemer who declined the office. Sis Genung was also nominated & elected as P.W. The officers were duly installed for the present quarter. The next being appointment of Delegates to county lodge the following were appointed.


  • Chas VanDemark
  • Sis Sherman
  • Sis Genung


  • Bro Nolan
  • McWhorter
  • Sis Shurter

Good of the order. Sel Sis Shurter Who can make Home Happy

The following were appointed to read. Bro Lounsbery Sis Sanders Bro R. Denman Sis Lounsbery Sis Shurter. Music Sis Besemer Sis Newburry John McWhorter. Rects of the evening, $1.25, recpts $1.85.

Chas VanDemark W.C.T.

Arthur Green, Secy.

04 May 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 11 May 1883

Brookton May 11th 1883

Lodge called to order by W.C.T. Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Bro Lounsbery, O.G. Ed. Auchmoody. Officers absent: Treas. P.W. O.G. & Dep Mar came at recess.

Minutes read & approved except rects of the “eve” which was corrected. Inside Guard duly installed by the L.D. Recess. after recess Committees appointed as follows.

Sick Com

  • Sis Besemer
  • Sis Lounsbery
  • Sis Bush
  • Sis Tucker
  • Sis Auchmoody
  • Bro. Nolan
  • Bro. Denman
  • Bro. Green

Finan Com

  • Sis Mills
  • Sis Besemer
  • Bro. Denman

Good of the order Sel. Bro Lounsbery Sel. Bro Denman A Vision of Virgins. Music by Sis Besemer & John McWhorter also a piece of Music by sis Newberry.

Appointments to read Sis Shurter, Sis Sanders Sis Lounsbery, Sis Bush Sis Auchmoody, Sis Reed Sis Tucker Sis Mills.

Music: Sis Besemer Sis Newberry Sis Genung Bro. McWhorter.

recpts of the evening 65 cts

report of the credit System as follows: Bro Lounsbery 5000, Bro. Denman 2000.

Lodge adjourned one week.

Chas VanDemark W.C.

Arthur Green Secy.

11 May 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 25 May 1883

Brookton, May 25th 1883

Lodge called to order by W.C.T.

Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Bro. Lounsbery I.G. Sis Johnson. Officers absent F.S. ~ Treas. ~ I.G. ~ O.G. ~ D.M. ~ P.W. Treas came at recess.

Minutes read & approved. Moved & carried that a com. of five be appointed to decide what the reward of merit shall be for the credit system contest.

Appointments as follows. Sis Reed. Sis Shurter. Sis Mills. Sis Sherman Sis Bush.

All members present true to the pledge.

Recess [?] 10 min Report from County Lodge by Chas. VanDemark. Appointments to read Sis Mills. Bro. Lounsbery. Sis Johnson Bro. Bennie Genung, Sis Auchmoody

Music Sis Besemer Bro. McWhorter Sis Genung. Lodge adjourned for one week.

No Recpts.

Chas VanDemark W.C.T.

Arthur Green Secy

25 May 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 01 Jun 1883

Brookton. June 1st. 1883.

Lodge called to order by W.C.T.

Officers Pro. Tem. Bro. Lounsbery Chap Sis Lounsbery, I.G. chap. came a little later. Bro. Lounsbery App. P.W. Officers absent: I.G & O.G. Minutes read and approved. communication from Temperance Star Lodge received stating that Watson Aldridge had been expelled from their Lodge.

All Members present true to the pledge. Recess 15 min. After recess moved & carried that a com. of three be app. to find out what a set of Officers regalias can be bought for and how we can pay for them. Bro Lounsbery, Bro Nolan & Bro Denman app.

Good of the order. Sel. Sis Mills. Misplaced door key’s. Sel Bro. Lounsbery, Sel. Bro. Genung Sel. Sis Lounsbery. Sel. Sis Auchmoody Appointments to read Bro. Denman. Bro. Nolan. Sis Genung Sis Bush. Music Burrie Besemer Chas. VanDemark McWhorter Sis Besemer Sis Genung. Rects of the evening 60 cts. Lodge adjourned 1 week

Chas VanDemark W.C.T.

Arthur E. Green Secy

01 Jun 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 08 Jun 1883

Brookton June 8th, 1883.

Lodge met and was called to order by W.C.

Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Bro. Lounsbery I.G. Sis Johnson. V.T. Arthur Denman Officers absent.. P.W. ~ Treas. ~ V.T. ~ I.G.

Minutes read and app. Communication recd from C.C.T. Stating that Hon. J.H. Selkreg has consented to deliver Temperance addresses throughout the county and if we would like to have an address here to inform him of the Date and place of Meeting.

All members true to the pledge

Recess 10 min

After recess report from the regalia Com by Bro. Lounsbery.

Good of the order Sel. Sis Bush Sel Chas VanDemark.

App. to read A. Denman, R Denman Sis Denman. Sis Auchmoody. Sis Shurter Bro Nolan Sis Genung.

Music Sis Tucker Sis Bush Burrie Besemer McWhorter. Sis Besemer Sis Genung

rects of the evening 75 cts.

Lodge adjourned one week

Chas VanDemark W.C.

Arthur E. Green Secy

08 Jun 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 15 Jun 1883

Brookton June 15, 1883. High Bridge Lodge I.O. of G.T. Lodge called to order

Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Bro. Lounsbery. Mar. A. Denman. I.G. Ed. Auchmoody Officers absent P.W. Mar. IG.

Minutes read & approved. for member of this Lodge the name of Mifs Ida. Olney was proposed by C.A. Denman. Com. App. Sis. Lounbery. Sis Tucker. Sis Sanders. Regalia business unfinished

Good of the order. Sel. Bro. R. Denman Sel. Bro. A Denman. The Smithy

Intermission. during which Bro Denman’s side furnished ice cream for the company as a reward of merit for the Credit contest

Appointments to read as follows. Sis Mills. Sis Sherman. Sis Denman Bro. Lounsbery. Sis Lounsbery Sis Sanders

Music Sis Besemer Sis Sanders Sis Genung. Bro. McWhorter

rects 40 cts

Lodge adjourned one week

Chas VanDemark W.C.

Arthur E. Green. Secy

15 Jun 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 22 Jun 1883

Brookton June 22nd 1883

Lodge called to order by W.C. Pro. Tem. Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Bro. Lounsbery V.T. Sis Lounsbery Officers absent W.C. ~ Treas. ~ P.W. ~ V.T. ~ Le.[?]S. ~

Minutes read and approved.

Balloting for candidates next in order Miss Ida Olney being balloted for & elected. was duly initiated.

Rects of the evening .50 cts.

Moved & carried to adjourn

Lodge adjourned one week

(Pro Tem) John McWhorter W.C.T.

Arther E. Green Secy

22 Jun 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 29 Jun 1883

Brookton June 29 1883

Lodge met pursuant to adjournment

Officers Pro Tem. P.W. Bro. Lounsbery Mar. Bro. Auchmoody. D. M. Sis Lounsbery I.G. Bro. Genung. Officers absent: P.W. Mar & Dep and I.G.

Minutes read & app. Communication recd. from Temperance Star Lodge stating that Mr. Will Evans had been expelled from their order.

recess 10 min

After recess report from the regalia Com. By Bro. Lounsbery.

Good of the order. Sel Bro Lounsbery A poem Sel. Sis Lounsbery A Womans Choice.

Appointments to read. Bro. R. Denman, Sis Mills. Geo. Ault Bro. A Denman Sis Bush Sis Auchmoody Sis Besemer

rects of the evening 70 cts.

Lodge adjourned one week.

Chas VanDemark WC

Arthur Green Secy

29 Jun 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 06 Jul 1883

Brookton July 6th 1883

Lodge called to order as usual.

Officers Pro. Tem. Mar. A. Denman Dep. Mar. Sis Reed. Officers Absent P.W. Mar & Dep I.G & R.S.

Minutes read & approved

Communication received from C.C.T. informing us of the arrangements for County Lodge and asking us to help entertain said Lodge Also a bill presented by the Secy. of .10 cts for stationary

All members present true to the pledge recess 10 min

Good of the Order Sel Bro. R. Denman The Squires fun. Also a Sel by sis Mills

Appointments to Read. Bro Green Bro. Denman Bro Lounsbery Sis Olney. Sis Auchmoody

No Recpts. Lodge adjourned one week.

Chas. VanDemark W.C.

Arthur Green. Secy.

06 Jul 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 13 Jul 1883

Brookton July 13th 1883.

High Bridge Lodge No. 296. called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem. Mar. Bro. A. Denman P.W. Bro. Lounsbery. IG. Burrie Besemer

Officers Absent. F.S. P.W. Mar. I.G. O.G & R.S. Minutes read & approved

Circular recd from the Gr. W.C. of Ohio Soliciting financial aid for the Temperance people of Ohio against the liquor Traffic. All members true to the pledge

Recess. After recess moved & carried that circular be laid on the table 1 wk.

Good of the Order Sel. Bro A. Denman Sel Bro. Lounsbery. Sel Sis Olney Also a piece of instrumental Music by Miss Cora Genung

Appointments to read Sis Denman Sis Mills Sis Auchmoody Sis Tucker. A. Green. Chas VanDemark.

No Recpts.

Lodge closed one week

Chas. VanDemark W.C.

Arthur Green. Secy.

13 Jul 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 27 Jul 1883

Brookton July 27 1883

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Bro Lounsbery V.T. Sis Lounsbery. F.S. Geo. Sanders Mar. Sis Auchmoody. I.G. Geo. Ault.

Officers Absent P.W. V.T. FS & Treas Mar. & Dep IG. & O.G.

Minutes read & approved. All Members present reported true to the pledge. Moved & carried that the circular from Ohio be laid on the table

Nomination of Officers next in order

W. C.V.T.(WS)
Sis BushGeo Sanders
R. DenmanSis OlneyBro. Ault
A. DenmanSis AuchmoodyArthur Green
R. DemnamAddie Denman
Sis AuchmoodySis BesemerSis Shurter
Sis LounsberySis shermansis Lounsbery
Bro AuchmoodyVanDemarkBro Ault
Sis AuchmoodyBro. AultBro Sanders
Bennie Genungsis AuchmoodyBro Lounsbery

Officers elected as follows W.C. R. Denman V.T. Sis Auchmoody. W.S. Arthur Green Treas Sis Lounsbery F.S. Sis Denman Chap sis shurter Mar Bro Auchmoody I.G. Bro Ault OG. Bro Lounsbery

Delegates to County Lodge as follows Regular Chas. VanDemark sis Auchmoody Bro. Lounsbery Alternate Bro. Sanders Sis Lounsbery Arthur Green.

Representative to Grand Lodge Bro. Lounsbery. Delegate sis shurter moved & carried that Delegates to county Lodge have power to fill Vacancys from those present

Lodge adjourned one week

No rects

Chas VanDemark W.C.

Arthur Green, Secy.

27 Jul 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

27 Jul 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 03 Aug 1883

Brookton Aug. 3 1883.

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Dr. Galhagar I.G. Sis Johnson. Mar. Geo. Ault. Dep. Mar. Sis Reed. Officers Absent P.W. Mar & Dep. & I.G. Minutes read and approved. New names proposed were Miss May Toby & Mrs Ellen Lounsbery Moved & carried to ask the Se.D.[?] to grant a dispensation to ballot for the names tonight Names Balloted for & elected

Recess 10 min After recess The Officers for the present quarter were duly installed by Miss May Robinson as Gr. W.C.T. Dr. Galhagar as Gr. W. Mar. Miss LaVern Sherman as Gr. W. Secy

Good of the Order Remarks by Bro Galhagar on the Progress of Temperance

Sel Sis Newberry The Guardian Angel

Moved & carried to extend a Vote of thanks to the Se.D. & Gr Mar of Slaterville for their kindness in assisting us with our instalation ceremony

finance Com

  • Mrs Besemer
  • Geo. Sanders
  • Chas VanDemark

Sick Committee

  • Mrs Lounsbery
  • Sis Auchmoody
  • Sis Johnson
  • Bro Genung & Arthur Green

Appointments to read Bro Denman Sis Olney. also all those appointed at the preceding Meeting

For Music. Mrs. Besemer. Sis Genung, Sis Newberry

Recpts of the Evening $4.00.

Lodge Adjourned one week

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur E. Green Secy

03 Aug 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

03 Aug 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 10 Aug 1883

Brookton August 10th 1883

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Sis Besemer Dep. Mar. Sis Sherman Le.S. Sis Johnson Officers Absent P.W. Dep. Mar. & Le.S.

Minutes read and approved

All Members reported true to the pledge Except Bro. Nolan & Bro. Auchmoody Who were reobligated

New Name proposed was Miss Pheobe Davenport who was duly Balloted for Elected & Initiated Recess 10 mins

After recess the Mar & Dep Mar were Duly installed for the present quarter by Bro. Nolan as Gr W Mar & the Le.D.

Bill presented by Bro. Lounsbery of $5.00 for rent Moved & carried the bill be paid

Good of the Order Sel Sis Mills Something or Nothing Music by Miss Cora Genung remarks by Bro. Lounsbery report from County Lodge by Bro. Lounsbery Sel. Sis. Besemer. Miss Genung again favored the Lodge with Music

Appointments Sis Reed. Sis Johnson sis Lounsbery Music Bro. McWhorter Sis Newberry sis Besemer Sis Genung. recpts of the evening $1.75

Lodge Adjourned one week

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur Green. Secy.

10 Aug 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

“Something or Nothing” furnished by Emily Mills. Part of the difficulty searching for this, is that the phrase “something for nothing” and similar variations were commonly used in advertisements, and more metaphorically in discussions involving political compromise, for example. The phrase “something or nothing” was more often used in moral and philosophical contexts, for example, relating to principles or customs, that they must mean “something or nothing”: in other words, if that something did not apply in the given context, it would not apply in any context.

In addition to searching directly for the title, I looked up specific authors of the time, especially female authors associated with temperance and suffrage, and I reviewed their works specifically. (See the reference section below for a list of some of their names.) This approach turned up a possible match (if we assume the Lodge secretary Arthur Green didn’t perfectly record the title spoken): the poem “Nothing and Something” by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, first published in 1872, the subject of which is “the victim of drink”.


It is nothing to me, the beauty said, 
With a careless toss of her pretty head; 
The man is weak if he can’t refrain 
From the cup you say is fraught with pain. 
It was something to her in after years, 
When her eyes were drenched with burning tears, 
And she watched in lonely grief and dread, 
And startled to hear a staggering tread. 

It is nothing to me, the mother said; 
I have no fear that my boy will tread 
In the downward path of sin and shame, 
And crush my heart and darken his name. 
It was something to her when that only son 
From the path of right was early won, 
And madly cast in the flowing bowl 
A ruined body and sin-wrecked soul. 

It is nothing to me, the young man cried: 
In his eye was a flash of scorn and pride; 
I heed not the dreadful things ye tell: 
I can rule myself I know full well. 
It was something to him when in prison he lay 
The victim of drink, life ebbing away; 
And thought of his wretched child and wife, 
And the mournful wreck of his wasted life. 

It is nothing to me, the merchant said, 
As over his ledger he bent his head; 
I’m busy to-day with tare and tret, 
And I have no time to fume and fret. 
It was something to him when over the wire 
A message came from a funeral pyre— 
A drunken conductor had wrecked a train, 
And his wife and child were among the slain. 

It is nothing to me, the voter said, 
The party’s loss is my greatest dread; 
Then gave his vote for the liquor trade, 
Though hearts were crushed and drunkards made. 
It was something to him in after life, 
When his daughter became a drunkard’s wife 
And her hungry children cried for bread, 
And trembled to hear their father’s tread. 

Is it nothing for us to idly sleep. 
While the cohorts of death their vigils keep? 
To gather the young and thoughtless in, 
And grind in our midst a grist of sin?
It is something, yes, all, for us to stand 
Clasping by faith our Saviour’s hand; 
To learn to labor, live and fight 
On the side of God and changeless light. 

— 1891 Sketches of Southern Life by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Ferguson Bros. & Co., Philadelphia PA, p50-52.

Friday Evening, 17 Aug 1883

Brookton Aug 17th 1883

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro Tem W.FS M.C. Nolan Treas Mrs Besemer Officers Absent F.S. ~ Treas & Le.S. Minutes read & approved

Communication received from Cascadilla Lodge inviting our Lodge to the Annual Basket Picnic held by them. Moved & carried to accept the invitation.

All present true to the pledge

Recess [?]

Good of the Order Sel. By Chas VanDemark Sel. by Bro. Arthur Denman

Music by Miss Cora Genung

Appointments Sis Reed Bro Lounsbery Sis Auchmoody Sis Besemer Sis Bush Sis Tucker Music Sis Genung

Recpts of the evening .65 cts

Lodge adjourned one week

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

17 Aug 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 24 Aug 1883

Brookton Aug 24. 1883

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem. P.W. Geo. Sanders Officers absent P.W.

Minutes read & approved All present true to the obligation Intermission. 10 Minutes After recess for Good of order the following Selections were read Sel. By Bro Lounbery. Sel Sis Auchnmoody Sel. Sis Bush. Remember Thy Mother Sel. sis Besemer.

Remarks by Bro. Franklin of Wisconsin

Appointments Sis Johnson Geo. Ault Sis shurter. Ed. Auchmoody Sis Davenport Geo. Sanders. Sis Olney Sis Mills

Music Sis Newberry Sis Genung

Lodge adjourned one week

No recpts

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

24 Aug 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 31 Aug 1883

Brookton Aug 31st 1883

High Bridge Lodge No. 296. called to order as usual. Officers Pro. Tem V.T. Sis Johnson. P.W. Bro. Sanders Mar. Bro Nolan. Officers Absent: V.T. P.W.

Minutes read and approved.

All present true to the pledge

Unfinished business paying for the ice cream furnished by the Defeated Side of the credit system contest Which was finally Settled.

Recess of 10 Minutes After recess the Selections for Good of the order were furnished as follows Sel by Sis Johnson. also a Sel. by Bro Geo. Ault Music by Sis Newberry. Mifs Cora Genung also favored the Lodge with Music

Appointments to Read as follows Sis Genung. Sis Reed. Bro. Green. Sis Tucker Bro. Nolan. Sis Besemer. Sis Davenport Sis Lounsbery Bro. Genung.

App for Music Bro. McWhorter. Sis Genung Sis. Newberry

Recpts of the evening $1.55.

Lodge Adjounred one week

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy.

31 Aug 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 07 Sep 1883

Brookton Sep. 7th 1883

High Bridge Lodge No. 296 met and called to order as usual.

Officers Absent F.S. I.G. & Le.S.

Minutes read and approved.

All members reported true to the pledge.

Recess. 10. minutes

After recess for Good of the order the following Selections were read Sel. by Bro Lounsbery The American Devil Tree. Sel by Bro. Franklin The Grog Seller’s Dream.

Appointments to read. Bro. Sanders Sis Olney. Bro. Vandemark A. Green Sis Johnson. Sis Sherman

Lodge closed for one week

No. Recpts.

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

07 Sep 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 14 Sep 1883

Brookton Sept 14th 1883.

High Bridge Lodge called to order by W.C. Pro. Tem. Officers appointed W.C. Arthur Denman. P.W. Sis Olney F.S. Sis Sherman Dep. Mar. Bro Nolan I.G. Bro Sanders O.G. Bro. Genung Le.S. Sis Bush Officers Absent: W.C. ~ P.W. ~ F Secy & Treas Dep Mar. ~ IG. & OG. & LeS.

Minutes read & approved Under the order of propositions the name of Theodore Mandeville was proposed to be initiated to Night Said candidate duly balloted for & Initiated

Intermission 10 min. for Good of the Order Recitation by Sis Olney Nothing But leaves

Appointments Bro. VanDemark Bro. Auchmoody Sis Lashier Sis Mills Sis Shurter Sis Sherman

Recpts of the evening .50 cts.

Lodge Ajourned one week

Arthur Denman (Pro Tem) W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

14 Sep 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 21 Sep 1883

Brookton Sept. 21. 1883.

Lodge called to order by Chas VanDemark W.C. Pro. Tem. Officers. Pro. Tem. P.W. Bro. A. Denman. V.T. Sis Olney FS. Sis Sherman Officers Absent: W.C. V.T. P.W. FS & Treas Mar. R.S. & Le.S. I.G.

Minutes read & approved All members present reported true to the pledge

For Good of the Order members unprepared

Appointments Bro. A. Denman. Sis Olney. Sis Sherman Bro. Nolan. Bro. Lounsbery Bro Mandeville Sis Davenport. Arthur Green. Sis Shurter Chas VanDemark

Lodge Adjourned one week

No. Recpts.

Chas VanDemark (Pro Tem) W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

21 Sep 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 28 Sep 1883

Brookton Sept 28. 1883

High Bridge Lodge called to order by Bro VanDemark W.C. Pro. Tem Officers Pro. Tem. Chas Vandemark W.C. P.W. Bro Arthur Denman. F.S. Sis Mills. Treas Sis Sherman Mar. Geo. Sanders. Officers Absent W.C. FS. & Treas. Mar. & RS.

Minutes read and approved. Communication received from Caroline Center Lodge inviting us to give them a call on Sat Evening Sep 29 moved & carried to accept the invitation

Recess. for Good of the Order Sel. Bro. Lounsbery. Sel Bro. A. Denman Sel Bro. Sanders.

Appointments Sis Olney. Bro. Green Sis Genung. Sis Auchmoody Bro. Sanders Bro. Lounsbery Sis Mills.

Lodge Adjourned one week

No. Recpts

Chas Vandemark W.C.T.

Arthur Green. Secy.

28 Sep 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 05 Oct 1883

Brookton Oct. 5th 1883.

Lodge called to order by the WC. Pro. Tem Officers Pro Tem. W.C. Chas VanDemark P.W. Bro. Sanders. Mar Bro. Nolan Officers Absent W.C. & F.S. Mar I.G.

Minutes read and approved

All members true to the pledge

Recess 10 min

For Good of the Order the following Selections & Music was furnished Sel by Bro. Lounsbery The Ordinary Domestic Flea. Sel. Sis Genung Picnic Sam. Music by Sis Newberry Also A piece of Music by Bro McWhorter Entitled The Old Kitchen floor

Appointments for next week Bro. Sanders Sis Auchmoody. Sis Mill A. Green. Bro Nolan

Music Sis Newberry Sis Besemer Bro. McWhorter. Sis Genung

Lodge Adjourned one week

No. Recpts

Chas VanDemark (Pro Tem) W.C.

Arthur Green. Secy

05 Oct 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 12 Oct 1883

Brookton October 12th 1883

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem. W.C. Chas VanDemark P.W. Bro. Arthur Denman Cap. Bro Sanders Officers Absent W.C. Trea. Chap IG. OG. RS. & LeS

Minutes read and approved

All members true to the pledge


For Good of the Order Sel by Arthur Green also a Sel by Bro Arthur Denman

Appointments Bro Sanders Sis Auchmoody Bro. Nolan Music same as last week

Lodge Adjourned one week

No. Recpts

Chas Vandemark (pro. tem) W.C.

Arthur E. Green Secy

12 Oct 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 19 Oct 1883

Brookton Oct. 19. 1883

Lodge called to order by Arthur Denman W.C. Pro. Tem. Officers Pro. Tem P.W. Bro Sanders V.T. Sis Bush Chap. Sis Johnson. Mar. Bro Nolan Dep Mar. Sis Besemer Officers Absent W.C. P.W. V.T. Chap. Mar & Dep I.G. RS. & LeS. Minutes read & approved All members true to the pledge

~ Recess

After recessed moved & carried to nominate officers to Night Officers Nominated as follows

W.C.W.V.W. Secy
Richard DenmanSis BesemerSis Mills
Chas. VanDemarkSis JohnsonSis Tucker
Sis ShermanBro. Mandeville
Finan. Secy.Treas.Chap
Sis LounsberyArthur DenmanSis Johnson
Sis TuckerM.C. NolanBro. Mandeville
Sis Shurter
Arthur GreenBro. LounsberySis Auchmoody
M.C. NolanSis MillsBro. Lounsbery
Sis TuckerChas VanDemark
Bro. Mandeville
Bro. Nolan

Good of the Order Sel by Bro Sanders

App Sis Mills Sis Bush Sis Johnson Bro. Sanders Bro Lounsbery Bro. Mandeville

Lodge Adjourned one week No. Recpts

Arthur Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

19 Oct 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

19 Oct 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 26 Oct 1883

Brookton October 26. 1883

Lodge called to order by W.C.

Officers Pro. Tem Chap Bro Mandeville Dep Mar. Sis Besemer. Officers absent FS. Chap Mar R.S. Le.S.

Minutes read and approved Recess

After recess Election of officers next in order. Officers Elected as follows

W.C.W.V.W. Secy
Richard DenmanSis JohnsonArthur Green

| F.S. | Treas | Chap | | Georgie Tucker | Arthur Denman | Theo. Mandeville | | Mar | I.G. | O.G. | | Bro. Nolan | Sis Mills | Sis Auchmoody |

Chas VanDemark Sis Sherman (tellers [?] Bro. Nolan Sis Genung appointed as

Delegates to County Lodge Appointed as follows Regular Delegates Chas VanDemark Jno. McWhorter Bro Hungerford Alternate Bro Mandeville Sis Besemer Bro. Nolan

For Good of the Order. Sel by Bro Lounsbery Music by Bro. McWhorter

Lodge Adjourned one week

No. Recpts

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

26 Oct 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 02 Nov 1883

Brookton Nov. 2nd 1883

High Bridge Lodge called to order as usual.

Officers Pro.Tem. Chap Bro. Mandeville Officers Abset Treas. Dep Mar. I.G. Chap Asst. Secy. Minutes read & approved

All Members present true to the pledge

Recess. After recess the quarterly reports of the finan. Secy & Treas. & Secy were read & referred to the finance. Com. Installation of Officers next in order The Officers for the present quarter were duly Installed except the Mar & Dep and Asst Secy who were absent.

Standing Committees appointed same as last quarter Appointments for Good of the order Sis Genung. Bro Sanders Sis Olney. Bro. A. Denman Chas VanDemark

Lodge adjourned one week

recepts of the evening $1.40

R.L. Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

02 Nov 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 09 Nov 1883

Brookton Nov. 9th 1883

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem Mar. Sis Besemer

Officers Absent P.W. Secy & Asst Secy Mar. & Dep. & R.S.

Opening exercises as usual. Recess.

After recess for Good of the Order the following recitation & Selection were received. Recitation by Sis Olney Sel. By Arthur Denman.

Appointments for next week Sis Besemer. Sis. Denman Sis Johnson Bro. Mandeville. Sis Mills Sis Tucker

Recpts of the Evening .45 cts

Lodge Adjourned one wee

R.L. Denamn W.C.

Arthur E Green Secy

09 Nov 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 16 Nov 1883

Brookton Nov. 16. 1883

High Bridge Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem Mar. Bro Nolan F.S. Bro. Sanders Officers Absent Mar. Treas. LS. Minutes of last week and week last read & approved. Recess

After recess Good of the Order Sel. Sis Denman. Sel. Bro. Mandeville Sel. Sis Genung Appointments for next week as follows Sis Johnson Sis Auchmoody Bro. VanDemark Bro. Green Sis Tucker Sis Bush Bro. McWhorter

Recpts of the Evening $1.35 cts

Lodge Adjourned one week

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur E. Green Secy

16 Nov 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 23 Nov 1883

Brookton Nov. 23. 1883

Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem Treas Sis Bush Mar Sis Besemer Dep Mar Geo. Ault Chap Sis Shurter. Officers Absent Treas. Chap. Dep Mar.

Minutes read & approved

Recess. Good of the Order Sel Sis Johnson Sel. Bro. VanDemark. Sel. Sis Genung

Appointments for next week Sis Besemer. Sis Mills Bro. Ault Sis Genung Sis Newberry Sis Auchmoody Sis Bush Sis Tucker Bro. McWhorter

Recpts of the Evening .20 cts

Lodge adjourned one week

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur E. Green Secy

23 Nov 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 30 Nov 1883

Brookton Nov. 30th 1883

High Bridge Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem. Mar. Sis Besemer Dep Mar Geo. Ault FS. Burry Besemer Officers Absent Treas. F.S. P.W. Mar & Dep Mar. R.S. & LS.

Minutes read and approved

All Members true to the pledge Recess

After recess for Good of the Order Sel by Sis Besemer Also a Sel by Sis Mills Appointments for next week. Bro Mandeville Sis Sanders. Sis Denman Sis Shurter Bro. Ault. Sis Davenport Sis Auchmoody Bro Sanders Sis Reed Sis Johnson Bro. VanDemark Burrie Besemer Arthur Green

Recpts of the Evening .30 cts

R. L. Denman W. C.

Arthur Green Secy

30 Nov 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 07 Dec 1883

Brookton Dec. 7th 1883

High Bridge Lodge called to order as usual

Officers Pro. Tem F.S. Sis Besemer Officers Absent. F.S. RS.

Minutes read & approved

All members true to the pledge Recess

After recess the following persons read Selections for Good of the Order Sel. by Bro. Mandeville Music by Sis Newberry Sel by Sis Denman. & Sis Newberry Sel by Bro. Denman. Appointments for next week Bro. VanDemark Sis Besemer Bro. A. Denman. Sis Olney. Sis Johnson Sis Auchmoody Bro. Ault Sis Davenport

Recpts of the Evening 60 cts

Lodge Adjourned one week

Richard Denman W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

07 Dec 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 14 Dec 1883

Brookton Dec. 14 1883

Lodge met and were called to order by R.L. Denman, W.C.T. Officers pro tem. Chap. Bro Sanders. Secy. Sis Lounsbery. Mar. Bro Ault.

Officers absent Chap, Secy, F Secy and Mar.

Minutes read and approved. All true to the pledge. Recess.

Good of order Selection Bro. Chas Vandemark. “Strabusmas and Justice” Bro Arthur Denman was next on the list, but he said his selection was of the solemn order, and not quite suited to the occasion. Bro Sanders encouraged him by saying, “It will be funny when you read it” but he still hesitated, so the next was called.

Sel Sis Olney “The book of life” Sisters Johnson, Auchmoody, Davenport and Bro Ault were not prepared.

By this time Bro A Denman had decided to experiment on us with his solemn article The title sounded like “free mind”, there were one or two hindrances before he was fairly started which added to the interest, it was as solemn and awful as we had been led to expect. Many of the members were quite hysterical at the close of it.

App for next week, Sel. Sisters Johnson, Mills, Lounsbery & Bro. Sanders, Rec Bro A Denman

No receipts

R.L. Denman W.C.T.

Amanda Lounsbery Secy pro tem

14 Dec 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

14 Dec 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

14 Dec 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 21 Dec 1883

Brookton Dec 21. 1883

Lodge met as usual and was called to order by WCT. Officers pro tem. V.T. Sis Besemer. Secy Sis Lounsbery. A. Mar Sis Newebery. Singing, “Ho my comrades see the signal warning in the sky” led by Sis Newbery. Officers absent WV. Secy. DM. R.S. OG. Minutes read and approved No propositions or communications

All true to the pledge Under head of unfinished business, Lodge deputy installed Mar & D Mar. Recess

Bill was presented by E. Lounsbery of $5.00 for rent, which was ordered paid

Good of order. Bro Sanders and Denman not prepared. Sis Newbery sang “Douglas, tender and true” Sel Sis Lounsbery. “The corn and the lillies”. Bro Arthur Denman then introduced a plan, which he said was not original with him, but he thought it would work well. The plan was to devote the time given to the good of the order to some one poet, the poems to be Recited read or sung. Moved and carried that we try this plan. Will Carlton the poet chosen for next week. WC said the meeting would begin 1/4 before 8 oc Recpts 30 c

Closing exercises

RL Denman WCT

Amanda Lounsbery Secy pro tem

21 Dec 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 28 Dec 1883

Brookton Dec 28. 1883

Lodge called to order by W.C.T. Officers pro tem. WV Sis Genung. Secy Sis Lounsbery. Mar Bro Ault.

Officers absent. WV. Secy. FS. T. PW. M. DM. LS.

Recess. All true to the pledge

This evening being the one devoted to the poems of “Will Carlton”, Sis Besemer read. “The Key to Thomas’s heart”. Sis Denman “The old reading class”, Sis Genung. How we kept the day Music by Sis Newberry “The bridge” Sel by Sis Olney “The dead [?]” Bro. Richd Denman, “How we fought the fire” Arthur Denman. “The Debater” Bro Lounsbery. “The Joys that are left”

Moved and seconded, that we select from the writing of Mrs. Browning for next weeks entertainment. WCT appointed Bro Edward Lounsbery to furnish a short sketch of the life of Mrs. Browning & Bro Arthur Denman one of Carleton, which had been omitted this eve

Singing. Ring the bells of heaven Led by Miss Newbery Closing exercises No Recpts.

Richd Denman WCT

Amanda S. Lounsbery Secy pro tem

28 Dec 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

28 Dec 1883, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 04 Jan 1884

Brookton Jan 4. 1884

The regular weekly session of High Bridge Lodge met as usual and was called to order by the W.C.T.

The attendence was not large, but harmonious and deeply enthusiastic. The members have strong faith and like Gideon’s few, are determined to win.

Officers pro tem. WV. Sis Mills. Secy Sis Lounsbery. F Secy Bro Lounsbery. Mar Bro Ault. IG. Sis Auchmoody.

Officers absent. WV., PW Secy. FS. M. OG. RS. LS. All true to the pledge

W.C.T then declared a recess of 3 1/2 minutes

Good of the order was commenced by the reading of a short sketch of the Life of Mrs Browning by Bro Lounsbery, from which we learned that she began to write at 10 years of age, was a publisher at 17, was married at 37 yrs, died at 52, leaving one son, she was born in London, in 1809, died in Florence, Italy 1861

Sis Lounsbery read “Amy’s Cruelty”. Bro Mandeville. “The souls expression” Bro R Denman Mother and poet, Bro E Lounsbery, “The forced recruit” Mark Twains writings were chosen to select from next week.

This is the first meeting in the New Year and as success comes through individual effort it depends upon each one of us to make it a happy and prosperous “New Year”

Richd Denman WCT

Amanda S. Lounsbery Secy pro tem

04 Jan 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 18 Jan 1884

Brookton Jan 18th 1884

High Bridge Lodge No. 296 I.O of G.T. met and was called to order by RL Denman W.C.T. Officers Absent ~ Secy ~ A. Secy ~ F. Secy. ~ M. ~ R.S.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved A communication was read from C.C.T. stating when county lodge meet, and asking our lodge to furnish literary entertainment.

The W.C.T then opened under nomination of officers. The following were nominated for


  • Bro R. Denman
  • Bro A. Denman
  • Bro Mandeville


  • Sis Johnson
  • Sis Auchmoody
  • Sis Mills

W. Secy

  • Bro. A Denman
  • Sis Besemer
  • Sis Newbury

W. F. Secy

  • Sis Lounsbery
  • Sis Besemer

W Treas.

  • Arthur Green

W. Chap.

  • Bro Mandeville
  • Sis Shurter
  • Sis A Denman


  • Chas VanDemark
  • Sis Denman
  • Bro. Mandeville


  • Sis Mills
  • Sis Davenport
  • Sis Besemer


  • Bro Lounsbery
  • Sis Davenport
  • Sis Newbury

Recess of 5 minutes

Good of the Order

The following read selections from Mark Twain Bro. Mandeville, Entitled, An old man Bro R Denman, Entitled, How I edited an agricultural paper Bro. A. Denman, The Undertakers Chat.

Moved and Carried that we read from the writings of Tennyson next week

Moved and Carried that we meet next week Thursday evening, instead of Friday evening

Lodge closed for one week

R.L. Denman W.C.T.

Chas VanDemark Secy (Pro Tem)

18 Jan 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

18 Jan 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 01 Feb 1884

Brookton Feb 1, 1884

Lodge called to order by R.L. Denman W.C.T. Officers pro tem P.W.C.T Sis Shurter Mar. Sis. Auchmoody. I.G. Bro Sanders. Officers absent, P.W.C.T. M. Dep. M. Min. read & approved.

~ Election of officers ~

The following officers were elected for the ensuing qr. For W.C.S. R.L. Denman for W.V.T. Sis. Mills. For Sec C.A. Denman Finan. Sec Sister Lounsbery For Treas. Arthur Green. For Chap. Sister C.A. Denman. For W.M. Bro VanDemark For I.G. Sis. Besemer. For O.G. Sis. Davenport

~ Recess. ~

The delegates elected to Co Lodge. were regular. C.A. Denman Sis Genung & Sis Besemer. Alternate Sister C.A. Denman Sis. Shurter & Bro Mandeville. Installation of being next in order the following officers were installed. W.C.S. W.V.T W. Sec. A. Sec. Finan. Sec. Treasurer & Chap. & R. Sup. Moved & carried that Sis Shuter act as P.W.C.T. the coming quarter to fill the place of Bro VanDemark who was elected Mar.

The following committees were appointed for the ensuing quarter:


  • Bro Sanders
  • Sis. Besemer
  • Bro VanDemark


  • Bro Green
  • Sis Johnson
  • Bro Mandeville

~ Good of the order ~

A sketch of the life of Tennyson by C.A. Denman. Selection. “The Deserted House” by Sis C.A. Denman “Dora” by Sis Lounsbery. “Lady Clare” by Bro Lounsbery.

Moved and carried that we have for our entertainment next week selections on temperance.

Lodge adjourned for one week

R.L. Denman W.C.T.

C.A. Denman W Sec.

01 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

01 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 08 Feb 1884

Brookton Feb 8th 1884

High Bridge Lodge No. 296 I.O. of G.T. met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the W.C.T.

Officers absent Sec & A. Sec. R & L. Sup.

All present true to pledge.

~ Intermission ~

Next in order was the installation of officers not present at our regular installation. The following officers were installed. Mar. & Dep. L Sup. I. & O Gds

Minutes of last meeting read & approved

Bill of $5.00 presented by Bro. E Lounsbery for rent for the coming past qr. The bill having been approved by the Finance Com. it was moved & carried that its action be sustained. A petition was read by Bro Lounsbery having for its object the prevention of the manufacture & sale of intoxicating liquors within the jurisdiction of the state. Said petition to be laid before our legistlature.

Moved and carried that a com. of three ladies be appointed or elected to circulate the petition. Moved & carried that the W.C.T. appoint the com. The W.C.T. appointed Sister Lounsbery Hungerford & Mills.

~ Good of order ~

Selection entitled “A Shot [at ?] the [decanter ?] by Bro. Mandeville. Speech by Bro Hunderford. Story by Bro Lounsbery entitled “[Teds ?] Jacket”. Selection by Sis Addie Denman “My New Years Calls”.

It was announced by Bro Lounsbery that Morrison was expected to give a lecture at one of the churches one week from next Sunday evening. Moved and carried that the W.C.T. name the author from whom we shall make selections next Friday evening. The W.C.T. named Whittier.

The following members have paid their dues this date. Wm. Hungerford & wife. John McWhorter R.L. Denman & wife. E. Lounsbery & wife Theo. Mandeville. Chas. Vandemark. Mrs. Besemer. Burrie Besemer. C.A. Denman & wife.

receipts of the evening 1.65 $2.30

Lodge adjourned one week.

R.L. Denman W.C.T.

C.A. Denman W.S.

08 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

08 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 15 Feb 1884

Brookton Feb. 15. 1884.

High Bridge Lodge convened as usual with R.L. Denman W.C.T. in chair Appointments pro. tem. G.E. Sanders P.W.C.T. Sister Addie Denman W.C. Bro Lounsbery W.S. Lodge sang “Let the [lower ?] Lights be burning”. At roll call the following officers were absent P.W.C.T. W.S. W.C. W.A.S. Delegates call on to report proceedings of Co Lodge. Laid on the table until after intermission.

~ Intermission ~

All members present reported true to the pledge. W.C.S. reported proceedings of Co Lodge said the program was carried out & gave us a firm account of all the proceedings.

~ Good of the order ~

Selections from Whittier. The first in order was a sketch of the life of Whittier by Sis. Besemer. “The Call of St Gregory” by Sis Mills “The Yankee Girl” by Sis addie Denman. Singing by the lodge “Yield not to temptation” “The Eternal Goodness” by Sis Newbery. “Nauhaught, the Indian Deacon” by Bro Lounsbery. Couldn’t find the piece so did not read by Bro R.L. Denman.

Sister Genung was appointed to name the author for next week. She named Longfellow. Sister Lounsbery was appointed to furnish sketch of the life of Longfellow at our next meeting.

Receipts $1.70.

Lodge adjourned one week.

R L Denman W.C.T.

E. Lounsbery W.S. Pro Tem.

The following persons have paid their dues this date. Arthur Green, Flora Auchmoody, Phoebe Davenport, Geo. Sanders & wife, Miss Emily Mills, Jonas Mills, Miss Anna Newbery.

15 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

15 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

John Greenleaf Whittier was a popular contemporary poet and activist, who wrote eloquently on the subjects of Christianity, temperance, abolition and women’s suffrage.

John Greenleaf Whittier (December 17, 1807 – September 7, 1892) was an American Quaker poet and advocate of the abolition of slavery in the United States. Frequently listed as one of the fireside poets, he was influenced by the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Whittier is remembered particularly for his anti-slavery writings, as well as his 1866 book Snow-Bound.

John Greenleaf Whittier, Wikipedia.org.

The fireside poets – also known as the schoolroom or household poets – were a group of 19th-century American poets associated with New England. These poets were very popular among readers and critics both in the United States and overseas. Their domestic themes and messages of morality presented in conventional poetic forms deeply shaped their era until their decline in popularity at the beginning of the 20th century.

The group is typically thought to include Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell, and Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., who were the first American poets whose popularity rivaled that of British poets, both at home and abroad. Ralph Waldo Emerson is occasionally included in the group as well. The name “fireside poets” is derived from that popularity; their writing was a source of entertainment for families gathered around the fire at home. The name was further inspired by Longfellow’s 1850 poetry collection The Seaside and the Fireside. Lowell published a book titled Fireside Travels in 1864 which helped solidify the title.

In an era without radio, television, or Internet, these poets were able to garner a general public popularity that has no equivalent in the 21st century. Their influence was furthered by their long lives, as well as their other high-profile activities, including serving as professors and academic chairs, editing popular newspapers, serving as foreign diplomats, giving popular speeches, and translating works by Dante and Homer.

Fireside Poets, Wikipedia.org.

The poem recorded as “The Call of St. Gregory”, furnished by Emily Mills, is certainly “The Supper of St. Gregory” by John Greenleaf Whittier, first published a few months prior in Dec 1883, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, v68, p16-18. The same poem would later be renamed “Saint Gregory’s Guest” when republished in Whittier’s 1886 anthology of the same name, and this is the poem’s cited title thereafter. (Notice that “Saint” is abbreviated in the first title and not the second.)

Pope Gregory I (Latin: Gregorius I; c. 540 – 12 March 604), commonly known as Saint Gregory the Great, was the 64th Bishop of Rome from 3 September 590 to his death. He is known for instituting the first recorded large-scale mission from Rome, the Gregorian mission, to convert the then largely pagan Anglo-Saxons to Christianity. Gregory is also well known for his writings, which were more prolific than those of any of his predecessors as pope. The epithet Saint Gregory the Dialogist has been attached to him in Eastern Christianity because of his Dialogues. English translations of Eastern texts sometimes list him as Gregory “Dialogos” from the Greek διάλογος (dialogos, conversation), or the Anglo-Latinate equivalent “Dialogus”.

Throughout the Middle Ages, he was known as “the Father of Christian Worship” because of his exceptional efforts in revising the Roman worship of his day. His contributions to the development of the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, still in use in the Byzantine Rite, were so significant that he is generally recognized as its de facto author.

Gregory is one of the Latin Fathers and a Doctor of the Church. He is considered a saint in the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Anglican Communion, various Lutheran denominations, and other Protestant denominations. Immediately after his death, Gregory was canonized by popular acclaim. The Protestant reformer John Calvin admired Gregory greatly and declared in his Institutes that Gregory was the last good pope. He is the patron saint of musicians, singers, students, and teachers.

Pope Gregory I. Wikipedia.org.

In the poem, a poor monk named Gregory is visited in his “narrow cell” by an unknown beggar, and the monk gives him his sole possession, a silver cup left him by his mother. Years later, Gregory became Pope, and he prepared a beggar’s feast attended by an uninvited and unknown guest. Despite this, Pope Gregory welcomed this guest “for the sake of Him who is they Lord and mine”. The guest then revealed himself as Christ “The Wonderful” and returned to Gregory “thy gift of old”, his mother’s silver cup.

Dec 1883, accompanying illustration to “The Supper of St. Gregory” by John Greenleaf Whittier, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, v68, p17, Google Books. View largest available size.


A TALE for Roman guides to tell 
To careless, sight-worn travellers still, 
Who pause beside the narrow cell 
Of Gregory on the Caelian Hill, 

One day before the monk’s door came 
A beggar, stretching empty palms, 
Fainting and fast-sick, in the name 
Of the Most Holy asking alms. 

And the monk answered; “All I have 
In this poor cell of mine I give, 
The silver cup my mother gave; 
In Christ’s name take thou it, and live.” 

Years passed; and, called at last to bear 
The pastoral crook and keys of Rome, 
The poor monk, in St. Peter’s chair, 
Sat the crowned lord of Christendom. 

“Prepare a feast.” St. Gregory cried, 
“And let twelve beggars sit thereat.” 
The beggars came, and one beside, 
An unknown stranger, with them sat. 

"I asked thee not.” the Pontiff spake, 
“O stranger; but if need be thine, 
I bid thee welcome, for the sake 
Of Him who is thy Lord and mine.” 

A grave, calm face the stranger raised, 
Like His who on Gennesaret trod, 
Or His on whom the Chaldeans gazed, 
Whose form was as the Son of God. 

“Know’st thou,” he said. “thy gift of old?” 
And in the hand he lifted up 
The Pontiff marvelled to behold 
Once more his mother’s silver cup. 

“Thy prayers and alms have risen and bloom 
Sweetly among the flowers of heaven. 
I am The Wonderful, through whom 
Whate’er thou askest shall be given.” 

He spake and vanished. Gregory fell 
With his twelve guests in mute accord 
Prone on their faces, knowing well 
Their eyes of flesh had seen the Lord. 

The old-time legend is not vain; 
Nor vain thy art, Verona’s Paul, 
Telling it o’er and o’er again 
On gray Vicenza’s frescoed wall. 

Still wheresoever pity shares 
Its bread with sorrow, want, and sin, 
And love the beggar’s feast prepares, 
The uninvited Guest comes in. 

Unheard, because our ears are dull. 
Unseen, because our eyes are dim. 
He walks our earth, The Wonderful, 
And all good deeds are done to Him.

– Dec 1883, “The Supper of St. Gregory” by John Greenleaf Whittier, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, v68, p16-18, Google Books.

1572, “The Supper of St. Gregory the Great” by Paolo Veronese, Church of Monte Berico, Italy, Italybyus.com. View largest available size.


Dec 1883, accompanying illustration to “The Supper of St. Gregory” by John Greenleaf Whittier, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, v68, p17, Google Books. View largest available size.

“The Supper of St. Gregory” is a very appropriate selection: it reflects the Templar’s emphasis on charity (as in their motto: “Faith, Hope, and Charity”) as well as their respect and kindness toward all people as made in the image of God: “wheresoever pity shares its bread with sorrow, want and sin…all good deeds are done to Him”.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

– Genesis 1:27, King James Version.

Emily Mills was well remembered for her kind demeanor and for her charitable acts over many years, documented elsewhere in this work.

Friday Evening, 22 Feb 1884

Brookton Feb 22 - 1884

High Bridge Lodge met as usual and was called to order by W.C.T. Officers absent P.W. & I.G. Minutes of two last meetings read & approved. Sis Auchmoody proposed for members of the lodge Mr Fred Allen & Mr Ed Vorhis to be initiated tonight. Moved & carried that we waive the usual rule and proceed to ballot on the candidates. The candidates were duly elected.

The Marshal reported waiting for initiation the following candidates. Mis May Toby Mr Fred Allen & Mr Ed Vorhis. They were initiated in due form into the 1st degree of our order.

~ Intermission for congratulations. ~

All members present reported true to the pledge.

~ Good of the order. ~

Readings from Longfellow. A sketch of the poets life by Sis Lounsbery. “The Beleagured City” by Sister Ida Denman. “The Golden Milestone” by Bro A Green. “This Method” by Sis Mills. Song. “The Bridge” by Sis Newbery. “Dead at the Ford” by C.A. Denman. “The Childrens Hour” by Sis. Addie Denman. “The Leap of Roushan Beg” by Bro Lounsbery. “The Psalm of Life” by Sis. Newbery. Speeches by Bro’s Norwood, Hamilton, June & Diderick of Slaterville. Resitations [sic] by Sis Angie Quick & Sis Elosia Landon of Slaterville.

Selections to be from John G. Saxe next week.

The following members have paid their dues this date. Sis. Tucker, Bro Geo Seager, Sis May Toby, Bro Fred Allen & Bro Ed Vorhis. Receipts. $2.15

Lodge adjourned one week.

R.L. Denman W.C.T.

C.A. Denman W.S.

22 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

22 Feb 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Elosia P. (Landon) Wool (17 Oct 1860 to 07 May 1934) is a first cousin of Esty Landon, who married High Bridge Lodge member Cassie Woodhull, referenced further below. One of Elosia’s uncles is Sextus Barnes “S.B.” Landon (20 Apr 1834 to 24 May 1925), who was a founding member of the Congregational Church of Mott’s Corners.

Elosia Landon’s father Paul H. Landon (08 Apr 1836 to 01 Jun 1862) Her father Paul died when Elosia was less than two years old, and Elosia’s mother, Martha A. (Hill) Landon Krum (1840 to 1915) married Henry Simon Krum (1839 to 22 Mar 1905) three years after Paul’s death. In different census records, and possibly elsewhere, she can be found with either Landon or Krum as her last name.

HENRY KRUM HOME, left – 2409 Slaterville Road

This home was the Cass Tavern, conducted by Josiah Cass for three years. Aaron Bull bought it and ran it as Bull Tavern in 1815. It closed about 1848. It was known as the Henry Krum home. Mr. Krum lived from 1839-1905.

– A Drive-by Tour of the Town of Caroline sponsored by the Town of Caroline Bicentennial Committee 1994-1995, Tour 1 - P3.

Henry Krum was Caroline Town Supervisor in 1851. “H.S. Krum slipped on an icy pavement in Ithaca last Thursday and broke the small bone in his ankle. Dr. Gallagher reduced the fracture and he is as comfortable as can be under the circumstances.” (02 Feb 1889, “Slaterville”, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, q23.) Dr. Gallagher was also a Good Templar and is described further below among the list of members.

Friday Evening, 07 Mar 1884

Brookton Feb Mar 7, 1884

Lodge met as usual and was called to order by W.C.T. Officers all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Motion made and lost [?] that we be [?] to half the expense to paint the desks in the lodge room. Moved & carried that Bro Lounsbery be instructed to have the desks painted & present bill to the lodge. All Members present reported true to pledge. Moved & lost that we have our interm

~ Selections from Saxe ~ “A Snake in the Glass” by Bro Lounsbery. “Kings and Cottagers” by Sis Newbery. “The wind in the rose” by Sis Besemer. “The Cockney” by Bro R.L. Denman.

Moved and carried that we have for our entertainment next week something that Wendall Phillips has said or done or something that has been written conserning him. Lodge adjourned for supper. The following members have paid dues this date. Ed Auchmoody - Cora Bush - Mrs Genung, Benj Genung - Frank Johnson - Mrs. Shurter, John Tucker.

Recepts $1.35

R.L. Denman W.C.T.

C.A. Denman W.S.

04 Mar 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 28 Mar 1884

Brookton Mar 28 - 1884

Lodge met and was called to order by Bro John McWhorter.

Officers absent, W.C.T Treas R.Sup. & Asst Sec. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The name of Minnie Huntley was proposed by Sis Georgia Tucker to be initiated tonight. Moved & carried that we waive the usual rule and proceed to ballot tonight. The candidate was elected & initiated in the 1st degree.

~ Intermission ~

~ Good of the Order ~ The lodge was called upon to furnish something concerning Wendall Phillips which was met by a weak response.

The lodge voted to bring selections from Emmerson next week.

Adjourned one week.

Receipts .50

John McWhorter W.C protem

C.A. Denman W.S.

28 Mar 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 25 Apr 1884

Brookton April 25, 84

Lodge called to order by C.W. Vandemark

Officers absent W.C. W.S. A.S. W. Chap & L.H.S.

All members true to pledge.

Committee reported favorably on the name of Maud Jansen She was duly balloted for & elected

Moved & seconded we have recess ammended by five minutes but motion as amended was lost.

Recess 6 minutes

After recess election of officers. John McWhorter was elected W.C. Cora Bush W.V. Benj Genung W.S. F. Spaulding F.S. Arthur Green T. Sister Davenport, W. Chap. C.W Vandemark W.M. Belle Lashier I.G. Flora Auchmoody O.G. Mrs Shurter P.W.C.

Delegates for Co Lodge regular Bro Lounsbery Sister Hungerford & Sister Genung alternate Sister Besemer Sister Toby & CW Vandemark

Appointments for next week for music John McWhorter, Miss Toby, Mrs Genung, Emma Besemer Literary, Sister Mills, Sister Lounsbery, Sister Bush, Sister Raickes [?] Bro Lounsbery, Bro. Sanders, Sister Shurter

Mrs. Besemer W.S. Pro tem C Vandemark W.C. Protem

25 Apr 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 02 May 1884

Brookton May 2[?] /84

Lodge called to order by John McWhorter W.C Protem

Officers absent W.C., W.S., AS., R.S.

Mrs Richard Sloughter was proposed for member of this Lodge The committe [sic] appointed were Sister Besemer, Sister Shurter Sister Mills.

The Marshall reported Maud Jansen in waiting to be intiated. She introduced and initiated in to the first degree of our order.

~ Recess ~

After recess report of officers Motion made & carried the reports be accepted. Next in order was Installation of officers. The financial Secy elect not being present it was moved and carried that we open under head of officers Mrs. Lounsbery & Frank Spaulding were nominated Mrs. L resigning in favor of Frank Spaulding Moved & carried the Marshall be instructed to cast the ballot for F. Spaulding The Lodge Deputy then proceeded to install the officers. Bro. Lounsbery presented the following Bills To our quarter rent $5.00 To painting .80c moved & carried the bills be paid The committee reported favorably on the name of Mrs. Sloughter. It being late the appointment for good of order were held over one week. Receipts $2.15

BW Genung W.S.

John McWhorter W.C.

02 May 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

02 May 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 09 May 1884

Brookton May 9, 1884

Lodge called to order by John McWhorter W.C. Officers absent R. & L.S. Miss Gosline and Myrtie Ault were proposed for members of this Lodge. Mrs. Sloughter Lu Gosline and Myrtie Ault were balloted for and duly elected. The Marshall reported Lu Gosline & Myrtie Ault in waiting to be initiated. They were introduced and initiated in the first degree of our order.

~ Recess ~

all true to the pledge.

~ Good of order ~

Selection Bro Lounsbery. Sister Mills Sister Lounsbery. Appointments for next week Music Miss Toby Literary Sister Genung, Sister Besemer, Sister Mills, Sister Shurter, C.W. Vandemark Bro Lounsbery Receipts $1.60

BW. Genung W.S.

John McWhorter W.C.T.

09 May 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 16 May 1884

Brookton May 16 1884

Lodge called to order by by CW Vandemark W.C. protem. Officers absent, A.S. I.G, R. & L.S. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The names of Joe Campbell, Will Allen, Arnold Hill, Orsen Snow, Emma Allen, Geo Janson, Dea Shaw were proposed for members of this Lodge. They were balloted for and duly elected. The marshall reporte Joe Campbell, Will Allen, Arnold Hill, Orsen Snow Emma Allen, Dea Show, in Waiting to be initiated They were introduced and initiated in the first degree of our order.

~ Recess ~

all true to pledge ~ Good of Order ~ Selection Sis. Genung, Vocal Music by Miss Tobey Selection Bro Lounsbery. Speech by Bro Lounsbery Appointments for next week Sister Mills Bro Ault, Sis. Besemer, Bro Lounsbery, Bro Nolan Bro Vandemark, Bro Hill.

Music Geo. & Myrtie Ault. Receipts $ 4.15 [?]

B.W. Genung W.S.

CW Vandemakr W.C. protem

16 May 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

16 May 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 23 May 1884

Brookton May 23 1884

Lodge Called to order by John McWhorter W.C. Officers absent F.S. R. & L.S. Minutes of last meeting read and approved Sarah Genung & Em Auchmoody were proposed for members of this Lodge. Em Auchmoody was balloted for and duly elected. The marshall reported Em Auchmoody in waiting to be initiated, she was introduced & initiated in the first degree of our order.

~ Reces [sic] ~

all true to pledge

~ Good of Order ~ Selection by Bro Lounsbery, Selection by Sister Besemer, Spice Box Selection By CW. Vandemark, Selection Sis Shurter Appointments for next week. Sister Tucker Bro Sanders Sis Lashier Bro Greene Receipts $1.60.

BW Genung W.S.

John McWhorter W.C.

23 May 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 30 May 1884

Brookton May 30 1884

Lodge Called to order by Chas VanDemark W.C Pro tem Officers WC. Secy. R. & L.S. All true to pledge.

The name of Sarah Genung was ballotted for & duly elected. Meeting adjourned for one week. no receipts

Arthur Green Secy Protem

CW Vandemark W.C. Pro tem

30 May 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 06 Jun 1884

Brookton June 6th 84

Lodge called to order by R. Denman W.C. Pro tem. Officers absent W.C P.W.C. W. Chap. R & LS. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The name of Chas Edwards was proposed for member of this Lodge. Marshall reported Sarah Genung in waiting to be initiated she was introduced & initiated in the first degree of our order

~ Recess ~

Bro. Lounsbery informed us that an appointment has been made for the Grand Lecturer to be with us on Tuesday evening of next week.

motion made & carried that a committee be appointed to procure a suitable place for said lecturer. Committee Bro Lounsbery Sister Genung. All true to pledge

~ good of order ~ Essay by Bro Green Subject Forest city Selection Sis Besemer

Appointments for next week R. Denman, Miss Newbery, Mike Nolan CW Vandemark Em Allen. Committee report [sic] favorably on the name of C. Edwards Receipts $.50

John McWhorter W.C.

BW Genung W.S.

06 Jun 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 13 Jun 1884

Brookton June 13 1884

Lodge called to order by R. Denman W.C. Pro tem. Officers absent W.C. & V. Chap. Marshall, I & O.G. R & L.S.

The name of Chas Edwards was balloted for & duly elected. Communication received from Brookton Division S of T. N. 113, expressing a desire to unite with us paying initiation fee with money in treasury and property belonging to said Division. Motion made & carried that we appoint a committee to confer with division. Motion Withdrawn. Motion made & carried that a committee be appointed to ascertain the amount of money & property belonging to division. Recess Committee reported that money & property would cover initiation. moved & carried we accept their proposition.

good of order

Selection by Bro Denman Speech by Ed Winchell Appointments for next week. Music Myrtie Ault Literary Bro Hungerford, Sister Genung, Bro Snow, Sis Mills, Arthur Denman Sis Newbery Bro Nolan Bro Vandemark Sister Ellen [?] Receipts 1.50c

R. Denman W.C. Protem

BW Genung W.S.

13 Jun 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

13 Jun 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 20 Jun 1884

Brookton June 20 1884

Lodge called to order by R. Denman W.C. Pro tem. Officers absent W.C. W.V. Chap. F.S. I & O.G. R & L.S.

Minutes of last meeting read & approved The marshall reported Charles Edwards in waitiing to be initiated. He was introduced and initiated in the first degree of our order

~ Intermission ~

~ Good of Order ~

Selection by Sis. Genung Selection by Bro Denman

Appointments for next week are Sis Shurter Sis Besemer Sis Tucker R. Denman. Receipts 50c

John McWhorter WC

BW. Genung W.S.

20 Jun 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

20 Jun 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 11 Jul 1884

Brookton July 11th 1884

Lodge called to order by John McWhorter W.C. Officers absent W.S. - W.T. - I.G. - W.C. - R. & L.S. - W.A.S. -

The name of Susie Genung was proposed to be initiated to night. Motion made & carried that we waive the usual rule and proceed to ballot She was balloted for and duly elected after which she was initiated in the first degree of our order.

~ Recess 10 min. ~

all members true to pledge

~ Good of Order ~

Sister Besemer Selection entitled advice Sis Shurter - The [World ?]

Receipts 50c

John McWhorter W.C.

E. Lounsbery W.S.

11 Jul 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 25 Jul 1884

Brookton July 25 /84

Lodge called to order by R. Denman W.C. Protem Officers absent W.C. - W.V. - Chap. - F.S. - I. & O.G. - M & DM - A.S. - R & L.S. -

Minutes of last meeting read & approved The marshall reported George Richardson in waiting to be initiated he was introduced and initiated in the first degree of our order.

~ Recess ~

All present true to pledge

It being the regular night for election of Officers we proceeded to nomintate the following persons


  • Arthur Denman
  • John McWhorter


  • Arthur Greene


  • Sis Genung


  • Sis Arthur Denman


  • BW. Genung
  • A. Greene
  • Sis Lounsbery
  • Sis Besmer


  • CW Vandemark


  • B.F. Spaulding


  • Sis Besemer
  • Sis Bush


  • Bro E. Lounsbery

After Nomination we proceeded to elect the following officers

For W.C. Arthur Denman For W.V. Sis Genung For W.S. BW Genung For Treas. Arthur Green For F.S. F Spaulding For Chap Sis. Arthur Denman For Mar CW Vandemark for I.G. Sis Besemer For O.G. Bro. E. Lounsbery.

~ Good of Order ~

Sis Rhodes of Groton favored us with a song. Selection by Miss Rhodes entitled The Christmas feast - Song by Miss Rhodes entitled Pansey Blossom Song by Miss Rhodes entitled Under the Daisies Selection by Miss Rhodes entitled The Polish Book [?]

Receipts 50 c

John McWhorter WC

B.W. Genung W.S.

25 Jul 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

25 Jul 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

25 Jul 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 01 Aug 1884

Brookton N.Y. Aug 1st 1884

Lodge called to order by R.L. Denman W.C. Protem Officers Protem [I.G Br.?] Lounsbery Chap. Bro Mandeville Mar Bro Ault D.M. Sis Gorsline Officers Absent - W.C. Sec. A. Sec P.W. F.S Mar. D. Mar I.G. O.G. R. & LS.

~ Intermission ~

After Recess Lodge called to order by Bro McWhorther W.C.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved Moved & carried that we retain our old Lodge Deputy

Bro Denman Sis Besemer Sis Genung were appointed to represent our Lodge at the County Lodge Mrs. Shurter CW Vandemark & E Lounsbery were appointed alternates

The committees appointed were -


  • Bro Mandeville
  • Bro Sanders
  • Bro Lounsbery


  • Mrs Shurter
  • Sis Bush
  • Bro Ault

Motion made & carried that we ellect [sic] delegates to grand Lodge The delegates elected were Regular RL Denman alternate Sis Genung Motion made & carried that the Secretary send for 200 copies History of Good Templarism

~ Good of the order ~

Selection by Sis Shurter Selection by Bro Lounsbery Song by Sis Toby

Appointments for next week are literary CW Vandemark Sis Bush Bro Mandeville Sis Genung Bro Greene Sis Toby Music by Sis Toby

John McWhorter W.C.

BW Genung W. Sec.

01 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

01 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 08 Aug 1884

Brookton Aug 8th 84

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by A Denman W.C. Officers Absent Mar & D. Mar. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Bro E. Lounsbery Presented a bill for one quarter rent $5.00 for quarter ending July 31st. Motion made & carried that the bill be paid

~ Intermission ~

all true to pledge

~ Good of Order ~

Selection by Sis Newbery appointments for next week are Sis Gorsline Bro. C.A. Denman Bro R Denman Sis Shurter

Receipts $2.90

CA Denman W.C.

BW Genung W. Sec.

08 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 15 Aug 1884

Brookton Aug 15th 1884

Lodge called to order by RL Denman W.C. Pro Tem Officers absent W.C. W.V. P.W.C. A. Sec Mar. Chap. Minutes of last meeting read & approved B.W. Genung Presented a bill for stationary of $.10

BW. Genung proposed for member of this Lodge WB Wolcott. He was balloted for & duly elected.

Moved & carried that Bro Hungerford represent us at the grand Lodge held at Chautaqua instead of RL Denman

~ Intermission ~

Committee report favorably on the bill of BW Genung. Moved & carried that the bill be paid. all true to pledge Remarks by Bro Hungerford Remarks by Bro E. Lounsbery

~ Good of order ~

Selection by Sis Shurter Selection by Bro Greene Song by Sis Toby Selection by Sis Genung The Engineers Story Selection by Sis Lounsbery Entitled I am going to vote for Keuyka [?]

Remarks by Bro. Hungerford Remarks by Bro E Lounsbery [sic, repeated as earlier]

Appointments for next week are Literary Myrtie Ault Sis Besemer Sis Tucker Sis Mills Bro Sanders Bro Vandemark Bro Lounsbery Music by Sis Toby

Receipts 25c

R.L. Denman W.C. Pro Tem

BW Genung W. Sec.

15 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

15 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 01 Aug 1884

Brookton N.Y. Aug 1st 1884

Lodge called to order by R.L. Denman W.C. Protem Officers Protem [I.G Br.?] Lounsbery Chap. Bro Mandeville Mar Bro Ault D.M. Sis Gorsline Officers Absent - W.C. Sec. A. Sec P.W. F.S Mar. D. Mar I.G. O.G. R. & LS.

~ Intermission ~

After Recess Lodge called to order by Bro McWhorther W.C.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved Moved & carried that we retain our old Lodge Deputy

Bro Denman Sis Besemer Sis Genung were appointed to represent our Lodge at the County Lodge Mrs. Shurter CW Vandemark & E Lounsbery were appointed alternates

The committees appointed were -


  • Bro Mandeville
  • Bro Sanders
  • Bro Lounsbery


  • Mrs Shurter
  • Sis Bush
  • Bro Ault

Motion made & carried that we ellect [sic] delegates to grand Lodge The delegates elected were Regular RL Denman alternate Sis Genung Motion made & carried that the Secretary send for 200 copies History of Good Templarism

~ Good of the order ~

Selection by Sis Shurter Selection by Bro Lounsbery Song by Sis Toby

Appointments for next week are literary CW Vandemark Sis Bush Bro Mandeville Sis Genung Bro Greene Sis Toby Music by Sis Toby

John McWhorter W.C.

BW Genung W. Sec.

01 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 22 Aug 1884

Brookton Aug 22d 1884

Lodge called by R.L. Denman WC Pro Tem Officer Pro Tem W.V. Mrs Genung W.C Bro Sanders F.S. Bro R.L. Denman Officers absent W.C. W.V. W.S. W.M. D.M. W.F.S. Treas. R. Sup.

~ Intermission ~

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

~ Good of Order ~

Selection by R.L. Denman Selection by Bro Lounsbery Selection by Bro Greene

Appointments for next week are Sis Shurter Sis Lashier Bro Ault and last weeks appointments held over

C.A. Denman W. C.

BW Genung W. Sec

22 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 29 Aug 1884

Brookton Aug 29th 1884

Lodge called to order by E. Lounsbery W.C. pro tem Officers Pro Tem WC Ed Lounsbery Chap Bro Mandeville F.S Sis Lounsbery W.M. Geo Sanders. Officers absent W.C. P.W. Chap. Mar. D. Mar A[?].S F.S T. I.G.

Minutes of last meeting read & approved All true to pledge.

~ Good of Order ~

Selection by R.L. Denman Leadville Line Song. By Sis Toby Fly forth O gentle Dove

Selection by Sis Lounsbery be you a Lady Selection by Bro. Sanders The story of a gas bill Song by Sis Toby One morning Oh so early. Selection by Sis Genung

~ Appointments for next week ~

Bro Sanders, Sis Genung Bro. R Denman Bro. Mandeville. Sis. Toby. Sis Lounsbery Bro Genung Bro Lounsbery

Receipts .20c

E. Lounsbery W.C. pro tem

BW Genung W.S.

29 Aug 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 05 Sep 1884

Brookton Sept 5th 1884

Lodge called to order by R.L. Denman W.C. pro tem Officers Absent - W.C. Mar. D. Mar. Chap. F.S. T. Minutes of last meeting read and approved all true to the pledge.

~ Intermission ~

~ Good of order ~

Selection by Sis. Genung Instrumental music by Sis. Toby. Selection by Bro. Lounsbery Song by Sis. Toby The Kerry [?] Dance Selection by Sis. Lounsbery who shall shut the door Selection by Bro. R. Denman Song by Sis. Toby The Cows are in the [corn ?]

~ appointments for next week ~

Sis. Newbery. Sis. Bush. Sis. Mills. Sis. Toby Sis. Shurter Sis. Genung. Sis. Auchmoody Bro Genung. Bro Sanders & Bro. Mandeville held over from last week.

R.L. Denman W.C. Protem

BW Genung W.S.

05 Sep 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 12 Sep 1884

Brookton Sept 12th 1884

High Bridge Lodge met & was called to order by A Denman W.C.T. Officers Absent F.S. - T. - Secy - A.S. - D. Mar. Minutes of last meeeting read & approved

~ Intermission ~

All present true to the pledge

~ Good of Order ~

Selection by Sis. Shurter The Children music by Sis. Genung Sing Sweet Bird sung by Mifs Cora Genung. Selection by Bro Lounsbery. Song by Mifs Cora Genung Sweet Violets

The following were appointed for next week Sis. Lounsbery. Sis. Bush Sis. auchmoody Bro Vandemark Bro. Lounsbery, Sis. Denman. Sis. Tucker. Sis Genung. Music Sis. Toby. Lodge adjourned for one week

Arthur Denman W.C.T.

Chas. Vandemark W.S. Pro. tem

12 Sep 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 19 Sep 1884

Brookton Sept 19th 1884

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Sis. Genung W.C. Protem Officers absent W.C. - W. Sec. - A.S. Mar D. Mar R.S. W.T.

All present true to the pledge

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

~ Good of the Order ~

Selection by Sis Lounsbery The Sick F[?] Selection by Bro Greene Selection by Sis. Shurter Selection by Bro. Lounsbery

The following were appointed for next week Sis. Lounsbery Bro Lounsbery Sis. Shurter Bro Sanders Sis. Mills

~ Music ~

Sis Tucker Bro McWhorter

Adjounred for one week

Sis. Genung W.C. Protem

G.E. Sanders W.S. Protem

19 Sep 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 26 Sep 1884

Brookton Sept. 26th 1884

Lodge called to order by Addie L. Genung W.C protem Officers protem W.C. A.L. Genung, Chap Geo Sanders Mar Flor [sic] Auchmoody V.T. Cora Bush F.S. Bro Hungerford. Officers absent. WC Chap Mar. D. Mar. I. & O. G. F.S. T. Minuts of last meeting read and approved.

Report of Delegate to grand Lodge

Motion made and carried that we

~ Recess ~

Motion made & carried that we ajourn [sic] subbordintate Lodge and open under 2d degree. The marshall reported BW. Genung. May Toby. Georgia Tucker Sarah Genung Susie Genung Geo. Sanders in waiting to be initiated They were introduced & initiated into the second degree of our order

~ Good of the Order ~

Selection by Sis Lounsbery entitled A Terrible warning to boy’s Selection by Sis Shurter Selection by Bro Sanders entitled How it Happened. Remarks by Sis Hungerford.

The following were appointed for next week Miss. Mills. Sis. Auchmoody. Sis. Toby. Bro Hungerford. Bro. Genung Sis Genung

Lodge ajourned [sic] for one week

Sis Genung W.C. Protem

BW. Genung W.S.

26 Sep 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 03 Oct 1884

Brookton Oct 3rd 1884

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Bro Lounsbery W.C. Protem Officers Pro tem WC. Bro Lounsbery T. Sis Mills V.T. Bro Sanders Mar. Bro Green W.S. Sis Newbery Chap. Officers absent W.C. R.S. V.T. Chap. W.S. A.S. I.G. F.S. All members present true to the pledge

~ Intermission ~

Good of Order

Selection by Sis. Mills. Song by Sis. Newbery entitled Yet Strangers [or “Strangers Yet” ?] Music by Sis. Toby. Selection by Bro. Sanders.

Appointments for next week Bro. Greene Sis. Shurter Sis. Newbery, Sis. Baker. Sis. Lounsbery Sis. Toby. Lodge ajourned [sic] for one week.

Bro Lounsbery W.C. Pro Tem

Bro Greene W.S. Pro Tem

03 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 10 Oct 1884

Brookton Nov. Oct 10th 1884

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Sis Genung W.C. Protem. Officers Protem W.C. Sis. Genung W.V. Sis. Davis. Chap. Sis. Lounsbery. P.W.C Sis. Hungerford. Mar. Geo. Sanders. I.G. Bro. Hungerford. Officers absent W.C. P.W.C. Chap. A.S. F.S. T. I.G. Mar & D. Mar. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. All true to the pledge. Motion made and carried that we have short intermission.

~ Intermission ~

~ Good of the Order ~

Selection by Bro Lounsbery Sanders Entitled Never [despair ?] Selection by Sis. Toby The Temperance Question Selection By Sis Lounsbery The Force of Example. Remarks by Bro. Hungerford Selection by Sis. Genung Was She a Flirt Selection By Bro Lounsbery How Mike Rafferty was saved.

Appointments for next week Music Sis Toby Literary Bro Lounsbery. Sarah Genung. Bro. Hungerford. Bro. Sanders Sis. Denman Sis. Hungerford Bro Genung

Sis Genung W.C. protem

B.W. Genung W.S.

10 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 17 Oct 1884

Brookton Oct 17th 1884

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Sis Genung W.C. Pro Tem Officers Protem W.C. Sis. Genung, W.V. Sis. Lounsbery, Chap. Sis. Newbery Mar. Bro. Sanders, I.G. Sis. Sarah Genung. Officers Absent W.C. A.S. F.S. Chap. I.G. Mar. D. Mar. L.S. Minutes of last meeting read and approved all present true to pledge. Moved and carried that we suspend all members in arrears for over one quarter dues. Moved and carried that we have a short intermission


after intermission lodge proceeded to good of order. Selection by Sis Sarah Genung Selection by Bro Sanders Entitled The Bad Boy. Music by Miss Cora Genung Entitled Pretty Primrose Flower[s ?]. Selection by Bro. Genung Entitled A remarkable perscription Recitation By Sis Baker Selection By Sis Newbery entitled Under the Snow

Motion made and carried that we have our organ repaired and Bro Lounsbery was apointed [sic] committee to see that it was done.

Appointments for next week were for music Sis. Newbery. Sis. Toby. Literary. Sis. Shurter. Bro. Greene. Bro. Lounsbery. Sis. Baker. Bro. Hungerford. Sis. Hungerford.

Sis Genung W.C. protem

B.W. Genung W.S.

17 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

17 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

17 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

17 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 24 Oct 1884

Brookton N.Y. Oct 24th 1884

High Bridge lodge met and were called to order by Sis Genung W.C. protem Officers protem W.C. protem Sis Genung, W.V. Sis Hungerford Chap Sis Lounsbery O.G. Bro Hungerford. Officers absent W.C. Chap. A.S. F.S. O.G. Mar & D. Mar. Minutes of last meeting read and approved all present true to pledge Motion made & carried that we have a short intermission.


after intermission lodge proceeded to nominate officers and the following were nominated.


  • Sis. Genung
  • Bro. Hungerford
  • Sis. Hungerford
  • Sis. Shurter


  • Sis. Toby
  • Sis. Bush
  • Sis. Auchmoody


  • Arthur Greene
  • Sis. Denman


  • Sis Mills
  • Maud Jansen
  • Sis. Newbery


  • Sis. Lounsbery
  • Sis Denman
  • Bro. Greene


  • Sis. Toby
  • Sis. Shurter
  • Bro. Greene


  • Bro. Genung
  • Sis. Auchmoody
  • Bro. Greene


  • Bro. Hungerford
  • Bro. Lounsbery
  • Sis. Denman


  • Bro. Lounsbery

Good of Order

Music by Sis. Toby entitled Corn Flower] [?]. Selection by Sis Shurter entitled S[?] Friends. Selection by Bro Greene “Uncle John’s Last Vote” (Crooked) Selection by Bro. Lounsbery all Selection by Bro. Hungerford Remarks by Bro. Hungerford Selection by Sis Hungerford [Mother ?] [?]

Appointments for next week are music Sis Newbery sis Toby Sis Denman Sis Hungerford Literary Sis Mills Sis Tucker Sis Bush Sis Jansen Bro Hungerford Sis Lounsbery

Lodge ajourned [sic] for one week

Sis Genung W.C. Protem

BW Genung W.S.

24 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

24 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

24 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

24 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

24 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

24 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

24 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 31 Oct 1884

Brookton Oct 31st 1884

High Bridge Lodge Met and was called to Order by Sis Genung, W.C. Pro Tem Officers Pro Tem W.C. Sis Genung, W Vice Sis Auchmooody FS. Maud Jansan [sic] Chap. Sis Lounsbery D. Mar Sis Mills O.G. Bro. Hungerford Officers Absent W.C. D. Mar. I.G. O.G. Chap. R.S. Bro Lounsbery read a communication stating that the County Lodge has levied an additional tax of one cent on each member. B.W. Genung presented a bill of ten cents for Stationary Moved & carried that an order for the [?] be drawn on the treasurer. Moved & Carried that we have a short intermission


After Intermission the lodge proceeded to election of Officers

  • W.C. Sis Genung
  • W.V. Sis Toby
  • W. Secy Bro Green
  • FS. Sis Mills
  • Treas Sis Lounsbery
  • Mar Bro. Genung
  • Chap Sis Shurter
  • I.G. Bro Hungerford
  • O.G. Bro Lounsbery

Motion made & carried to pay per capita tax only on those who pay their Due’s Delegates to County Lodge Bro Hungerford Sis Genung Sis Hungerford Alternate Del Bro & Sis Lounsbery C.W. VanDemark

Moved & Carried of to extend a vote of thanks to sis Hungerford for popcorn Moved & carried to adjourn. Meeting adjourned one week

Mrs. Genung W.C. Pro Tem

B.W. Genung Secy.

31 Oct 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 07 Nov 1884

Brookton Nov 7th 1884

High Bridge Lodge called to order by C.A. Denman W.C. Officers Absent P.W. W. Secy. W.F.S. I.G. Bro. Lounsbery presented a bill of $5.00 for one quarter rent. Moved & carried that the Bill be paid. All members reported true to the pledge. Intermission

Next order of Business installation of Officers by the Grand Worthy Chief Templar The Officers for the present quarter were duly installed. Sick Committee Sis Denman Sis Lounsbery Sis Auchmoody Finance Committee, Bro Arthur Denman Bro Chas VanDemark Bro Sanders

Officers report next in order, Treasurers report read & accepted.

Good of The Order. Sel by Bro Sanders the Lightning rod adjuster. Sel. by Sis Lounsbery. Appointments for Music Sis Toby Bro Lounsbery Sis Newbery. Literary, Sis Denman Sis Sarah Genung, Arthur Denman.

Recpts of the evening $2.20.

Lodge adjourned one week.

Mrs. Addie Genung W.C.

Arthur Green, Secy.

07 Nov 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

07 Nov 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 14 Nov 1884

Brookton Nov 14th 1884

High Bridge Lodge Met and was called to order by W.C. Officers Pro Tem Chap Sis Hungerford Mar Sis Auchmoody Officers Absent, Chap, Assistant Secy Minutes of last Meeting were read & after being corrected approved. All members reported true to the pledge. Next order of business, being installation of Officers the Chap. Mar & I.G. Being duly installed Moved & carried to have an intermission


For Good fo the Order were read the following Selections. Sel by Bro. Hungerford Sel by bro Lounsbery, Song by Sis Genung & Sis Toby, In the Starlight. Remarks by Sis Hungerford about the Burmese people.

Appointments for Music Sis Toby, Bro Lounsbery, Literary Sis Shurter, Sis Hungerford, Sis Mills Bro. Mandeville Bro Sanders.

Moved & carried to comment upon Selection & recitations.

Receipts of the evening .70 cts

Lodge adjourned one week

Mrs Addie Genung W.C.

Arthur Green Secy

14 Nov 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 21 Nov 1884

Brookton Nov. 21st 1884

Lodge Met & was called to order as usual. Officers Pro Tem Mar Sis Newberry. Officers Absent P.W. Mar & Deputy Mar Minutes were read & approved. All Members present reported true to the pledge


unfinished business being fixing the organ Moved & carried that Bro Lounsbery use his own judgement about fixing the organ as cheaply as possible.

Good of the order

Sel Sis Shurter our Grandmother committee appointed to comment Bro VanDemark Bro. Lounsbery Sis Hungerford Bro Hungerford. General remark about Grandmothers. Music by Sis Toby. Sel. by Bro Lounsbery, Tom Browns day in Gotham Comments by Bro Hungerford.

Appointments for Music Sis Newberry, Bro. Lounsbery.

Literary Bro VanDemark Bro Sanders Sis Mills Sis Hungerford.

Recpts of the evening .45cts

Lodge Adjourned one week

Mrs. Addie Genung W.C.

Arthur Green Secy.

21 Nov 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 28 Nov 1884

Brookton Nov. 28th 1884

High Bridge Lodge Met and was called to order as usual. Officers Pro Tem P.W. Bro Mandeville. Officers Absent P.W. I.G. Roll call of officers. Minutes of last Meeting were read & approved.

Bro. Lounsbery proposed for members of this lodge the Names of Mifs Gertie Roe & Mifs Cassie Woodhull. Moved & carried to waive the usual rules and Ballot upon the Names to Night. The candidates being found waiting for initiation were duly initiated.


All members reported true to the pledge

Good of the Order. Selection by Bro VanDemark, The Small Boy in Court. comments by Bro Lounsbery. Selection by Bro Sanders, knew her own Master Comments by Sis Lounsbery & Bro Mandeville Music by Sis Toby. Appointments for next week For Music Sis Toby. Bro. Lounsbery Sis Roe. Sis Sanders, For literary entertainment Literary Sis Shurter. Sis Woodhull Bro Genung, Sis Mills.

Recepts of the evening $1.30.

Lodge adjourned one week

Mrs Genung W.C.

Arthur Green, Secy.

28 Nov 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

28 Nov 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 05 Dec 1884

Brookton Dec 5th 1884

High Bridge Lodge Met and was called to order as usual. Roll call of Officer’s Officers Absent, W.F.S. P.W. I.G. Mar. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. All members reported true to the pledge. Intermission. 7 1/2 Minutes

Good of the Order.

Sel by Bro Lounsbery. Music & song by Sis Sanders & Sis Toby.

Appointments for next Meeting, Literary Bro. Vandemark. Bro Green Sis Lounsbery. Sis Auchmoody.

Music. Sis Toby. Sis Roe. Sis Woodhull

Recpts of the evening .15cts

Moved & carried to adjourn two weeks.

Mrs Genung W.C.T.

Arthur Green, Secretary

05 Dec 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 26 Dec 1884

Brookton N.Y. Dec 26th 1884

High Bridge Lodge Met as usual. Roll call of Officers. Officers Absent, P.W. I.G. Mar. Minutes of Dec 5th were read & approved. All Members present reported true to the pledge

Bro Lounsbery reported that he had got the organ fixed and that it had cost .25cts. Motion made and carried the bill be paid


For Good of the Order

Selection by Bro. VanDemark Sel by Sis Lounsbery. Music by Sis Toby. Selection by Sis Shurter

Appointments Literary Bro. Lounsbery Sis Mills. Sis Newberry. Bro. Sanders

For Music Sis Toby. Sis Roe. Sis Woodhull

No Recepts. Lodge adjourned one week

Mrs. Addie Genung W.C.T

Arthur E Green Secy

26 Dec 1884, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 02 Jan 1885

Brookton Jan 2nd 1885.

High Bridge Lodge Met and was called to order by Mrs Genung W.C. Officers Pro Tem. W.V. Sis Mills, Mar. Sis Sarah Genung, Roll call of Officers. Officers Absent: P.W. I.G. V.T. Mar & Deputy & R.H.S. Minutes of last Meeting were read and approved. All members present reported true to the pledge


For Good of The Order

Selection by Bro Lounsbery Sel by Sis Lounsbery

Appointments for next week

Sis Shurter Sis Sanders Sis Mills. Sis Lounsbery. Bro. Green. Sis Woodhull Sis Roe

No. Recpts. Lodge adjourned one week

Mrs Addie Genung W.C.T.

Arthur E. Green Secy

02 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

02 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

23 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

23 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

23 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

23 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

23 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

23 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 30 Jan 1885

Brookton Jan 30th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No. 296 called to order by Sis Genung, W.C. Roll call of Officers Officers absent. Secy. Right Supporter. past W. inside Guard. All members reported true to the pledge


After recess the Minutes of last Meeting were read and approved. Next order of Business being election of Officers the Officers were duly elected as follows

W.C.T Arthur Green W.V. Sis Addie Denman Secy Chas VanDemark Finan Secy. Sis Mills Treas Sis Lounsbery Chap. Sis Shurter Mar Bro. Genung I.G. Bro. Lounsbery Outside Sentinel Bro. Sanders

Moved and carried that we elect Delegates to County Lodge to Night. Delegates as follows Regular C.W. VanDemark Arthur Green, Sis Shurter Alternate. Bro Mandeville Sis Genung, Bro Hungerford Moved & carried that the delegates have power to furnish substitutes. Good of the Order as follows

Music by Sis Sanders. and Sis Toby Remarks by Bro Lounsbery about postage stamps Selection by Sis Shurter Sel Sis Toby

Appointments for next week. Music Sis Roe Sis Toby. Literary Sis Woodhull. Bro Mandeville Sis Mills Bro Vandemark. No Recpts. Lodge closed

Mrs Genung, W.C. Arthur Green Secy.

30 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Jan 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

08 Feb 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 13 Feb 1885

Brookton Feb 13th 1885

Lodge called to order by W.C.T. App. Pro Tem W.V.T Cora Bush W. Secy R.L. Denman W.C. Sis Sanders Officers Absent. W.V.T. ~ W.C. ~ W. Secy ~ Sis. Roe and Sis. Woodhull were appointed R and L. Supporters. Sis. Roe presided acceptable at the organ. All true to the pledge. Recess.

Edward Lounsbery presented a bill for 1 qr. rent $5.00 Moved and Carried that it be paid. Bro. Green presented a bill of 10c for Stationary. Moved and carried that it be paid. Good fo the Order Sel. by Sis Lounsbery, We shall reap what we sow. Sel by Sis. Mills. Sponges Music by Sis. Roe. Sel. By R.L. Denman Sel by Sis. Woodhull. app. for next week Music - Sis. Roe. Sis. Tobey. Cora Genung Literary - Bros. Lounsbery and Sanders. Sists. Bush and Denman

Rcts. 60c

Arthur Green W.C.T.

R.L. Denman Secy Pro. Tem.

13 Feb 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

13 Feb 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 20 Feb 1885

Brookton Feb 20th 1885

High Bridge Lodge met at their lodge rooms and called to order by A. Green W.C.T. Appointments Pro. Tem - Bro Lounsbery Secy & Sis. Roe W.V.T. ~ Chap. Sis. Woodhull

All members true to the pledge

Sisters Tobey ~ Shurter ~ Mills and Bush reported sick. Bro VanDemark convalescing

~ Recess ~

Worthy Chief and two girls retired to the store for refreshments. W.C.T. bought the candy and passed it around to all except Bro. Sanders and Bro Lounsbery During Recess Sists. Roe and Woodhull entertained us with music which was well received. At the sound of the gavel the lodge resumed work. For good of the order Sis. Genung read a Poem Entitled, What would you take for me. Sis. Roe assisted by Sis. Woodhull sang a song entitled the two villagers [?] which was well rendered. Bro Lounsbery read from Good Templars Gem The Ideal Lodge. Bro Green read an article entitled Musings of a great life. App. for next week Music Sis. Genung ~ Sis. Roe and Sis Tobey. Literary Bro Sanders. Sis. Woodhull, Sis. Lounsbery Bro VanDemark. Bro. Denman & W.C.T.

No Receipts

Arthur Green W.C.T.

E. Lounsbery Secy Pro Tem

20 Feb 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

20 Feb 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 27 Feb 1885

Brookton Feb 27th 1885

Lodge called to order by A. Green W.C.T. Appointments Pro Tem P.W.C.T. Sister Roe, W.M. Sister Bush ~ W. Secy R.L. Denman

Officers Absent ~ W.M and W. Secy All members true to the pledge.

~ Recess ~

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Good of Order

Bro Sanders sick and had to be excused from selection. Sister Lounsbery gave a declaration on cork [?] Music Cora Genung Selection by W.C.T Entitled King Vol[?] and Eloie

Music - Sister Tobey

Selection by Sister Genung

Appointments for next week

Music ~ Sister Tobey, Sister Genung. Sis. Roe. Literary ~ Sister Lounsbery, Sister Mills Sister Shurter. Bro. Lounsbery. Bro. Denman

No Receipts

Arthur Green W.C.T.

R.L. Denman W. Secy Pro Tem

27 Feb 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 06 Mar 1885

Brookton N.Y. March 6th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No 296 called to order by Arthur Green W.C.T

Appointments Pro Tem W. Secy R.L. Denman Officers Absent - W. Secy and Asst Secy

Minutes read and approved.

All members true to the pledge.

~ Recess ~

Bro. Mandeville proposed the name of Chas Nourse. Moved and Carried that we vote upon the name of the candidate to night. After voting the W.C.T. declared the candidate duly elected. After the usual questions were properly answered and the fee paid, Bro Nourse was duly initiated in our order

~ Recess No 2 ~

While W.C.T. was absent to escort one of our singers to the lodge room, Bro Sanders reported sick.

~ Good of the Order ~

An oration by Bro Lounsbery on Holland The remarkable thing about the country is that it is lower than the sea. At one time a small insect came near drowning the whole country by working a hole in the levee

Music - by Sister Tobey Selection by R.L. Denman Music - Sis. Tobey and Sis Genung, Bird Song

Appointments for next week Music - Sis Roe and Sis Genung Literary - Bro Sanders. Bro Sis Lounsbery Bro Mandeville Sister Mills and W.C.T.

Moved and Carried that we have an anniversary supper next week Moved and Carried that the supper be only for those who are in good standing.

Rcpts 85c

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T

R.L. Denman, W. Sec’y (Pro Tem)

Brookton March 6, 1885 For Members of this Lodge I propose the Name of Charles Nourse, age 21 years occupation Farmer residence Dryden signed Theodore Mandeville

06 Mar 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

06,13 Mar 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

06 Mar 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 13 Mar 1885

Brookton Mar 13th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No 296 met and were called to order by Arthur Green W.C.T Officers Absent ~ P.W.C.T ~ W. M ~ Minutes of last meeting read and approved All members present true to the pledge. The W.C.T then requested the members to take seats around the table which was elegantly spread with victuals of the best selection, as a remembrance of the 6th of March 1876.

With the W.C.T. seated at the head with the W.O.G. at his right and the W. Secy at his left and the rest of the members seated around the table, they proceeded to partake of the sumptuous meal. After which the lodge room was cleared and the dishes taken care of. The W.C.T. then opened under Good of the Order of which the following members participated. Sel. by Sister Lounsbery - Entitled April Fool[s?] Bro Mandeville read a selection on Temperance Sel by Bro. Green Entitled The Witches Daughter

App. for next week

Music - Sis. Tobey

Literary - Sis. Mills - Bro Lounsbery Bro Sanders - Sis. Shurter - Bro Nourse

Rcts 65c

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T.

Chas VanDemark W. Sec’y

06,13 Mar 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

13 Mar 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 27 Mar 1885

Brookton March 27th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No 296 met and was called to order by E. Lounsbery W.C.T. Pro Tem Appointments Pro Tem W.C.T. Bro Lounsbery. W.V.T. Sis. Bush W.I.G. Sis. Sarah Genung Officers Absent at Roll call W.C.T. - W.V.T. - W.F.S - W. Chap - W.O.G. Minutes of last meeting read and approved

~ Recess ~

During intermission the W.M. took up a collection, got three cents and bought some Licorice Drops and passed them around to the members.

Good of The Order

Selection by Bro Lounsbery (Entitled) Gathering Them in Sel. by Sis. Genung (Entitled) Out of the fire Sel by Sis Lounsbery (Entitled) Easter Lilies

The following are the app. for next week For Music Sisters Roe, Woodhull, Bush and Genung

For Literary Entertainment Bros. VanDemark and Genung Sisters Lounsbery and Mills

Arthur Green W.C.T.

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

27 Mar 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 03 Apr 1885

Brookton April 3d 1885

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Arthur Green W.C.T. App. Pro Tem W Chap. Bro Denman P.W.C.T Sis Bush

Officers Absent at roll call - W.F.S. - P.W.C.T. - W. Chap. and O.G.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved All members present true to the pledge Moved and carried that we have an Intermission

~ Recess ~

Bro. Lounsbery stated that the Slaterville Dramatic Club wanted to borrow our curtain Moved and carried that we dont lend the curtain Bro. Lounsbery also said that the butter that was left of the Anniversary supper was at this house. Moved and Carried that Bro Lounsbery pay for the butter and put the money in the Treasury. Moved and Carried that Bro Lounsbery pay to the Treasurer what he thinks the butter is worth.

~ Good of the Order ~

Sis Gertie Roe favored the lodge with a piece of vocal music Sel. by Sis. Lounsbery (Entitled) My Boy written by John B. Gough A piece of instrumental music by Sis Tobey

App. for music for next week - Sisters Tobey - Newbery - Roe and Woodhull Literary Entertainment Bros. Denman - Lounsbery VanDemark and Genung Sis. Denman

Rcts .50c

Lodge closed for one week

A. Green, W.C.T. C.W.V Secy

03 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

03 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

03 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

03 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 10 Apr 1885

Brookton N.Y. Apr. 10th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No 296 called to order by W.C.T

Officers Pro Tem. - W. Secy R.L. Denman W. Chap. Sister Denman

Officers Absent at roll call W. Secy W.M and W.Chap.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

All members present true to the pledge

Bro Lounsbery said that Mrs Alice Draper wished to come here and deliver a temperance lecture

Moved and Carried that we have a recess

~ Intermission ~

Motion made that if any one will volunteer to keep Mrs Draper and find a place for her to lecture, that we have her come. Motion not seconded

~ Good of the Order ~

Sel. by Bro Denman Vocal Music Sis. Tobey Sel. by Bro Lounsbery (Entitled) Oscar Wilde on Dress Sel by Bro Sanders (Entitled) There is life

App. for next week Music - Sisters Tobey - Newbery - Roe Literary Sisters Denman - Lounsbery Mills and Genung

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T.

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

10 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 17 Apr 1885

Brookton Apr 17th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No. 296 I.O. of G.T. met and was called to order by Arthur Green W.C.T.

Officers Pro Tem ~ W.M. - Bro Denman P.W.C.T. Bro Mandeville

Officers Absent at roll call - W.F.S P.W.C.T - D.M and O.G.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The names of Louise Bates, Minnie Vandeark and Phoebe Davenport were proposed for membership of this lodge The Com. app. on the names were Sis. Lounsbery, Bro. Genung and Sis. Roe

All members present true to the pledge Moved and Carried that we have an intermission

~ Recess ~

For W.C.T

  • Bro. Green
  • Bro. Denman
  • Bro Mandeville


  • Sis. Tobey
  • Sis. Shurter
  • Sis. Roe

W. Secy

  • Bro Green
  • Bro VanDemark
  • Bro Sanders


  • Sis. Mills
  • Sis. Roe
  • Sis. Lounsbery


  • Sis. Lounsbery
  • Sis. Woodhull

W. Chap.

  • Bro Mandeville
  • Bro Denman
  • Sis Shurter


  • Sis. Roe
  • Bro Nourse
  • Bro Genung


  • Sis. Woodhull
  • Bro. Lounsbery
  • Bro. Denman


  • Bro. Lounsbery
  • Bro Denman
  • Bro Green
  • Bro Mandeville
  • Bro VanDemark

The lodge then listened to Gideon’s Army march up the stairs and after a consultation with the guard, said that they wished to become members of our order. The following names were proposed Fred Allen, Joe Campbell, Geo Richardson Geo. Ault, A.B. Hill, EF Vorhis, Will Allen and Will VanKeuren

Moved and Carried that we waive the usual rule and proceed to ballot on the candidates to night. They were balloted for and Elected And when we were ready to initiate them they were found wanting

Good of The Order

Sel. by Sis. Lounsbery (Entitled) It came to her Instrumental music by Sis Tobey Sel. by Sis. Genung (Entitled) Who loves not flowers

App. for next week Music Sisters Tobey, Genung, Newbery and Roe Literary Sisters Woodhull and Lounsbery Shurter Bro’s Lounsbery and Denman

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T.

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

17 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

17 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

17 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 24 Apr 1885

Brookton N.Y. April 24th 1885

High Bridge Lodge called to order by W.C.T.

Officers Pro Tem - W Secy ~ R.L Denman W.M - Sister Bush - D.M. Sis. Roe P.W.C.T. Arthur Denman

Officers absent at roll call - P.W.C.T. - W. Secy - W.M - D.M - R.S -

Minutes of last meeting read and approved Com. on the names of Mif Bates Mif Vandemark and Mif Davenport report favorable. The names were balloted on and the W.C.T. declared the candidates elected.

All members present true to the pledge

Moved and Carried that we proceed to the election of officers. Bros. Sanders and Lounsbery were appointed tellers Officers elected with the following result W.C.T. Arthur Green W.V.T. Sis. Tobey W. Sec’y - Chas VanDemark W.F.S. - Sis. Mills W. Treas. Sis. Lounsbery W. Chap. Sis. Shurter W.M. Sis. Roe W.I.G. - Sis. Woodhull W.O.G. Bro. Mandeville

– Recess –

Good of the Order

Sel. by Bro Lounsbery Vocal Music by Sis. Tobey Vocal Music by Sis. Tobey For Sis. Genung

App. for next week Music Sisters Genung - Tobey - Roe and Newbery Literary Sisters Lounsbery and Mills. Bros. Sanders, A.D. Denman and R.L. Denman

Rcts 35c Lodge Closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T.

24 Apr 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 01 May 1885

55c 1.50

Brookton May 1st 1885

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Arthur Green, W.C.T

Officers Pro Tem - W.V.T Sis Roe D.M Sister Woodhull

Officers Absent at roll call - W.M. D.M. O.G. Minutes of last meeting read and approved A bill of $1.50 for Per Capita tax was drawn and ordered paid.

Sis. Bush and Bro Hungerford reported sick. All members present true to the pledge.

~ Intermission ~

The W.C.T. then opened under Report of Officers W. Sec’y and W.F.S. made reports, W. Treas, not prepared. The next in order was installation of officers. Moved and Carried that we only install the officers that have not been installed. The following were the officers installed by Bro. Lounsbery, Lodge deputy. For W.M. Sis. Roe for O.G. Sis. Whoodhull. The W.C.T. appointed the same Finance and Sick Com. that were appointed last quarter.

Good of the Order

Sel. by Sis. Lounsbery (Entitled) April Vocal Music by Sis. Tobey

Moved and Carried that we adjourn.

Rcts 55c

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T.

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

01 May 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

01 May 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 08 May 1885

$1.50 5.00

Brookton N.Y. May 8th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No 296 I.O. of G.T. met and was called to order by A. Green W.C.T. Appointments Pro Tem - P.W.C.T - Bro. Denman

Officers absent at roll call - P.W.C.T. D.M. and O.G.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved Bro Lounsbery presented a bill of $5.00 for rent. The W.C.T. ordered the bill paid. All members present true to the pledge

~ Intermission ~

After intermission the W.C.T. called for the Treas.’s report which was promplty responded to.

~ Good of the Order ~

The W.M. collected the spices for the spice box and then passed them to be read

Vocal Music by Sister Tobey

Moved and Carried that we furnish spices for next Friday Evening

Rcts. $1.50

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

08 May 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 15 May 1885


Brookton N.Y. May 15th 1885

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by A.G. W.C.T

Appointments Pro Tem - W.V.T. Sis. Bush P.W.C.T Bro Sanders

Officers Absent at roll call - P.W.C.T W.V.T and O.G. -

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

The name of Chas Woodhull was proposed for membership of this lodge. Moved and Carried that we waive the usual rule and proceed to ballot on the name. The W.C.T declared the candidate elected. After the usual questions were answered and the fee paid He was initiated in the first degree of our order.

~ Intermission ~

All members present true to the pledge

For the good of the order the lodge was highly entertained with another spice box

Moved and Carried that we have a spice box next Friday Evening

Rcts. $1.00

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

15 May 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 29 May 1885

30c Rainy May 22d

Brookton May 29th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No 296 I.O. of G.T. met and was called to order by A. Green W.C.T

Appointments Pro Tem W.V.T Bro Lounsbery

Officers absent at roll call - W.V.T and O.G. Minutes of last meeting read and approved All members present true to the pledge.

~ Intermission ~

After intermission the W.C.T called for a report of county Lodge, but no delegates being sent we were unable to have any report given.

For the Good of the Order a tasty Spice Box was furnished

Also a few remarks by Bro. Winchell Moved and Carried we adjourn

App. for next week

Music. Sisters Roe and Woodhull Literary - Bro. Lounsbery, Sis. Lounsbery Sis Gorsline, Sis. Mills and Sis. Shurter

Rcts. 30c

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

29 May 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 05 Jun 1885

Brookton N.Y. June 5th 1885

High Bridge Lodge No 296 I.O. of G.T met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by Arthur Green W.C.T

Appointments Pro Tem. W.V.T. Sis. Bush P.W.C.T. Bro Sanders.

Officers absent at roll call - W.V.T. P.W.C.T. D.M and O.G. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. All members present true to the pledge. Moved and Carried that we have a recess.

~ Intermission ~

~ Good of the Order ~

Sel. by Bro. Lounsbery (Entitled) The story of the [shoes ?] Sel by Sis. Lounsbery (Entitled) Have a purpose Vocal Music by Sis. Roe - Would you tell me why [?] Recitation by Sis. Gorsline (Entitled) The Wedding fee For next Friday Evening the W.C.T decided to have a spice box for the Good of the Order.

Lodge Closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

Sister Gorsline Ass’t Sec’y

05 Jun 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 12 Jun 1885

Brookton N.Y. June 12th 1885

High Bridge Lodge called to order by W.C.T

Appointments Pro Tem - W.V.T. Sis. Bush W. Secy Bro Lounsbery

All members present true to the pledge


Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The W. Sec’y read a communication from C.P. Wiles of Cortland.

For the Good of the Order the members furnished a spice box

The Worthy Chief Templar said that we would have a spice box next Friday Evening

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.CT.

Charles VanDemark Sec’y

12 Jun 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 19 Jun 1885

Brookton N.Y. June 19th 1885

H.B. Lodge called to order by W.C.T

Appointments Pro. Tem W.V.T. Bro Lounsbery W. Sec’y R.L. Denman

Officers Absent at roll call - W.V.T. - W. Sec’y P.W.C.T. - Ass’t Sec’y - F. Sec’y - R. and L Supporters - and Outside Guard

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Sis. Bush reported sick the 18th Inst. All members present true to the pledge. Moved and Carried that we have a recess of five minutes

~ Intermission ~

Good of the Order

Sel. by Bro. Lounsbery Spices by Sis. Lounsbery Spices by Bro Woodhull Sel. by Bro Denman

Moved and Carried that we dont have any lodge meeting next Friday Evening Moved and Seconded that we adjourn Motion not [put ?]

Lodge closed for two weeks

Arthur Green W.C.T

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 10 Jul 1885

Friday Evening, July 10th 1885

Lodge called to order by W.C.T

Officers Pro. Tem. - W.V.T Bro Lounsbery W. Sec’y Bro. Denman, P.W.C.T Bro Sanders

Officers Absent at roll call - W.V.T. P.C.T. W. Sec’y - F.S - O.G - R and L. Supp.

W. Sec’y read a communication from Ithaca Union Lodge No 295 stating that Harvey Cole and Lula Hungerford were expelled from the Order June 22d 1885 Moved that we have a recess Motion Lost

For Good of Order a Spice Box and a selection by Bro Sanders

App. for next week Literary - Bro Lounsbery - Sis. Genung Sis. Shurter - Bro Denman - Sis. Lounsbery Music - Sister Roe

Lodge adjourned for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T

R.L. Denman W. Secy. Pro Tem

10 Jul 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 24 Jul 1885

Brookton N.Y. July 24th 1885

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Arthur Green W.C.T

Officers all absent but W.C.T. - W. Sec’y and W. Treas.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved All members present true to the pledge Moved and Carried that we postpone the nomination of officers till next week

Good of the Order

Sel. by Sis. Lounsbery Sel. by Bro Lounsbery (Entitled) Solomonica [?]

Lodge closed for one week

Arthur Green W.C.T.

Chas VanDemark Sec’y

24 Jul 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 31 Jul 1885


Brookton N.Y. July 31st 1885

High Bridge Lodge I.O. of G.T. met at their rooms and was called to order by Arthur Green W.C.T

App. Pro Tem. P.W.C.T. Bro. Besemer W.V.T. Sis. Bush.

Officers absent at roll call - W.V.T. - P.W.C.T F.Secy - Asst Secy - D.M. - O.G. Minutes of last meeting read and approved All members present true to the pledge

Moved and Carried that we elect the officers by informal ballot. The following are the officers elect

  • W.C.T. Chas VanDemark
  • W.V.T. Sis. Woodhull
  • W. Sec’y Sis. Lounsbery
  • W.F.S. Sis. Mills
  • W.T. Bro. Woodhull
  • W. Chap. Sis. Shurter
  • W.M. Sis. Roe
  • W.I.G. Sis Bush
  • W.O.G. Bro Lounsbery

The following are the delegates to Co. Lodge


  • Chas. VanDemark
  • Bro Lounsbery
  • Sis. Shurter


  • Bro. Denman
  • Bro. Green
  • Sis. Roe

Moved and Carried that we adjourn until the 3d Friday in September

Rcts. 35c

Arthur Green W.C.T

C.W.V Sec’y

31 Jul 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

31 Jul 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 18 Sep 1885

Brookton N.Y. Sept 18 1885

High Bridge Lodge called to order by Edw Lounsbery WCT Pro Tem

Officers absent at roll call WCT P.W.C.T Minutes of last meeting read & approved Bro. Lounsbery proposed the name of Miss Franklin Davis for initiation. Com on same. Sisters Tobey, Bush & Roe. Next in order being installation of Officers, they were duly installed by Bro Lounsbery LD. All true to the pledge. Appointing of standing Committees by Bro Chas VanDemark W.C.T

Finance Committee Bro Lounsbery, Sis Tobey Sis Shurter

Sick Committee Sis Lounsbery Sis Bush Sis Mills Sis Auchmoody Sis Roe Sis Woodhull

Remarks from Bro Lounsbery to the effect that we must all work if we expect to be successful A charge of violation of this pledge was preperred [sic] against a Bro and the following committee appointed on same Bro’s Lounsbery Richd Denman & Woodhull

Motion to adjourn, carried. Appts for next meeting Music Sisters Tobey & Roe Sel - Sis Mills Bro & Sis Lounsbery & Sis Bush

Chas VanDemark WCT

Amanda S Lounsbery Secy

18 Sep 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

18 Sep 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 25 Sep 1885

Brookton Sept 25 1885

Lodge called to order by W.C.T

Officers pro tem Sis Hungerford P.W. Opening ode Whosoever will

Off absent PW. DM.

Minutes read & approved. Sister Hungerford proposed the name of Reynolds B. Young for membership. Committee app on this propostion were Bro Lounsbery Sisters Tobey & Shurter Ballotting on the name of Miss Franklin Davis the Com on same having reported favorable, she was elected. All true to the pledge.


After Recess, the report of the Com on violation of Art II of the Consitution, was called for, not being prepared, one week more was given thence. next, reports of Officers, FS. T. & Secy. responded, their reports agreeing, they were adopted by the Lodge

Good of Order, opened with, Music by Sis Tobey “Where the leaves begin to turn” Sel. Sis Mills, “One day in a country store” Sel. Bro Lounsbery, “The cider Mill” Music Sis Roe “Sailing” Remarks by Bro Hungerford, commending & advising. Sis Hungerford gave us the old ladies rule for telling good indigo from poor. Sel Sis Lounsbery “Florry’s [?] doing” Appt next week Lit - Sisters Shurter Bush & Bro Woodhull Sis Tobey & Hungerford Music, Sis Roe & Bush - Recpts $1.65

Chas Vandemark WCT

Amanda S Lounsbery Secy

25 Sep 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 02 Oct 1885

Oct 2 1885

Lodge called to order by Edw Lounsbery WC Pro tem. Officers absent appointed, P.W. DM. Singing “Gates afar”. Officers found to be absent at roll call, WC, PWD, RS, LS. reading of minutes, they were approved

Sis Lounsbery proposed the name of Miss Sallie Speed to be initiated to night, a special dispensation being granted by LD, the balllots [sic] box was prepared & Miss Sallie Speed & Mr Reynolds B Young were duly elected. The Marshall then repaired to the Ante Room and returning reported the Misses Davis & Speed to be in waiting, they were introduced and properly initiated in the first degree of our order. Recess. during recess, Bro & Sis Hungerford came bringing a beautiful basket of pears, which were greatly appreciated.

Special committeed of Case of Arthur Green reported that he acknowledges violation of Art II of Constitution and recommended that he be suspended. Bro Hungerford moved that the report be accepted. Good of order. Sel. Sis Shurter “Dont drink to night”. Sis Bush “The flowers & the reaper” Bro Woodhull asked to be excused. Sis Roe sang, I cannot sing the old song. Bro Lounsbery read “The clown baby. Appt for next, Sis Mills, Bro Woodhull & VanDemark, Sis Lounsbery. Music Sis Roe Woodhull & Tobey & Sisters Davis & Speed. Pie & fruit festival proposed for 1 week from to night, object social & financial

Recpts $1.45

Chas VanDeMark - W.C.

Amanda S L. Secy

02 Oct 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 09 Oct 1885

Oct 9, 1885 Brookton N.Y.

Meeting called to order Edw Lounsbery in the chair as WCT. pro tem. appointments to fill vacancies, Bro Hungerford PW, Sis Auchmoody DM. All correct in Pass-Word. Prayer & Singing. Officers absent, WC, PW, DM.

Reading of minutes, Adopted.

Initiation of Reynolds B Young. Recess, & Pears furnished by Bro & Sis Hungerford. We number them among the few, who seem to grasp the true idea & aim of our order, loyally have they stood by us through all our ups & downs. Strong of intellect, true of heart, may they long be spared to us.

All true to the pledge. Case of Bro Green brought up. Bro. Hungerford made the motion that he be suspended. motion carried. Good of order, Recitation by Bro Woodhull “The Village Blacksmith”, which was recited in an excellent manner & roundly applauded. Music, Sis Roe, “I’d be a star” [?]. Song by Sis Woodhull, accompanied by Sis Roe, Sentiment [?] by Sis Lounsbery. Music Sis Tobey, Bro Young gave a synopsis of an article in Toledo Blade on Prohibition as viewed by a minister - Remarks by Bro Hungerford comparing Blacksmith and Rum sellers, results of thoughts while listening to Bro Woodhull’s recitation. Literary works from to-night, Sisters Mills Bush Roe & Tobey & Shurter, Bro Young & Hungerford, Sisters Roe & Woodhull for music. Closing exercises. Recpts 50c

Pie Party one week from to-night

Chas VanDeMark - WC

Amanda S Lounsbery - Secy

09 Oct 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

09 Oct 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

09 Oct 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

09 Oct 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 23 Oct 1885

Oct 23 - 1885

Lodge called to order by Edw Lounsbery WC. pro tem. officers appointed, PW - Bro Young, DM - Sis Gorsline. opening exercises. Officers absent, WC, PW Minutes read and approved. Communication from Ithaca Union Lodge, to the effet that a delegation from their Lodge would visit it us soon. Bill presented by Edw Lounsbery for 1 qr rent, ending July 31, approved by the F Com & ordered paid All true to the pledge

Recess, with Pop Corn furnished by Sis Hungerford

After Recess, the chair of the PW was declared vacant, and an election ordered. Bro Hungerford moved that Secy cast the ballot for Bro Young carried, & Bro Young was declared elected. Report of Pie & friut fesitival, [?], recpts so far $6.22

Good of order. Sis Hungerford, read an article on the right of women to vote. Bro Young, Sel. A Mothers blessing. Bro Hungerford “Woman’s Suffrage. for next week appts for literary were Sis Mills, Bro Woohull, Sis Gorsline, Sisters Tobey, Roe, Woodhull, & Bro Lounsbery

Singing “Rescue the perishing”. Prayer by Chaplain. No recpts. adjourned for one week

Edw Lounsbery - WC protem

Amanda S Lounsbery, Secy

23 Oct 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 13 Nov 1885

Nov 13 1885

Lodge called to order by Edw Lounsbery WC pro tem. Prayer & singing. Off absent at roll call, WC PW, DM. Minutes read and approved at this stage of proceeding WCT. Bro Vandemark put in an appearance. All true to the pledge except Bro Mandeville, he had taken a very small drink of sweet-cider. on being questioned, he said he did it as a test to see if it was sweet. after hearing what he had to say, W.C.T decided to excuse him

Recess. Treasurer reported $2.67 re’cd from the sale of Bananas & peanuts left-over at festival To night being the time for nomination & election of officers Bro Edw Lounsbery moved that Sis Auchmoody - our M - cast the ballot of the Lodge for the off of the past quarter (except WCT) who positively declined) Sis Wm Hungerford was nominated & elected as worthy CT. Bro Young RS, Bro Mandeville LS. Installation ceremonies by L.D.

Delegates to County Lodge. Reg. Bro’s Young, Lounsbery & Sis Hungerford. Alt. Bro’s Woodhull, VanDemark & Mandeville. Degree meeting appointed for next week friday night, after the regular opening excercises in first degree. Good of order. Sis Tobey read an article on “Sun Spots” Bro Young, “Measure for Measure” Appts for next week, Rec. Sis Gorsline. Lit. Bro VanDemark & Sis Shurter. Music. Sis Woodhull Rec Bro Woodhull, Lit. Bro Young, Chas VanDemark.

Recpts .70

Sis Hungerford W.C.T

Amanda S Lounsbery, Secy

13 Nov 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 20 Nov 1885

Nov 20, 1885

Lodge called to order by W.C.T Officers pro tem PW Bro Mandeville, Chap Bro Hungerford. Prayer followed by opening ode Sis Cassie Woodhull presiding at the organ. Officers absent, Chap, M, IG. Minutes read and approved. All true to the pledge

WCT appointed as Finance Com, Bro Hungerford Sis Tobey, Sis Shurter. Sick Com, same as last qr. Reports of FS, T, Secy moved and carried that reports be referred to Finance Com

Recess. Lodge opened in the second degree the degree of Fidelity. Bro’s Mandeville Young Woodhull & Sis Woodhull were the candidates. after initiating them in this degree, DT gave us the unwritten work of Third degree, or the degree of Charity. W.C.T then took the chair for the closing services of subordinate lodge. For good of order, those of last weeks appointment were retained and Bro Hungerford added to the list. Recpts of the evening $1.90

Lodge adjourned for one week

Mrs Wm. Hungerford W.C.T

Amanda S Lounsbery Secy

20 Nov 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 27 Nov 1885

Nov 27 1885

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by Edw Lounsbery WC pro tem after ascertaining that all present were qualified to remain, the WCT on account of the coldness of [ante ?] room varied the usual order by deferring the rest of the opening [?] exercises until later on, and the M was instructed to see if there any candidates for initiation in the anteroom returning she reported Mrs Ellen Lounsbery in waiting. she was then introduced and properly initiated in the first degree of our order. Officers absent at roll call WC, M, IG, R&LS.

Minutes read and approved Recess

All true to the pledge. Good of the order Bro. Chas VanDemark, read an affecting story of the exploits and adventures of a hen at a Moody meeting. Bro Lounsbery told us some things which he had read about Holland, their customs & manner of living which were of interest. by this our new Sis remembered to have reading of a little boy who saved Holland by stopping a hole in the dyke with his coat, and holding it there though near freezing until help came. I felt there was something that might give courage to the G-T hearts in the story, we do not seem to be doing very much good, but if we have the grit to stick and do what we can, we may be the manner of stopping many holes in the dyke of the intemperant

Appt. Lit, Sis Mills Tobey & Sis Ellen Lounsbery

Recpts 50c

Edw Lounsbery WC pro tem

Amanda Lounsbery Secy

27 Nov 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 18 Dec 1885

Dec 18 1885

High Bridge Lodge met at their rooms and was called to order by Edw Lounsbery WC pro tem Bro Mandeville was appointed I.G Prayer & Singing Officers absent, WC, PW, T, M, IG, LS. Minutes read & approved. All true to the pledge. Sis Amanda Lounsbery read an article “How the temperance lecture came to the man who would not go to it” Bro Mandeville “What wore the tap out” Appts for next week, Bro Mandeville, Sis Ellen Lounsbery, Sis Shurter. Music Sis Woodhull

No recpts Lodge closed for one week, to meet on Christmas night.

Edw Lounsbery WC pro tem

Amanda S Lounsbery Secy

18 Dec 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

18 Dec 1885, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 01 Jan 1886

Jan 1st 1886 Brookton

High Bridge Lodge met on the first night of the new year, with a good number in attendance, and were called to order by Bro Edw Lounsbery, WC pro tem. Officers appointed to fill vacancies, Sis Ellen Lounsbery Chap. Bro Young, IG. opening exercises. Roll call officers absent, WC, PW, C, DM.

Minutes read & approved. All true to the pledge. Sis Hungerford at this point appeared on the scene, with a basket of popped corn. Under propositions for membership, Bro Young, presented the name of Miss Florence Young, committee app on same Sis Ellen S Lounsbery May H Tobey M. Emily Mills Com reported at once result, in favor of Miss Young

Recess - Under order of Bills - Edw Lounsbery presented one of $2.50 for 1/2 qr rent ending Oct 31, 1885. signed & approved by the finance Com moved & carried that the bill be paid

Good of order. Sel by Sis Ellen Lounsbery, “Rob’s diaries [?]“ Music Sis Woodhull & Sis Roe, “Under the Linden tree” Bro Hungerford, Sel The polite Yankee. Sis Toby & Lounsbery Music “Sharons Rose” Bro Young Sel “[Steady ?] faith” Sis Mills, Sel “L[?] customs in China”. everyone app to furnish for next meeting. meeting adjourned for one week. opinion unanimous that we had spent a profitable evening. No Receipts.

Mrs Wm Hungerford WCT

Amanda S Lounsbery, Secy

01 Jan 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

01 Jan 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 08 Jan 1886

Jan 8, 1886

Lodge met and was called to order by Edw Lounsbery W.C.T pro tem. Sis Ellen Lounsbery was appointed Chap. Prayer & Singing. roll call, officers absent W.C Chap, PW, R&LS. Minutes read & app

All true to the pledge. Recess of ten minutes. At the sound of the gavel lodge resumed work. first in order balloting for candidates. Sister Florence Young was balloted for & elected

Good of order. Sel Sis Ellen Lounsbery “The life boat” Music Sis Gertie Roe - “Oh fair dove, oh fond dove” Sel Sis Amanda Lounsbery “A temperance poem” Sel Bro Lounsbery “Ask the price”

Appts for next week. Literary Sis Mills, Bro Woodhull, Sisters Bush & Auchmoody Recitations Sis Lounsbery Sel, Sisters Roe Tobey & Woodhull for Music

Recpts 15c - closing exercises.

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Edw Lounsbery, WC protem

Amanda S Lounsbery, Secy

08 Jan 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 15 Jan 1886

Jan 15 1886

Lodge met & was called to order by Edw Lounsbery, WC pro tem off appointed, Bro Mandeville PW Sis Ellen Lounsbery IG, Bro Young Mar. Prayer & Singing Initiation of Miss Florence Young in the first degree of our order Recess. Reading of minutes approved. all true to the plege

Good of order. Reading of a pleasant poem by Sis Mills. Music by the Lodge Sel Sis Ellen Lounsbery What Cocoanine [sic] is made of. Sel Bro Young Every [?] has its [worm ?]. Sel Bro Lounsbery “I think its a dream, Sis Lounsbery, The temperhance ship” Recpts 50c. Everyone appt for next week

Edw Lounsbery WC pro tem

Amanda S Lounsbery Secy

15 Jan 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 22 Jan 1886

Jan 22 1886 Brookton

High Bridge Lodge met and was called to order by W.C.T. Appointments to fill vacancies PW Bro Hungerford, Mar Sis Davis Officers Absent, PW, FS, M & DM IG, RS. Minutes read & approved

Bro Lounsbery gave a verbal report from Ithaca lodge. substance of the report that we might expect a visit from them next week on Friday night. Under propositions for membership, Sis Edw Lounsbery presented the names of Mr & Mrs Ernest Winchell. Com appt on Mr Winchell, Wm Hungerford, Edw Lounsbery Sis Tobey. Com on Mrs Winchell, Mrs Shurter Mrs Ellen Lounsbery - Miss Frank Davis

All true to the pledge


The Committees on the names of Mr & Mrs Winchell reported favorable.

Good of order Sel by Sis Ellen Lounsbery, “The curse of drink” by Canon Farrow before the N-T-S Precepts & Sayings of Sam Jones by Sis Shurter. Sel by Sis Davis, “The perils of paper bag bustles” Bro Hungerford read an extract from the Ithaca Republican, on the condition of things generally in that village. Sis Amanda Lounsbery The Quaker Lady & Servant”. Sis Hungerford “How she cured him” Bro Hungerford “Flirting with [strangers ?] Bro Lounsbery, Do your duty to day. Sis Ellen Lounsbery moved a vote of thanks for the apples & [?] to Bro Theo Mandeville. Recpts 60 cts. all appt for good of order

Mrs Wm Hungerford W.C.T.

Amanda Lounsbery Secy

22 Jan 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 29 Jan 1886

Jan 29, 1886 Brookton

Lodge called to order by WCT. officers appointed to fill vacancies Chap. Sis Ellen Lounsbery. Mar. Bro Edw Lounsbery. Prayer & Singing Off absent, PW, Chap, M, DM, IG, L&RS.

Minutes read & app. Balloting on the names of Mr & Mrs Ernest Winchell, they were declared elected All true to the pledge - Recess -

After recess the lodge proceeded to the election of officers with the following result

  • Bro. Hungerford WCT
  • Sis. Ellen Lounsbery W.V.T
  • Secy, Sis Mills
  • F.S. Sis Amanda Lounsbery
  • Treas. Bro. Woodhull
  • Chap. Sis. Shurter
  • Mar Sis. Woodhull
  • IG. Bro Mandeville
  • OG Bro Lounsbery
  • DM Bro Young
  • RS Sis Speed
  • LS Sis Davis

For good of the order Sis Wm Hungerford read an essay. Subject, “Woman Suffrage” This essay was written by Sis Hungerford and read before the State Grange at Cortland, & will be published in “The Husbandman” Bro Hungerford read the [substance ?] of a bill introduced before the State Legislature and the Editorial remarks of the Ithaca Republican on the same. Remarks by Bro Lounsbery on the state of temperance in Kansas. Sel. Sis Mills, “Strive, Wait & Pray”

Recpts 30 cts

Mrs Wm Hungerford - W.C.T.

Amanda S Lounsbery Secy

29 Jan 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

“The Husbandman is a weekly Agricultural paper of great practical utility, is ably edited and beautifully printed.” (09 Jan 1886, The Otsego Farmer, Cooperstown NY, p5, q13.) It appears the full title of the paper may have been the “Elmira Husbandman and Farmer”. (see 23 Jan 1886, The Otsego Farmer, Cooperstown NY, p5, q13.)

Strive, Wait, and Pray by Adelaide A. Procter, furnished by Emily Mills.


Strive; yet I do not promise 
The prize you dream of to-day 
Will not fade when you think to grasp it, 
And melt in your hand away; 
But another and holier treasure, 
You would now perchance disdain,
I Will come when your toil is over, 
And pay you for all your pain, 

Wait; yet I do not tell you 
The hour you long for now 
Will not come with its radiance vanished, 
And a shadow upon its brow; 
Yet far through the misty future, 
With a crown of starry light, 
An hour of joy you know not 
Is winging her silent flight. 

Pray; though the gift you ask for 
May never comfort your fears, 
May never repay your pleading, 
Yet pray, and with hopeful tears; 
An answer, not that you long for, 
But diviner, will come one day; 
Your eyes are too dim to see it, 
Yet strive, and wait, and pray. 

– 1858, The Poems of Adelaide A. Procter, Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York NY, p89.

Friday Evening, 19 Feb 1886

Brookton Feb 19 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Hungerford, W.C. pro tem Officers appointed to fill vacancies, Bro Lounsbery D.M. Officers absent: W.D.M. - I.G. - R.H.S.

Minutes read and approved.

Names of A.M. Dedrick proposed for membership of this Lodge, by Sister Davis. Committee on same, Bro. Lounsbery, Sister Ellen Lounsbery and Sister Tobey. Committee report favorably

All true to the pledge. Recess.

Reports of Officers. Moved and carried that they be accepted. Installation of Officers. Delegates to County Lodge: - Bro. & Sister Hungerford and Bro. Young. Alternates: - Bro. Lounsbery, Sister Shurter & Sister Ellen Lounsbery. Motion made & carried giving the delegates power to fill vacancies at C.L.

Members of Finance Committee, W.M. - W.V.T. - F.S.

Good of the Order: - Selections by Sister Lounsbery Bro. Lounsbery. Song by Sister Tobey.

Receipts 85c. Closing ceremonies. Lodge closed adjourned for one week.

Bro. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

Feb 19 1886 - Called to order by Bro Hun off appt - Mar Bro Louns. off ab M DM IG RLS Minutes read & approved. Name of AM Dedrick proposed by Sis Davis. Bro Lounsbery - Sis Ellen Lounsbery & Sis May Tobey Com All true to the pledge. Recess. Reports of officers - moved & carried that they be accepted Installation of officers - Election of Delegates to C.L. Bro & Sister Hungerford & Bro. Young. Alternates Bro Lounsbery Sister Shurter & Sister Ellen Lounsbery Bro L made Motion made & carried that the delegates at C.L. have the power to fill the delegation Finance Committee W.M W.V F.S. Good of the Order Sister Louns. Bro Louns. Song by Sister Tobey. Receipts 85cts

19 Feb 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

19 Feb 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

19 Feb 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

19 Feb 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 05 Mar 1886

Brookton Mar. 5 1886

The Officers & Members of High Bridge Lodge met together, not to pursue the usual order of business, but to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Lodge. It having been the custom in the past to have an annual supper, it was decided to hold it this year as usual nowithstanding the low condition of the Order.

Accordingly thirteen members presented themselves at the Lodge room each bearing some dainty with which to spread the festal board.

Through the kindess of Sister Hungerford each person was supplied with a cup of delicious coffee smoking hot.

After every one had eaten enough to satisfy the cravings of hunger and the table had been cleared, Sister Toby entertained the members with some music after which the company separated feeling that the evening had been most pleasantly spent.

Wm. Hungerfored W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

05 Mar 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 09 Apr 1886

Brookton Apr 9 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Lounsbery W.C.T. Pro tem Officers appointed to vacancies; W.C. Bro Denman P.W.C.T. Bro. dedrick. Officers absent; W.C. D.M O.G. R&L.H.S. Minutes read & approved. Communication from Sisters Speed & Davis requesting their names to be taken from the roll of membership of this Lodge as they were members of the Lodge at Slaterville recently reorganized. Motion made and carried the request be granted.

Members all reported true to their pledge.

Recess. - For Good of the Order interesting remarks were made by Bros. Dedrick and Lounsbery. Recitation by Bro. Woodhull Bro. Denman read an article on the effects of alcho upon the human system. Various remarks by different members.

Receipts 95cts Lodge closed for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

Omitted in above Bill presented by E. Lounsbery for rent $5.00. Motion made and carried that the same be paid.

09 Apr 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 16 Apr 1886

Brootkon Apr 16 /86

Lodge called to Order by Bro. Denman W.C.T. Pro tem. Officers appointed to fill vacancies; Sister Davis W.C. Officers absent W.C.T. - P.W. C.T. - W.C. O.G. R&L.S.S. Minutes read & approved All true to the pledge.

Recess - For Good of the Order remarks were made by Bro. Lounsbery & Bro. Hungerford. Sel. by Sister Lounsbery. Sel. from Sister Ellen Lounsbery by Helen H. Jackson. Bro. Denman read an article on John B. Gough. A few remarks from Sister Davis concering the welfare of Crystal Fountain Lodge at Slaterville.

Song by Sister Toby. Selection by Sister Mills.

Receipts 60c

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

16 Apr 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 23 Apr 1886

Brookton Apr. 23 /86

Lodge opened by Bro. Lounsbery W.C.T protem. Officers absent D.M. - O.G. R&LS. Minutes read & approved. All true to the pledge. Intermission.

For good of the Order a selection by Sister Lounsbery entitled, Speak well of your Lodge. Bro Lounsbery presented a few encouraging facts in regard to the temperance work. Selection by Sister Davis, and Sister Lounsbery. A short discussion as to the advisability of inviting the County Lodge to hold their its next session with us, was held. Bro. Lounsbery made a motion that we do not invite the Lodge. Motion carried. Receipts 15c.

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

23 Apr 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 30 Apr 1886

Brookton Apr 30 /86

Lodge opened by Bro. Hungerford W.C.T. Officers absent at roll call; W.T. - M. - D.M. - O.G. R.&L.S.

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. W.C.T. then opened under the head of Nomination of Officers.

A motion was made by Bro. Lounsbery and carried, that as the names were nominated for each office they should be balloted for. The following result was obtained:

  • For W.C.T. Bro. Hungerford.
  • W.V.T Sister Ellen Lounsbery
  • W.S. Sister Mills.
  • W.F.S. Bro. Woodhull Sister Amanda Lounsbery
  • W.T. Bro. Woodhull.
  • W.C. Sister Shurter
  • W.M. Sister Auchmoody
  • I.G Sister Woodhull
  • O.G. Bro. E. Lounsbery

During intermission the members were treated to some pop-corn by Sister Hungerford.

30 Apr 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Apr 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Apr 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Apr 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 07 May 1886

Brookton May 7 1/86 [sic]

Lodge called to order by Bro. Hungerford W.C.T. Appt’s. pro-tem, W.V. Sister Auchmoody. Officers absent; - W.V.T. - D.M. - O.G.

Minutes of last meeting read & approved.


All reported true to the pledge.

The newly elected Officers were then duly installed for the ensuing quarter. Sister Auchmoody, Sister Ellen Lounsbery & Sister Amanda Lounsbery were appointed to act upon the finance committee.

For Good of the Order Sister Lounsbery read a selection entitled “the deacon’s prayer”. Bro. Lounsbery also furnished an article upon the temperance question.

Sister Hungerford stated that the members of the County Lodge were very anxious to hold their next session with High Bridge Lodge and a motion was finally made & carried that this Lodge invite them here.

Receipts $1.20

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

07 May 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 21 May 1886

Brookton May 21 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Hungerford W.C.T. Appointments pro-tem W.V. Sister Bush W.M. Sister Roe

Officers absent W.V., D.M., R.&L.S.

Minutes read and approved.

Under the head of propostions for membership the names of Edwin Shurter, Lela Roe, Wm Wolcott, Lou Gorsline, George Ault and Ed Vorhis were proposed.

Motion made and carried that the candidates be initiated to-night.

The names were duly balloted upon and declared elected.

The candidates were then introducted and initiated in the first degree of our order.

Intermission for congratulations of new made members.

After recess the following appointments for delegates to County Lodge were made Regular delegates - Bro. & Sister Hungerford Sister Auchmoody & Sister Shurter. Alternate - Bro & Sister Young. Motion made & carried giving the delegation the power of substitition.

Motion made & carried that an order be drawn on the Treas. for the per capita tax for the previous quarter and the present quarter.

For Good of the Order excellent selections were read by Sisters Lounsbery & Hungerford.

Receipts [?]95 Lodge closed for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

21 May 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 28 May 1886

Brookton May 28 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Lounsbery W.C.T. pro. tem. Appointments to fill vacancies, Bro. Denman P.W.C.T

Officers absent W.C.T. - P.W.C.T. - R.&L.S.

Minutes read & approved.

The names of Gardner Perry & Chas. Lounsbery were proposed for members. After being balloted for & elected they were initiated in the first degree of the order. Recess.

Upon calling to order again Bro. Lounsbery made the announcement that the Slaterville Lodge would hold an ice cream festival in Slaterville May 29.

Bill of $5.00 presented by E. Lounsbery for rent. Motion made & carried the bill be paid.

The W.V. - W.M. - D.M. were then installed for the present quarter.

Motion made & carried that at the close of the Lodge it should be adjourned for two weeks.

For good of the order music was rendered by Lela & Gertie Roe. Sel. By Bro Lounsbery. A Valuable cure for fleas was given by Sis. Lounsbery.

Song by the Sisters Roe.

Appointments for next meeting, for reading & recitation, Ed. Shurter, Sister Gorsline Sister Lounsbery Bro. Denman, Bro. Woodhull & Sister Mills. Music - Sisters Woodhull, Roe & Tobey.

Receipts 1.30 Lodge adjourned for two weeks.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

28 May 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 11 Jun 1886

Brookton June 11 1886

Lodge called to order as usual by Bro. Lounsbery W.C.T. pro-tem

Officers absent W.C.T. - P.W.C.T. - R.&L.S. Minutes read and approved.

A communication from Ithaca Union Lodge was read stating that Edward H. Green, a member of that lodge, had been expelled for violation of Article second of the constitution.

All reported true to the pledge.

For Good of the Order, a poem was read by Sister Toby followed by a recitation from Bro. Ed. Shurter.

Appointments for next week for reading Sisters Amanda & Ellen Lounsbery Sister Mills Bro. Chas. Lounsbery, Sister Bush.

For music Sisters Woodhull Roe & Toby For recitations, Sister Gorsline & Bro. Woodhull.

No receipts.

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

11 Jun 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 18 Jun 1886

Brookton June 18 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Lounsbery pro-tem. Appointments for vacant offices Ed. Shurter W.V.T. P.W.C.T Bro Franklin of Ithaca; Bro. Chas Lounsbery [I?].G. Officers absent, W.C.T. - W.V.T. - P.W.C.T. - T. - [I?]. G. - Minutes read & approved.

All members true the [sic] the pledge.

The name of Clarence Childs was proposed for membership. Motion made & carried that the committee report to night and the Lodge Deputy be asked to grant a dispensation to waive the usual rule and initiate the candidate to-night.

The name of Mr. Childs being duly balloted upon, he was declared elected and initiated in the first degree of our Order.

~ Recess ~

Upon calling to order, the County Deputy was called upon to make a few remarks. He responded by giving the lodge a few hints & suggestions in regard to the installation ceremonies.

A song was rendered by the Sisters Roe. Sister Young read an interesting story. Sister Lela Roe then favored the lodge with a song. Appointments for next week the same as last week with the addition of Bro Young. Receipts 50cts.

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

18 Jun 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

18 Jun 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

18 Jun 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

18 Jun 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Dr. B.W. Franklin (1822? to ?) was a dentist in Ithaca. Wife Phoebe (1819? to ?) (census and Ithaca City Directories)

Friday Evening, 25 Jun 1886

Brookton June 25 /86

Lodge called to order as usual, by Bro. Lounsbery, W.C.T. pro-tem.

Appointments pro-tem: W.M. Sister Gorsline W.C. Bro. Denman.

Officers absent W.C.T. - P.W.C.T. - M. & D.

Minutes read & approved.

~ Recess ~

All members true to the pledge.

For good of the order Sister Woodhull favored the Lodge with a song.

A Selection was read by Sister Mills and also by Sister Lounsbery.

Song by Sister Roe.

Appointments for next week; for Music Sisters Toby & Roe. for reading: Bro. Denman Sister Shurter and Sister Ellen Lounsbery. Bros. Perry, Ault and Wolcott were also requested to furnish music.

Receipts 15 cents

Lodge adjourned for one week

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

25 Jun 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 02 Jul 1886

Brookton July 2 /86

Lodge called to order by Bro. Lounsbery W.C.T. pro-tem.

Sister Roe was appointed to fill the W.C. chair.

Officers absent W.C.T. - P.W.C.T. - W.C. - T. - D.M. - R.S.

Minutes read and approved.


All members true to the pledge.

For good of the order: - a song by Sister Roe. The spice box was then passed around and short, humorous items were selected from it and read by the members.

A selection was given by Bro. Denman.

A poem was read by Sister Lounsbery.

The spice box was again handed around. Bro. Shurter gave a recitation from Longfellow. Song by Sister Roe.

Appointments for next week: - Sister Mills, Sister Shurter and Sister Amanda Lounsbery for reading and Sisters Roe and Toby for music.

No receipts.

Lodge adjourned for one week

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

02 Jul 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 09 Jul 1886

Brookton July 9 1886

Lodge opened by Bro. Lounsbery W.C.T pro-tem.

Officers absent at roll call W.C.T. - W.V.T. - P.W.C.T. - M & D. O.G.

Sister Bush was appointed to fill the W.V.T. chair.

Minutes read & approved.

A notice was read of the expulsion of Gilbert Beal from Ithaca Union Lodge.

~ Recess ~

During recess the younger portion of the members disappeared. Those who remained were entertained by Sister Toby with a song and by Sister Lounsbery with a poem.

Some fine music was also rendered by a male quartet, in the street.

Lodge adjourned for one week.

No receipts.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

09 Jul 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 16 Jul 1886

Brookton July 16 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Denman W.C.T. prot tem. Bro. Childs was appointed to fill the W.M. chair. Officers absent W.C.T. - P.W.C.T. - T. - M. & D.

Minutes ready & approved with one correction. The O.G. was wrongly reported absent.

~ Recess ~

All members true to the pledge.

For Good of the Order Sister Shurter read a few signs of good and bad luck which afforded considerable amusement to the members.

Bro. Lounsbery read a humorous article about base ball playing.

A song was rendered by Sister Lounsbery and Sister Toby.

Appointments for next week as follows. For music, Sisters Toby, Woodhull & Roe. For Selections, Sisters Ellen Lounsbery, Bush & Mills. Bros. Childs & Woodhull.

No receipts.

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

16 Jul 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 23 Jul 1886

Brookton July 23 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Hungerford W.C.T. Bro. Denman was appointed to fill W.M. chair. Officers absent, M. & D.M.

Minutes read & approved with the following correction: the name of Bro. Denman W.C.T. protem should be read instead of Bro. Hungerford, at the conclusion of the reading of the minutes,

~ Intermission ~

Under the head of Nomination of Officers the following persons were nominated:

  • For W.C.T. - Richard Denman and Bro. Hungerford.
  • W.V.T. - Sister Ellen Lounsbery and Sister Hungerford.
  • W.S. - Sister Mills and Sister Toby.
  • F.S. - Sister Lounsbery and Bro. Wolcott.
  • T. - Bro Woodhull and Sister Woodhull
  • W.C. - Sister Shurter.
  • W.M. - Chas. Woodhull, Will Wolcott, Gertie Roe.
  • I.G. - Bro. Lounsbery, George Ault, Cora Bush.
  • O.G. - Flora Auchmoody and Clarence Childs.

Members all true to the pledge.

Bro & Sister Hungerford gave a report of the last County Lodge.

For Good of the Order a song was given by Sister Toby. Sister Ellen Lounsbery read an article on flies and how to banish them which was followed by a discussion on about flies.

No receipts. Lodge adjourned for one week.

Bro. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

23 Jul 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 30 Jul 1886

Brookton July 30 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro. Hungerford W.C.T.

Appointments pro-tem: W.V. Sister Toby: - W.C. Bro. Mandeville.

Officers absent at roll call: W.V. - C. - M. & D. R. & L.S.

Minutes read & approved. All members true to the pledge.

~ Intermission ~

Under head of “Election of Officers”, the following persons were elected for the ensuing quarter: W.C.T. - Bro Denman. W.V.T. Sister Ellen Lounsbery. W.C. - Sister Shurter. W.S. Sister Mills. F.S. Sister Amanda Lounsbery. T. Sister Woodhull. M. Bro. Woodhull. I.G. Bro. Ault. O.G. Bro. Childs.

Bro. E. Lounsbery was also recommended for Deputy of this Lodge for the coming year.

Bro. Lounsbery was also elected for delegate to Grand Lodge, and Sister Gorsline as representative.

Bro. Mandeville, Sister Gorsline and Sister Amanda Lounsbery were elected regular delegates to County Lodge. For alternates, Bro. Hungerford Sister Hungerford and Sister Shurter. Delegates were given the power to fill vacancies.

For Good of the Order a song was rendered by Sisters Toby & Woodhull.

Receipts 70 Lodge closed for one week.

Wm. Hungerford W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

30 Jul 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 06 Aug 1886

Brookton Aug 6 1886

Lodge called to order by W.C.T.

Appointments: W.C. Sister Toby, P.W.C.T. Bro. Denman.

Officers absent at roll call: - P.W.C.T. - W.C. D.M - R&L.S.

Minutes of last meeting read & approved.

~ Intermission ~

After recess the Officers elect were duly installed for the quarter.

All members true to the pledge.

The W.C.T. appointed Sister Ellen Lounsbery, Bro. Hungerford and Sister Shurter to act upon the finance committee and Bro. Lounsbery, Sister Amanda Lounsbery and Sister Woodhull upon the sick committee.

Motion made & carried that no meeting of the Lodge be held next week.

For Good of the Order a short article was read by Sister Ellen Lounsbery.

A prophecy concering the end of the world by Sister A. Lounsbery.

Song by Sister Woodhull.

Bro. Hungerford gave the lodge a short [poem ?]

Song by Sister Toby.

A humorous article by Bro Denman.

Appointments for next week to furnish entertainments: Sisters Toby, Mills, Bro. Lounsbery, Sister & Bro. Woodhull.

No Receipts Lodge adjourned for two weeks.

Richard Denman W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

06 Aug 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Friday Evening, 27 Aug 1886

Brookton Aug 27 1886

Lodge called to order by Bro Denman.

Officers absent at roll call; P.W.C.T. - D.M. I.G. - O.G. - R & L.S.

Minutes of last meeting read & approved. All members reported true to the pledge.

~ Intermission ~

For Good of the Order Sister Toby & Sister Woodhull entertained the members with music.

Appointments for next week: Selections Sis. Toby, Sister Mills, Bro. Lounsbery, Bro & Sister Woodhull, Sister Shurter. For music Sisters Toby & Woodhull.

Recepts 65

Lodge adjourned for one week.

Richard Denman W.C.T.

Emily Mills Sec.

27 Aug 1886, Meeting minutes notebook of the Independent Order of Good Templars, High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

The Later Members

Aside from accounting for the presence of the currently elected officers, the meeting minutes did not attempt to provide a complete list of members attending each meeting. Names were noted only in relation to initiations, proposals and motions made, nomination and election of officers and their subsequent attendance, and participation in the Good of the Order. And it is clearly evident from reviewing them that the same subgroups of people tended to routinely hold officer positions and provide items for the Good of the Order, suggesting not only that members in good standing may have had imperfect attendance, but that there were likely “silent” attendees at meetings, and perhaps Jonas Mills was an example of one of these.

It is also interesting to note that a number of members apparently left and returned, as people like Fred Allen and Arnold Hill are proposed and initiated more than once in the meeting minutes. And recall from the main section on Temperance, that George Richardson was a member of the Good Templars several years before his (re)initiation noted in the meeting minutes above.


For Emma L. (Allen) Richardson, see “Richardson” below.

Fred E. Allen is simply listed as a “laborer” in the 1880 U.S. Census. In the 1920 U.S. Federal Census, Fred appears to be working at Brookton Depot and is a boarder at the home of Clarence and Emma (English) Wheeler, across the street from Mills’ Home where Emily Mills and Ellen Gould were living at the time.

Will E. “Willie” Allen, the younger brother of Fred E. Allen, also listed as a “laborer” in the 1880 U.S. Federal Census.


Edwin “Ed” and “Eddie” Auchmoody (1867? to 08 Jan 1885) and Flora (Auchmoody) Johnson) (1864, Ithaca NY to 20 Dec 1939, Monrovia CA) are siblings. Ed died during the time of span of the meeting minutes.

“Miss Flora Auchmoody, who spent the winter in Auburn, has returned and is now with Mrs. Hurlburt.” (26 Feb 1889, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3)


George W. Ault (1864 to 1899) and Myrtle L. “Myrtie” (Ault) Norwood (1868 to 1936) are siblings.

George appears to have worked in the Vandemark Woolen Mill as a “spinner” in 1892 NY State Census, and brother Freeman Ault is “wool carder” The same census lists Myrtie directly below George with the occupation “teacher”.

Myrtie married Jesse A. Norwood (1867 to 22 Mar 1953) in Maywood NE. 30 Aug 1894.

1872-1904, Marriage Records, State Library and Archives, Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln NE, ancestry.com

“Mr. Will Norwood, formerly with Treman, King & Co., Now engaged in real estate at Maywood, Neb., is visiting his Ithaca friends.” (02 Feb 1889, Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3). and elsewhere on the same page, under the Slaterville column: “Will Norwood of Nebraska is spending a few weeks at his old home here.” (Ibid, q21).

(Is Will Norwood “Brother Norwood” from Slaterville that visited High Bridge Lodge on 22 Feb 1884? Major Northwood in Slaterville.)

Jesse, born in Caroline, “at one time operated a restaurant on East Hill. For the past 48 years he has been a fruit grower in Ithaca.” (08 Jun 1953, Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p9.) By 1900, they returned to Ithaca, and by 1910, Jesse was operating the East Hill restaurant.

The couple appears to separate sometime between the 1910 Federal Census and the 1914, when the Ithaca City Directory lists her by herself, indicating she is a widow. The exact nature and circumstances of the separation are unclear to me, but Myrtie kept her married name the rest of her life and often identified herself as a widow, and it appears she lived and worked as a house keeper in various boarding houses.

Myrtie was still living in Ithaca in the 1925 NY State Census, but a few years later, she is listed in the 1927 Fort Myers FL City Directory (p232), and in the 1930 Federal Census for Fort Myers FL, she was also listed as a widow.

Interestingly, the 1930 Federal Census lists Jesse Norwood living in Precinct 71, Miami-Dade County FL, his status was divorced, he was working as a fruit grove laborer. In 1940, Jesse was still in Dade County, indicating in the Federal Census that he was widowed, and a citrus grove superintendent. He indicates that his highest grade of school completed was eighth.

Baker, Sis

Bates, Louise


  • Burrie
  • Sis

Dr. Jasper Howard Burnhans “Burrie” Besemer (19 Oct 1869 to 08 Feb 1918) was the son of Dr. Martin Besemer, a former member. Although Burrie was only 14 in Apr 1883, when the meeting minutes entries begin, [TODO: Juvenile temples]

“Burr” appears to be the adult version of the familiar nickname.

Bush, Cora

Campbell, Joe

Childs, Clarence

Davenport, Phoebe


  • Sis
  • Miss Franklin Davis

Dedrick, A.M.

Adelbert M. Dedrick, constable of Slaterville Springs in 1894 (Landmarks of Tompkins County, p288)


Charles Arthur “Arthur” Denman is explored among the earlier members above.

In the 15 Jun 1883 meeting, C.A. Denman proposed Miss Ida Olney as a new member of High Bridge Lodge. “Sis Olney” attended her last Lodge meeting on 28 Dec 1883. Arthur and Ida did not attend Lodge the following week on 04 Jan 1884 and married 09 Jan. At the next Lodge meeting of 18 Jan, Arthur returns to the Lodge, for the first time accompanied by “Sis A Denman”, Ida May (Olney) Denman (31 Jul 1859 to 14 Aug 1940).

Arthur’s brother is fellow Templar Richard Lounsbery Denman (15 Apr 1848 to 19 Aug 1915) Richard’s wife Adelaide “Addie” (Webster) Denman (12 Sep 1852 to 30 Dec 1947) is also a Good Templar. They married approximately 1871. (1900 United States Federal Census for Caroline.)

Edward, Charles

Franklin, Bro


Dr. William Crawford Gallagher (Oct 1840 to 1921).


Slaterville was called “Dutch Settlement” and it was changed to “Slaterville” in 1823 in honor of Levi Slater (1773-1851), the first school teacher. “Springs” was added to the name of the Post Office in August 1890. Dr. William Crawford Gallagher (1840-1921) sunk the first artesian well in 1871 and discovered the Magnetic Mineral Water. In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s this house held a restaurant, and later was turned into apartments.

– A Drive-by Tour of the Town of Caroline sponsored by the Town of Caroline Bicentennial Committee 1994-1995, Tour 1 - P5.

His son was Dr. Charles Henry Gallagher (06 Oct 1876 to 28 Aug 1918).


“Bennie Genung, of Ithaca, visited our school one day last week. He is especially interested in the primary departments.” (26 Feb 1889, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3)

  • Cora
  • Sarah
  • Susie


  • Sister
  • Lou

Green, Arthur E.

Hill, Arnold B?


  • William and wife (earlier members)

Huntley, Minnie


  • Maud
  • George (1884-05-16)


  • Frank
  • Sis

Lashier (or LaShier)

Clarabel (or Clara Belle) “Belle” (Lashier) Allen (30 Jun 1861 to 11 Jun 1935). Belle was married to John J. Allen (1853 to 30 Nov 1933), whose parents John “JP” Price Allen and Julia (Schutt) Allen were charter members of The Congregational Church of Mott's Corners.


  • Charles

Edward and Amanda Lounsbery as well as Ellen S. (Tobey) Lounsbery are discussed among the earlier members listed above.

Amanda’s brother, George E. Sanders (16 Aug 1847 to 01 Nov 1889) and his wife Fannie (Webster) Sanders (23 Nov 1847 to 10 Feb 1896) were also Good Templars and are listed below, as are George and Amanda’s parents, George Townley Sanders (14 Nov 1818 to 04 May 1887) and Lurana Maria “Maria” (Nicholas) Sanders (30 Oct 1820 to 13 Jan 1884) who had been earlier members of the Order.

Mandeville, Theodore


John J. McWhorter is discussed among the earlier members listed above.


The Good Templars meetings described in the minutes notebook occurred during the time that Edward Mills was Brookton Postmaster, and the Brookton Postoffice was housed in his general store, E.H. Mills.

Emily Mills is summarized among the earlier members listed above. For more information, see Emily's section.

“Emily Mills Sec.” are the final words recorded for High Bridge Lodge 296.

Jonas Edward Mills, born 18 Feb 1852, Staten Island NY, died 13/14 October 1885, Brookton NY. Jonas was the oldest child of Edward Hallock and Mary Ann Mills. The surviving Good Templars meeting minutes overlap the time that Jonas was clerking in his father’s general store, and also his final illness and death. For more information, see Jonas' section.

Newberry, Anna

Nolan, M.C. “Mike”

Nourse?, Charles

Perry, Gardner

Raikes?, Sis (1884-04-25)

Reed, Angelica


George Richardson is discussed among the earlier members listed above.

Robinson, May (1883-08-03)


  • Gertie
  • Lela


Although George Townley Sanders and his family were members in the earlier years of the Lodge, the 1880 United States Federal Census for Cortland NY shows that George T. and wife Maria were living in Cortland with daughter Sarah and her husband Nelson Edwards, and they remained in Cortland the rest of their lives. Edward Mills had taken over operation of the store. Therefore, all references to “George Sanders” and wife in the later years must be George Townley’s son, George E. Sanders (16 Aug 1847 to 01 Nov 1889) and his wife Fannie (Webster) Sanders (23 Nov 1847 to 10 Feb 1896).

Along with Edward and Amanda Lounsbery, George E. was a charter member of the Mott’s Corners Lodge # 562 of the Independent Order of Good Templars, 23 Mar 1868, and he likewise appears to have also been involved in the later instances of the Good Templars in Mott’s Corners/Brookton. These three are joined by Fannie and Libbie Sanders as charter members of the Sons of Temperance Division #115 in Mott’s Corners, 21 February 1874. George E. was also a charter member of Caroline Lodge No. 681 F. & A. M., June 15, 1885. (Tompkins County Clerk, Ithaca NY.)

George E. Sanders. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.

George E. Sanders. From a family collection uploaded to Ancestry.com by J. Burbank, reproduced here with permission, Identity confirmed by J. Burbank, personal correspondence. View largest available size.

George E.’s was a clerk in his father’s store, and his obituary also notes that he was a produce dealer for a time. He also worked as a tanner with his brother-in-law, Edward Lounsbery: when Franklin Cuthbert Cornell Sr. (28 Aug 1837 to 22 Jan 1908), the eldest son of Ezra Cornell (11 Jan 1807 to 09 Dec 1874), the founder of Cornell University, sold the upper grist mill property to George Campbell, Caroline Deeds book 3, page 550, 21 May 1881, a “piece of land” was reserved for Edward Lounsbery (11 Oct 1833 to 27 Nov 1904) and George E. Sanders (16 Aug 1847 to 01 Nov 1889), which seems to corroborate a Carl English painting displayed in the Caroline History Room that refers to a tannery near the upper mill, although the deeds only refer to it as a “factory”. George E. Sanders is listed as “tanner” in the 1875 NY State Census after selling the building that housed his father’s general store to Edward Lounsbery the same year.


George Sanders of Brookton lay down for a nap yesterday afternoon and when an effort was made to arouse him it was discovered that he was dead. Deceased was 45 years of age. He was a produce dealer and had quite an extensive acquaintance throughout the county. The cause of his death is not known, but it is reported that Mr. Sanders took an overdose of morphine, by mistake.

02 Nov 1889, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, nyshistoricnewspapers.org. View largest available size.

For more information on the Sanders family, see their treatment in the following sections:

The name Sanders is misspelled as “Saunders” in several sources.

Also see Edward and Amanda (Sanders) Lounsbery.

Seager, Geo

Shaw, Dea

Sherman, LaVern (1883-08-03)


Professor Edwin DuBois “E. D.” Shurter, (24 Oct 1863 to 13 Oct 1946) was born and raised in Mott’s Corners, and became a lawyer in Ithaca early in his career before entering academia, eventually becoming the Chair of Oratory at the University of Texas, Austin, and authoring a number of respected books on the subject over several decades. The professor and his wife Alice (Burtt) Shurter (26 Dec 1870 to 10 Apr 1951) lived in Austin TX for a number of years, visiting Brookton periodically before finally returning to the hamlet.

Cornell University library owns several of Edwin and Alice’s scrapbooks that cover the time of their courtship through their years in Austin, and documenting their travels. The organization of the books suggests this was a hobby that both independently engaged in prior to their marriage, and then continued together. The scrapbooks include photographs, and the context suggests to me that photography may have been primarily Alice’s interest. There are a number of fascinating items in the scrapbooks, including a small sealed envelope containing the Professor’s shaved mustache hairs, which Alice documented amusingly.

A partial bibliography of the Professor’s publications:

  • 1903, Public Speaking: A Treatise on Delivery with Selections for Declaiming by Edwin DuBois Shurter, Allyn and Bacon, Boston MA.

  • 1906, Masterpieces of Modern Oratory edited by Edwin DuBois Shurter, Ginn & Company, Boston MA.

  • 1908, Extempore Speaking for School and College by Edwin DuBois Shurter, Ginn & Company, Boston MA.

  • 1909, Representative College Orations by Edwin DuBois Shurter, The Macmillan Company, New York NY.

  • 1912, The Rhetoric of Oratory by Edwin DuBois Shurter, The Macmillan Company, New York NY.

  • 1913, School Literary Societies: Model Constitution, Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, and Principles of Debating by Edwin DuBois Shurter, University of Texas, Austin TX.

  • 1917, How to Debate by Edwin DuBois Shurter, Harper & Brother, New York NY.

Cornell University library owns a copy of 1903’s Public Speaking signed by the author. The book was a gift to his mother-in-law, and presumably returned to Brookton after her death, eventually finding its way to local collector Bob Albertson, who then gifted it to Cornell.

1903, Public Speaking: A Treatise on Delivery with Selections for Declaiming by Edwin DuBois Shurter, Allyn and Bacon, Boston MA, Cornell University Library, inside cover. View largest available size.

E. D. Shurter also wrote “In Tribute to Emily Mills” in the Ithaca Journal after she died.

The Professor’s middle name is alternately spelled “Dubois” and “Du Bois” among other typographical variations.

Jane (Shutt) Shurter (21 Nov 1825 to 23 Jun 1897) was the widow of Josiah Shurter (26 Apr 1815 to 05 Aug 1877), a former owner of the Mills’ Store property and lower grist mill, and the grandfather of Jessie Brewer, who was born four years after Josiah died. Josiah was a “worthy brother” in the Mott’s Corners Division of the Sons of Temperance at the time of his death. Jane joined the Good Templars shortly after his death.

Sloughter, Mrs. Richard

Snow, Orsen

Spaulding, Frank (BF)

Speed, Sallie


Marian Hart “May” Tobey (1847 to 03 Feb 1915).

“Miss May Tobey, of Brookton, Comes here on Wednesday of each week to give lessons in music and painting.” (05 Jun 1884, “Tobeytown”, The Daily Democrat, Ithaca NY, p4, q33, fultonhistory.org).

May Tobey was baptized, along with Emily Mills and 13 other people, by Reverend Annis Ford Eastman on 07 Apr 1907.

See also May Tobey’s sister Ellen S. (Tobey) Lounsbery above under Lounsbery. At the time of these meetings, Ellen was the widow of Richard Lounsbery, one of Edward Lounsbery’s brothers. May Tobey and her brother-in-law Richard Lounsbery performed music together on multiple occasions.

“Slaterville Springs, Jan. 15.–Mrs. Clara Tobey, who has been caring for her sister-in-law, Miss May Tobey, at the City Hospital in Ithaca for several weeks, is with her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Head, for a few days of much needed rest. Miss Tobey’s condition does not improve.” (15 Jan 1915, Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p11, newspapers.com.)

Nathaniel Tobey was a member of the first Town Board of Caroline.


  • Georgia “Georgie”
  • John


  • Charles “CW” VanDemark is discussed among the earlier members above.
  • Minnie

VanKuren, Will

Vorhis, Ed. (1884-02-22)


  • Ed
  • Ernest and wife


William Benton Wolcott (06 Oct 1832 to 25 Feb 1911), was a Civil War Veteran in Company K of the 137th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment under the command of Colonel David Ireland, whose name was later honored by the Brookton post of the GAR. William participated in the battles of Resaca, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, as was well as the sieges of Altanta and Savanna, among many other battles and campaigns. His regiment “helped raise the Stars and Stripes over Atlanta”.

William married Ellen A. (Shurter) Wolcott Aldrich (07 Sep 1843 to 21 Apr 1928), in 30 Aug 1862, just weeks before William mustered in at Binghamton NY on 25 Sep 1862. Immediately after mustering out on 09 Jun 1865, William and Ellen are recorded in the NY census living with Ellen’s father Josiah Shurter at The Shurter House.

A few years later, William Wolcott becomes the first owner of 475 Brooktondale Road when it was first subdivided from the lower grist mill owned by Jacob Vandemark and Charles W. Personius. The property at this time was known as “The Wolcott Lot”. William Wolcott at various times in the census records gave his occupation as carpenter, wagon maker, and carriage maker. Given his occupation, I speculate that he was the primary builder of the original structure at 475, that survives today as I write these words within its walls. William’s father-in-law Josiah Shurter also describes himself as both a “wagon maker” and a “carriage maker”, and it seems reasonable to assume that both men worked in “The Brewer Barn” that was known at one time as “Willis Shurter’s Wagon Shop in Motts Corners”. Willis Shurter inherited his father Josiah Shurter’s businesses, and Willis Shurter was Jesse (Shurter) Brewer’s father.

For more information on William Wolcott, see the section in Deeds and Other Past Owners. For more information about The Brewer Barn, see the section in Mills’ Store in Brookton NY.


  • Cassie
  • Charles

Catharine F. “Cassie” (Woodhull) Landon (Apr 1870 to 1944) married Esty J. Landon (Jun 1871 to 06 Dec 1906).

Esty’s father is Bennett T. Landon (05 Oct 1829 to 1904) of Danby, and Bennett is the brother of Sextus Barnes “S.B.” Landon (20 Apr 1834 to 24 May 1925), who was a founding member of the Congregational Church of Mott’s Corners.

Another brother of Bennett and S.B. Landon is Paul H. Landon (08 Apr 1836 to 01 Jun 1862) who is the father of Elosia P. (Landon) Wool (17 Oct 1860 to 07 May 1934), one of the members of the Slaterville Logde, who visited High Bridge Lodge on 22 Feb 1884. In other words, Elosia and Esty were first cousins.


  • Florence
  • Reynolds B.

After 27 Aug 1886

The weight of circumstantial evidence also favors the simplest explanation for the abrupt ending of the meeting minutes notebook: it appears that 27 Aug 1886 was indeed the last meeting of High Bridge Lodge #296.

Emily Mills was secretary at that time, and several items that accompany the meeting minutes notebook either bear her signature and other handwriting that is clearly her distinctive style, or are otherwise items appropriate for the secretary to possess. It is also interesting to note that some of the items appear to be forms that were filled out by Emily months before the last meeting and yet appear to have not been sent out. A few items also show that mail was still coming to the Lodge after the last meeting.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

The year on the form above appears to be 1885, despite the outdated reference to “Mott’s Corners”; The state organization may have simply had the older name still on their records.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

J. A. Elston,

Counsellor at Law.

Ithaca, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1886

Dear Sir & Bro,

As the County Lodge meets at Danby the 9th, of next month will you see that your lodge furnishes something for the Good of the Order. —Be sure and come and also do something to make this one of the best sessions that we have held in a long time,

Fraternally Yours,

By Order of Programme Com.

C. B. Fish


Box 20 65.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Apr 1886, Quarterly Returns for Independent Order of Good Templars High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

30 Apr 1886, Quarterly Returns for Independent Order of Good Templars High Bridge Lodge No. 296, Tompkins County History Center, Ithaca NY. View largest available size.

I think its very unlikely that Emily would have left the lodge before its demise, and if she had, she presumably would have surrendered these items to the Lodge, as was her responsibility:

[The Secretary] shall perform such duties as may be required of him by the lodge, or his charge, and deliver up to his successor, within one week from the expiration of his term, all books, papers, and other property in his possession, belonging to his office.

— 1875, Subordinate Lodge Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 4, from A Digest of the Laws, Decisions, Rules and Usages of the Independent Order of Good Templars by Simeon B. Chase, p42.

Although the Ithaca Union Lodge appeared to be active well into the early 1900’s, many lodges that were considered very strong, such as those in Danby, Freeville, Mclean, and Brookton all eventually became inactive and years later, newspaper accounts tell of the local citizens trying to form new lodges of the Good Templars in some of these places, as was the case in Brookton:

E. Lounsbery, formerly one of the leading members of Tompkins county, made this office a pleasant call, and proposes to again come into the work with a new strong lodge at Brookton.

Jan 1890, The Official Organ, Syracuse NY, v9, n3, p719, books.google.com. View largest available size.

Edward’s persistence was rewarded when High Bridge Lodge was re-instituted by Mar 1890. By Good Templars policy, re-instituted Lodges within the state had to be assigned a new number, and so High Bridge Lodge No. 720 began. This Lodge met on Wednesdays, presumably returning to Lounsbery Hall. I presently know nothing of their membership.

One lodge has been instituted, High Bridge, No. 720, at Brookton.

Mar 1890, The Official Organ, Syracuse NY, v9, n5, p761, books.google.com. View largest available size.

Our next session will be held in Brookton, second Wednesday in August.

Jun 1890, The Official Organ, Syracuse NY, v9, n8, p811, books.google.com. View largest available size.

The 69th quarterly session of the Tompkins County Lodge, I.O. of G.T., was held with High Bridge Lodge, No. 720, at Brookton, Wednesday, Aug. 13th.

14 Aug 1890, The Journal, Ithaca NY, fultonhistory.com. View largest available size.

Tompkins County.

86 McLean … W

177 Ithaca “Cascadilla” … S

295 Ithaca “Ithaca Union,” Deming H’l … F

382 Ithaca … M

447 West Groton … S

477 Ithaca … Tu

485 Trunbull’s Corners … S

720 Brookton … W

924 Ithaca … Th

968 Ludlowville … S

Sep 1890, The Official Organ, Syracuse NY, v9, n11, p3, books.google.com. View largest available size.

As the 30 Apr 1886 quarterly return shown previously attests, High Bridge No. 296 did not have a “Juvenile Temple connected with the Lodge”. However, High Bridge No. 720 did have a Juvenile Temple, called “Perseverance” No. 323.

New Temples.

No. 322—”Clover Leaf,” Macedon Center, Wayne county, by Mrs. M. Cumming, C. S. J. T.

No. 323—”Perseverance,” Brookton, Tompkins county, by Mrs. Elizabeth Beebe, C. S. J. T.

No. 324—”Buds of Promise,” Mayfield, Fulton county, by Rev. Geo. H. Marvin, S. D.

Oct 1890, The Official Organ, Syracuse NY, v10, n1, p866, books.google.com. View largest available size.

A Good Templar lodge at Brookton is known as “High Bridge Lodge” named for the big bridge at that place.

22 Jan 1891, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, fultonhistory.com.. View largest available size.

By Jun 1891, High Bridge Lodge No. 720 “suspended”, although Perseverance Temple was apparently still true to its name for some time thereafter. The Official Organ did not remove Lodge 720 from their Jan 1892 list of lodges in Tompkins County, but that is the last printed mention of the Good Templars in Brookton I have yet found.

Dear Mrs. Hewitt:—Would you not like to hear from Ithaca Temples? Perseverance at Brookton are working as best they can, but they sent no report. The lodge to which they are auxiliary having suspended. Banner Temple changed their day of meeting and have not done much since.

Jun 1891, The Official Organ, Syracuse NY, v10, n8, p866, books.google.com. View largest available size.


86 McLean … W

177 Ithaca … S

295 Ithaca, Rechabite Hall … T

382 Ithaca … M

447 West Groton … S

477 Ithaca … Tu

595 Groton … W

629 Freeville … W

630 Dryden … F

634 Speedsville … S

656 West Danby … Th

720 Brookton … W

966 Ludlowville … S

Jan 1892, The Official Organ, Syracuse NY, v11, n3, p3, books.google.com. View largest available size.

References and Research Notes

Substantial documentation on the rules, practices and early history of the Good Templars survives.

  • 1855, Degree Book of the Independent Order of Good Templars, W.J. Moses, Auburn NY.
  • 1869, The History of the Independent Order of Good Templars by I. Newton Peirce, Daughaday & Becker, Philadelphia PA.
  • 1875, A Digest of the Laws, Decisions, Rules and Usages of the Independent Order of Good Templars with a Brief Treatise on Parliamentary Practice by Simeon B. Chase, Garrigues Brothers, Philadelphia PA.
  • 1888, The Good of the Order by Simeon B. Chase and History of the Independent Order of Good Templars by S.D. Hastings, Press of the National Temperance Society and Publication House, NY. Both titles published as one volume.
  • 1888, The Templar at Work by Frank J. Sibley, e2, Press of the National Temperance Society and Publication House, NY.
  • 1894, Ritual for Subordinate Lodges of the Independent Order of Good Templars Published by Authority of the International Supreme Lodge.
  • 1895, Secret Societies Illustrated, Ezra A. Cook Publisher, Chicago IL.
  • 1901, The Good Templars: A History of the Rise and Progress of the Independent Order of Good Templars by William W. Turnbull.
  • 1996, Temperance and Racism: John Bull, Johnny Reb, and the Good Templars by David M. Fahey, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington KY.

Other Prominent Fraternal Organizations of the Mid-Late 1800’s

Some of the larger and more influential societies of the time:

  • Freemasons
  • Odd Fellows
  • Knights of Pythias
  • Sons of Temperance
  • Ancient Order of Hibernians
  • Improved Order of Red Men
  • Order of the Knights of St. Crispin
  • Knights and Ladies of Honor
  • Knights of Jericho
  • Knights of Wise Men
  • United Brothers of Friendship
  • Seven Stars of Consolidation
  • Good Samaritans: “originally a white fraternal temperance society, which became a de facto black organization after the Civil War (Fahey, p107)”
  • The Grange

What follows is not intended to be an exhaustive listing, but is intended to show some of the most influential publications of the time that covered topics that included politics, literature, art, science and culture, and therefore may be likely sources for finding the literary items read in the Good of the Order.

  • Harper’s Magazine,
  • Harper’s Weekly, political magazine first published in New York City in 1857. It featured political cartoonist Thomas Nast.
  • Harper’s Bazaar, a monthly women’s fashion magazine first published in New York City in 1867. The first fashion magazine in America.
  • The Atlantic Monthly
  • Scribners Monthly
  • The Saturday Evening Post
  • The Nation
  • Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper
  • Godey’s Lady’s Book
  • Scientific American
  • The North American Review
  • The Century Magazine
  • Arthur’s Home Journal
  • The Independent
  • The Christian Union
  • The New England Magazine
  • Puck
  • Punch
  • Fraser’s Magazine
  • The Cosmopolitan
  • Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine

At least some of these periodicals produced annual indexes of titles published in that past year, and these indexes are typically found in the December issues.

Good Templars specific:

  • The Official Organ (New York)
  • The Templar’s Chart
  • The Good Templar
  • The Watchword (England)

Prominent Women Authors and Activists of the Mid-Late 1800’s

Once again, what follows is not intended to be an exhaustive list.

  • Susan B. Anthony (1820–1906)
  • Maria Gowen Brooks (1794–1845)
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861)
  • Alice Cary (1820–1871)
  • Phoebe Cary (1824–1871)
  • Carrie Chapman Catt (1859–1947)
  • Emily Dickinson (1830–1886)
  • Matilda Joslyn Gage (1826–1898)
  • Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825–1911)
  • Julia Ward Howe (1819–1910)
  • Lucy Larcom (1824–1893)
  • Emma Lazarus (1849–1887) - Best known for her sonnet “The New Colossus”, inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.
  • Adelaide Anne Procter (1825–1864)
  • Lydia Sigourney (1791–1865)
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902)
  • Lucy Stone (1818–1893)
  • Sarah Helen Whitman (1803–1878)

Also: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greeleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Walt Whitman

Also see Granger’s Index to Poetry and Recitations.