The Lower Grist Mill/Dalebrook
Present-day Dalebrook Apartments sits on the foundation of the former Vorhis Milling Co., known as the “lower grist mill” or simply the “lower mill”. Owners of the grist mill prior to the Vorhis family included William Mott 2d, David C. Roe, Willis Shurter, Jacob Vandemark and Charles W. Personius, and Fred E. Bates. Known prior names of the lower grist mill include Personius Flouring Mills, F.C. & E.F. Vorhis or Vorhis Brothers, Bates, Vorhis & Company, and The Vorhis Milling Co.
The building of the early mills at this point determined its locality as a site for a village. The Upper Grist Mill, as it has been known, stands nearly opposite the site of the old Cantine Mill, which was built about the year 1800, and was burned in 1862, while owned by Joseph Chambers. The present mill was built by George White in 1865, and was sold by him to F. C. Cornell. This mill is not now running. It was at one time owned by William Mott 2d, as was also the mill on the present Voorhis site several years previous. The latter mill was destroyed by fire and rebuilt by David C. Roe in 1850. It passed through several hands to the Voorhises, father and sons, and was burnt in 1890 or 91. Fred E. Bates then became proprietor of the site and built thereon the present mill, and very soon after resold it to the Voorhis brothers. Daniel M. White and Fred E. Bates have two saw mills here.
— 1894, Landmarks of Tompkins County, New York Including a History of Cornell University by Prof. W.T. Hewitt, edited by John H. Selkreg, D. Mason & Company, Syracuse NY, p291.
“The first [grist mill] was built by Mott, (Mott’s Lower Mill).” (A Drive-by Tour of the Town of Caroline sponsored by the Town of Caroline Bicentennial Committee 1994-1995, Tour 4 - P7.) In 1865, Josiah Shurter is listed in the United States Federal Census as “miller”
The 1866 Photographic Atlas of Tompkins County by Stone & Stewart shows the lower grist mill and notes that it is Willis Shurter that is the “Dealer in all kinds of Grains and Mill Stuffs. Custom Grinding”.

— 1866, Photographic Atlas of Tompkins County, New York. Stone & Stewart, Philadelphia, p21. View largest available size.
Caroline Deeds Book 1, p516, Willis Shurter and Jane his wife to Jacob Vandemark for $5000. The deed is dated 16 Dec 1867, but is recorded 22 Dec 1868.
When Willis Shurter sells the store property to George E Sanders on 16 May 1868, the deed indicates the property is “nearly on opposite side of the highway from Jacob Vandemark’s Grist Mill” (Caroline Deeds 1, p556), and in 1874 the phrase is changed to “nearly on opposite side of the highway from Charles Personius’ Mills” (Caroline Deeds 3, p234).
Photographs of Dalebrook
Frank Proto gave me the opportunity to take the following photographs of the Dalebrook foundation and interior roof.

R. V.
Nov. 16, 25
— 03 Jul 2023, Adam Smith. View largest available size.

R. V.
Nov. 16, 25
— 03 Jul 2023, Adam Smith. View largest available size.

BROOKTONDALE — Russell J. “Barnum” Vandemark, 86, of 547 Valley Road, Brooktondale, died Friday, Dec. 29, 1989, in Cortland Memorial Hospital.
Graveside services will be held in the spring in Quick Cemetery in Brooktondale. The E.C. Wagner Funeral Home of Ithaca is in charge of arrangements.
— 30 Dec 1989, Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, View largest available size.

— 03 Jul 2023, Adam Smith. View largest available size.

— 03 Jul 2023, Adam Smith. View largest available size.

— 03 Jul 2023, Adam Smith. View largest available size.