George Richardson
George H. Richardson (May 1862 to 26 Feb 1938) was employed at E. H. Mills in Brookton during the time that Edward Mills was Brookton Postmaster. George subsequently opened his own grocery business in Personius Hall at present day 559 Brooktondale Road and also supplied groceries to farmers from his delivery wagon two days a week. George moved his family to Ithaca in 1905.
George Richardson’s father Jerome worked on the railroad alongside Jerome Miller’s father John, as well as Alfred Gould, Ellen Gould’s second husband.
George married Emma L. (Allen) Richardson (1868 to 18 May 1918) in 1886, and had the following children born in Brookton:
George A. Richardson (20 Dec 1887 to 22 Oct 1957) married Catherine A. (Van Marter) Richardson (1890 to 17 Jan 1960). They had two sons, Edward A. Richardson, who lived in Texas and Lawrence F. Richardson, who lived in Arizona.
Rena M. (Richardson) Hoyer (12 Jul 1890 to 31 Jan 1967) married Edgar J. Hoyer (14 Oct 1894 to 02 Dec 1972) on 22 Nov 1916, no children. Rena’s obituary states “she attended Ithaca schools and graduated from Cornell University”.
George H. Richardson’s census entries summarized:
- 1865, Caroline.
- 1870, Caroline.
- 1880, Caroline: laborer.
- 1892, Caroline: commercial traveler.
- 1900, Caroline: dealer in general merchandise.
- 1905, Caroline: merchant.
- 1910, Ithaca (Third Street): grocery salesman.
- 1920, Ithaca (Aurora Street): janitor at Cornell University.
- 1930, Ithaca (North Aurora Street) janitor at Cornell University.
Both George and wife Emma, along with Emily Mills and others in the hamlet, were members of the “High Bridge Lodge No. 296” of the Independent Order of Good Templars. As a member of the Templars, he played the role of Bertie O’Moore in an acclaimed production of the play The Colleen Bawn. George and Emma married during the time George was working as clerk and postal assistant in E.H. Mills general store and postoffice.

—The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club will give an entertainment for the benefit of the High Bridge Lodge I. O. of G. T. at Lounsberry Hall, Mott’s Corners, Wednesday and Thursday evening January 14 and 15, 1880, consisting of the popular Irish drama, The Colleen Bawn, W. T. Graham, manager; Dr. Besemer, musical director; with the following cast: Miles na Copleen, J. T. Merrill; Hardress Cregan, C. A. Denman; Danny Mann, W. T. Graham; Kyle Dailey, Rube Merrill; Corrigan, D. F. Vannetten; Father Tom, Will Montgomery; Bertie O’Moore, Geo. H. Richardson; Patsey O’Moore, Frank King; Servant, Geo. Seager; Eily O’Conner, (The Colleen Bawn); Miss Eloria Landon; Anna Chute, Mrs. Adda I. Merrill; Mrs. Cregan, Mrs. Dr. Besemer; Sheelah, Miss Emily Mills; Kathleen, Miss Gussie Merrill; Ducie, Miss Cynthia, Vorhis.
J. S. W.
— 07 Jan 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, View largest available size.

The dramatic entertainment which was to have taken place at Lounsberry Hall, Motts Corners, this Wednesday and Thursday evenings has been postponed to the evenings of the 21st and 22nd, on account of the illness of the manager, Mr. Will T. Graham.
— 14 Jan 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, View largest available size.

–The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club repeated the drama “The Colleen Bawn” here on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week. They were greeted with a crowded house on both evenings and universal praise was bestowed upon all the members of the club. Where the characters were all so well sustained it would be difficult to make particular mention of any without doing injustice to others. Competent critics pronounce it to be much superior to amateur performances in general. The music was furnished by Dr. Besemer’s orchestra and was fully in keeping with the performance on the stage. The club have received pressing invitations to present the play at Candor, Danby, Slaterville and several other places.
— 11 Feb 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, View largest available size.

—The Caroline Amateur Dramatic Club will play the popular Irish Comedy the Colleen Bawn on Saturday evening, February 28th at Speedville, N. Y. This organization has won an excellent reputation and really possesses actual merit.
— 18 Feb 1880, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, View largest available size.

Mrs. Ellen Lounsbery and Miss May Tobey have just returned from a visit of several weeks with friends in the west. –George Jansen goes to Dakota this week. –Miss Fannie Allen, of Cortland, and Miss Carrie Quick, of Catatonk, have been visiting friends here recently. –Miss Lettie Quick has gone to Chautauqua Lake with a party of friends from Ithaca, intending to stay two weeks. –Mrs. Jerome Seager is visiting friends in Auburn. –Mrs. C. L. Tisdale accompanied by her niece, returned on Friday from a visit to her mother. –W. F. Graham and wife have been spending a week on the shore of Cayuga Lake. –The postoffice has been moved to its new quarters in E. H. Mill’s store, with George Richardson as postmaster.
— 13 Aug 1885, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Ezra Puderbaugh, of Freeville, has returned and is again employed at Lull’s blanket mill.
George Richardson is again at the postoffice, having been absent a few days on account of sickness.
Miss Dora Morgan, who for some time past has been suffering with a throat difficulty, is convalescent.
Mrs. VanKeuren and her daughter Florence, left this morning for an extended visit among friends in Ulster and Orange counties.
The Young Ladies’ Aid Society of the Congregational church will give a strawberry and ice cream festival at the rink on Monday evening next. Everybody is invited.
The “Trip around the World” at the rink last Saturday evening was taken by a fair audience. The scenes were not as distinctly shown as they might have been had the hall been higher. The entertainment, however, was no fraud; the scenes being far superior to an ordinary magic lantern show. The manager promises to visit us again soon with new scenes now in preparation.
The members of the G. A. R. of this place will observe Memorial Day after the following program: Meet at the Grand Army hall at ten A. M., march from there to Cooper’s and Quick’s cemeteries, and thence after decorating the graves, to the basement of the Congregational church for refreshments. Addresses will be delivered at the church by Assemblyman Smith and Frank M. Leary, of Ithaca.
— 27 May 1887, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

George Richardson, who has been on the sick list tor some time, is now able to resume business.
— 01 Jun 1887, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Coasting is a favorite sport of the young people here at present.
W. Graham has given the operators of his knitting machines a month’s vacation.
A number of the young people of this place attended the Christmas tree at Slaterville last Monday evening.
Our school, under the efficient management of Mrs. Davenport and Jessie Campbell, is having a vacation of one week and one day.
Rev. Mr. Merrill, a former pastor here, preached at the Baptist church last Sunday. It is announced that Mr. Woodworth is to resume his labors next Sunday.
C. A. Lull, although running his mill to its fullest capacity, is unable to fill the orders for blankets. There is strong talk of doubling the force of operatives, and running the mill both day and night.
The party at the rink last Thursday evening was a decided success. Upwards of fifty couples assembled to “trip the light fantastic toe” to the music of the Brookton orchestra. A number from Ithaca were in attendance.
All enjoyed the Christmas tree at the Congregational church on Christmas eve. Before distributing the gifts an entertainment was given consisting of recitations, singing and responsive readings. The recitative powers of Ara Gass were, as usual, the wonder and admiration of all.
Among those who are spending the whole or a part of the holiday vacation with friends or relatives here are: Miss Myrtle Ault and Mr. Kent, both of the Cortland Normal School; Mr. and Mrs. James Piatt, of Towanda, Pa.; Mr. Frank King and bride, formerly of Binghamton; Mr. and Mrs. Will Fish, of Danby; Rev. Mr. Merill, of Deposit, N.Y.; Miss Eleanor Mackey, of Lycoming, N.Y.; Mr. Lewis Gale, a former resident of this place, now for several years a resident of Missouri; and Geo. Richardson, Jr., weighing nine pounds, and now a week old.
— 29 Dec 1887, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Grace Vorhis, of Groton, spent Sunday with her mother and sister here.
N.G. Edwards, a former resident of this place, has returned here and expects to remain permanently.
Charles and Chester Peck, of Iowa, recently spent some time here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Platt Peck.
Miss Edith Whittaker, of the Cortland Normal school, spent two days last week with her sister, Miss Bessie Whittaker.
Miss Lou Gorsline has secured a position in the Masonic Home at Utica, and will leave for that city Friday of this week.
Myron Manning died at his home here April 23. The funeral occurred Sunday Following, and the interment wad in Willow Glen cemetery.
Albert Landon, who has been in Virginia for the past two months, and his wife, who was in Elmira during his absence, returned home Monday of this week.
The concert at the Baptist church last Saturday evening was well attended, and the proceeds amounted to $15, which was divided equally between the two churches.
George Richardson is putting a stock of goods in the old Personius store, and expects to open up the first of May. Mr. Richardson is well and favorably known here, and his friends wish him much success in his new enterprise.
— 01 May 1897, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p8, View largest available size.
The 1900 census shows that he owned his family home in Caroline free of a mortgage, and the same was true of his house on Third Street in Ithaca.

During the fireworks at Brookton Saturday evening George Richardson, a prominent merchant of that village, sustained injuries through the explosion of a heavy, piece which laid open his scalp, and will probably cause partial blindness in the left eye.
Mr. Richardson was in charge of the fireworks display, which was held at about eight o’clock. While lighting the fuse of a large bomb, the piece exploded while he was still bending over it and he was struck a glancing blow by the contents just above the bridge of the nose.
The powder was driven into his face and eyes, and a deep gash nearly two inches in length and about half an inch wide was torn across his forehead and into his scalp. Drs. Charles Gallagher, of Slaterville, and Carl Denman, of Danby, relieved the eyes of a part of the powder Sunday morning, and it was thought that the sight of the right eye could be saved entirely, while the left might be considerably impaired. The glancing blow of the bomb’s charge, the physicians state, saved his life, for had he been struck squarely, death would have been the inevitable result.
During the field events of the afternoon, a little child, the daughter of Elmer Stephens, of that place, was knocked down and run over by a cyclist. The child was badly bruised.
— 06 Jul 1903, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p5, View largest available size.

Miss Gertrude Lull, of Willard, is at home for her vacation.
Mrs. F. J, Marsh, of Ithaca, is the guest of Mrs. Lucy Stevens.
Mrs. J. B, Lull, who has been seriously ill for some time past, is much improved.
The Misses Chaphe and VanDerveer, of Port Chester, and Miss Sharp, of Cortland, have been recent guests of Miss Julia Bull.
Miss Margaret Bull has returned to Trumansburg after a vacation of two weeks with friends in Cortland, Tully, and her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, of Trumansburg, are rejoicing over the birth of a son. Mrs. Stewart was formerly Miss Dora Mandeville of this place.
Mrs. Esty Landon and son Paul, who have been spending some time with her mother, Mrs. S. Woodhull, returned to their home in Ithaca Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffith, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiting friends in Brookton and vicinity. Mr. Griffith was a popular miller in this place when the village was known as Motts Corners.
George Richardson, who was seriously injured on July 4th by the premature explosion of a bomb, is again to be found at his store, and he is also on his wagon with which he supplies farmers with groceries two days in each week. The sight of both his eyes is preserved.
— 24 Jul 1903, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p5, View largest available size.

The evaporator has been started by J. H. Mead, of Clyde.
Elmer Stevens commenced working in the gun factory at Ithaca, last week.
Miss Fritz, of Ithaca, spent some time last week with her sister, Mrs. Jay Jansen.
Richard Denman has had his house newly shingled, and George Richardson is giving his house a new coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Haskell, of Syracuse, visited their parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. H. Haskell, one day last week.
Mr.and Mrs. Grant Taylor and children, of Nichols, recently spent three weeks in this place visiting Mrs. Taylor’s sisters and brother.
Several young people from this village expect to attend a social to be held at the home of Will Quick, of Central Chapel. It is to be given for the benefit of the church at that place.
— 29 Oct 1903, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p6, View largest available size.

[Partial transcription.]
Witnesses Tell of Conditions Along the Stream Which are Very Dangerous to Welfare of City—Filth Contamination Flowing Water–The Investigation To Be Continued.
Adjourned meeting of the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca, held at the Council Chamber, April 19, 1904, at 7:30 o’clock p. m.
…The next place visited was in Brookton, Dr. Reed’s. Large manure pile was 27 feet from bank of the creek and the barn was 30 feet from creek. The privy was 134 feet from Six Mile creek, not water tight receptacle.
Willis Shurter’s was the next place visited. He keeps partly public house for travelers. Privy was 16 feet from Six Mile creek on a sloping bank and was not a tight receptacle. Next place visited was the Vorhis Milling Co., and was what we would call in Brookton, the lower mill. A hog yard was on the bank of the race, yard coming close to the edge of the race. Another from the raceway and a stream from a spring runs though this hog yard towards the race. The condition of these yards and pens was bad.
Q. —There were hogs in the yard and pen?
A. —Yes, quite a number.
Next place visited was Frank Mulks’ store. Privy was 23 feet from the pond of water. A small stream partially artificially covered runs within ten feet from same privy.
Next place visited was woolen mills. Its privy is 15 feet from pond in bad condition and without a water tight receptacle. …
…The next place visited was George Richardson’s store. The privy of this store was without any vault open on the surface of the ground. Large pile of human excrement lying on the surface of the ground. Ten feet from this was a tile drain not cemented running directly into Six Mile creek.
The next place visited was an old tannery. In this tannery was a large pile of green hides occupying a place of about 10x14 feet square and a pile of hides 4 feet high. These were green hides lying there. Then there was a pile of waste from this tannery, this comes from the vats from all appearances. This pile of waste lay on the edge of a sluice or swampy place and water running from it drained into a tributary of Six Mile creek. …
— 31 May 1904, Ithaca Daily News, Ithaca NY, View largest available size.

John Miller, who has been laid up all winter with rheumatiem, is no better.
Easter services were held at the 0. S. Baptist Church by Elder Dharles Bogardus.
Mra. Ormiston, of Breesport, is spending a few days at the home of her brother, S. H. Jansen.
Horace Lane has purchased a $200 horse of John Thayer, of Ithaca, which camplete two teams to be used on his large farm.
On the evening of April 28th there will be a social held at the residence of Frank Hammond by the L. A. S. for the benefit of the church.
Mrs. Fleming, of Sydney, Delaware County, who bas been caring for her neice, Misa Mary Jansen, has returned home for a short visit,
George Richardson, who has supplied groceries from his wagon for some time past for the people about here, has sold his residence at Brookton and is closing out his stock of goods as fast as possible preparatory to moving to Ithaca, his future home.
— 26 Apr 1905, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p5, View largest available size.

Mrs. Minnie Palmer has gone to Woodstock, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Maxon.
Mrs. Alice Hurt of Waverly, spent Saturday last with her mother, Mrs. Fred Root.
Mrs. George Richardson of Ithaca, was in town last Thursday, calling on friends.
A. K. Travis, our hardware merchant, held an auction sale last Tuesday, which called a number of farmers in town.
— 18 Jan 1906, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p7, View largest available size.

Brookton, Aug. 25.
George A. Richardson, wife and child, were calling on friends in town yesterday,
Herman Lynch, son of Jefferson Lynch, is at his father’s home, very ill with typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Sloughter of Milford, Mich., are visiting friends and relatives in this place. Mr. Sloughter went to Michigan over forty years ago, where he is engaged in the undertaking business. He makes it a point to visit his relatives here once in every four or five years.
The funeral of James E. Cole. was held from his late home yesterday at 1 o’clock. The comrades of David Ireland Post, G. A. R., attended in a body.
J. B. Woodworth, professor of geology at Harvard University, is visiting his father, Rev. A. B. Woodworth, for a few days.
Miss Lydia Kellogg of Ithaca and Miss Grace Rogers of Buffalo are guests of Miss Ellen Lounsberry today.
Philander Evans, from, Kansas, is visiting his brother, James H. Evans, of Bald Hill, and other relatives in this vicinity.
— 25 Aug 1909, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p9, View largest available size.

Mrs. George Richardson and daughter, Rena, of Ithaca, are spending a few days this week with Mrs. Gorsline.
— 07 Sep 1911, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p9, View largest available size.

Brookton, Sept. 30—Mrs. Bell, a missionary from Africa, spoke to a very appreciative audience in the Baptist Church Sunday morning. Mrs. Bell was formerly Miss Lena Heller and in her early girlhood attended church in Brookton.
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Baptist Church will meet at the parsonage Wednesday, October 1. The ladies are requested to bring brooms, mops and pails as there is some work to be dome before the new pastor and his family come.
The funeral of Isaac Vandemark was largely attended at the home of his brother William Vandemark Sunday. Those from out of town were James E. Vandemark and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vandemark, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gorsline, James A. Vandemark and family of Ithaca, and Mrs. Charles Graves of the Coddington road. Mr. Vandemark had spent his whole life of eighty years in and near Brookton.
Judge Sweetland of Ithaca called on friends in Brookton Sunday.
Montford Turk of Chenango Bridge, Broome County, called on friends in Brookton Monday.
Road Commissioner Myron Westfall with a force of hands is putting in a new bridge across Six Mile Creek in front of the postoffice. The foundations are of solid concrete.
Mrs. Melvin Lynch and daughter spent Friday at Central Chapel.
Mrs. George Richardson has been visiting in Brooktom.
Dr. Ed. Vorhis of Owego and Miss Grace Vorhis of Scranton are visiting their mother, Mrs. Esther Vorhis.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leonard of Central Chapel caked on friends in Brookton Sunday.
Dr. Lockwood is to build a large porch on his house.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starkin of Ithaca were in Brookton Sunday.
— 30 Sep 1913, Ithaca Daily Journal, Ithaca NY, p11, View largest available size.

The marriage of Miss Rena May Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson of 113 Glenn place, to Edgar James Hoyer of East Springfield, N. Y., was solemnized at noon yesterday at the home of the bride’s parents. Dr. William Elliott Griffis officiated, the ring service being used.
The bride, who graduated from the Ithaca High School with the class of 1909 and from Cornell University in 1913, wore white net over silk and carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. The decorations were of yellow and green. Gifts of cut glass, silver and money were received.
Among the out of town guests were Miss Margaret Ashlin of Interlaken and Harry Baird of East Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyer will be at home at East Springfield after December 1.
— 23 Nov 1916, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Deaths and Funerals
Mrs. George H. Richardson.
Mrs. George H. Richardson, 50, died Saturday afternoon at her home, 113 Glen place. She leaves her husband—George H. Richardson, a son—George A. Richardson of Ithaca; a daughter—Mrs. Rena M. Hoyer of East Springfield; a sister—Mrs. Ellen M. Gale of Boston and a brother—John J. Allen of Ithaca.
The funeral was held this afternoon from the residence of her son, 822 North Aurora street. Burial was in Lake View Cemetery.
— 21 May 1918, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

George Richardson of 822 North Aurora street is ill with influenza. Mr. Richardson suffered a relapse a few days ago.
— 16 Feb 1920, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

George H. Richardson of 822 North Aurora street is visiting relatives in East Springfield, N. Y.
— 06 Sep 1921, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Entertain at Card Party.
A progressive euchre party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Richardson of 822 North Aurora street last evening. The prizes were won by Mrs. John Keefe and F. W. Van Marter. Refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Marter, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Bower, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bower, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Bloom. Mr. and Mrs. Damon Davenport. Mrs. Minnie Sherwood, Mrs, J. Keefe, F. W. Van Marter, G. H. Richardson, Miss Leona Keefe, Miss Agnes Miles, Edward Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Richardson.
— 18 Feb 1922, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

George Richardson of 826 North Aurora street, who has been ill at his home, is able to be about.
— 08 Apr 1922, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and their son, Laurence, and G. H. Richardson of 822 North Aurora Street have returned to their home from a visit to friends in Swartwood.
— 07 Nov 1922, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Richardson and their sons, Lawrence and Edward, and George H. Richardson of 822 North Aurora street spent Sunday with friends in Syracuse.
— 10 Sep 1923, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Birthday Party For Father.
The birthday party given Sunday in Horseheads by Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bloom in honor of their father, Alden Bloom of Horseheads, was attended by over 50 relatives and friends, among them the following from Ithaca: Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Marter, Mr. and Mrs. William Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Bower, Mr. and Mrs. John Keefe, Mrs. Minnie Sherwood, Miss Leonia Keefe, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Miles and daughter, Miss Agnes Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Bloom, and son, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bloom and daughter, Virginia, Mrs. Nettie Vorhis, Fay Bower, jr., Mr. and Mrs. George A. Richardson and sons, Lawrence and Edward Richardson, George H. Richardson, also Mr. and Mrs. George Swartwood of Swartwood.
— 25 Nov 1924, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Gives Birthday Dinner
Mrs. Minnie Sherwood gave a birthday dinner on Sunday, May 15, at the home of her sister, Mrs. O. E. Van Marter, to celebrate Mrs. Van Marter’s birthday. The table was attractively decorated. A large birthday cake with 61 candles, the color scheme being carried out in red and white, centered the table. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miles and daughter, Miss Agnes Miles, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Richardson, and son, Laurence, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Van Marter and daughter, Veronica, Mr. and Mrs. George Swartwood of Swartwood, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Morgan and Miss Blanch Morgan of Groton, George H. Richardson, Mrs. Minnie Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Marter. Mrs. Van Marter received many gifts.
— 17 May 1927, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

St. Patrick’s Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Marter entertained at a St. Patrick’s dinner at their home, 315 Linn Street, Sunday. Table decorations were in green and white. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Richardson and sons, Edward and Lawrence; George H. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. D. Van Marter a daughter, Veronica; Mrs. Minnie Sherwood, and James Naughton.
— 19 Mar 1928, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Van Marter Hosts Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Van Marter of 315 Linn Street entertained at a reunion dinner Thanksgiving Day at their home. The date marked the first time all members of the family had been together in 17 years.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miles, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Richardson, Lawrence Richardson, George H. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Van Marter, Miss Veronica Van Marter, Mr. and Mrs Charles H. Oliver of Ithaca, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Richardson of Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stevens and Mrs. A. Stevens of Groton and Harold Stevens of Endicott.
— 29 Nov 1935, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p8, View largest available size.

Van Marters Receive Friends, Observe Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs, Orley E. Van Marter of 315 Linn Street are today celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at their home by receiving their friends and acquaintances.
They were married on Jan. 26, 1887, in West Dryden and have been residents of this city for the past 34 years. During that time, they have been active in many fraternal organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Van Marter have two daughters, Mrs. Daniel J. Miles and Mrs. George A. Richardson, both of Ithaca; one son, L. J. Van Marter, also of Ithaca, and four grandchildren.
They were entertained at a surprise dinner party given at the Victoria Inn by members of the family Sunday afternoon. The table decorations were in yellow and white.
Those present were.: Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Van Marter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Richardson, George H. Richardson, Laurence Richardson and Miss Veronica Van Marter, all of Ithaca, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stevens and Mrs. Alice Stevens of Groton.
— 26 Jan 1937, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p4, View largest available size.

George H. Richardson
George H. Richardson, 76, died at 2 p. m. Saturday, Feb. 26, 1938, at the residence of his son, George A. Richardson of Elm St. Extension.
Besides his son he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edgar J. Hoyer of East Springfield, and two grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Gilbert’s Undertaking Parlors at 125 E. Buffalo St. Burial will be in Lake View Cemetery.
— 28 Feb 1938, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p5, View largest available size.

George A, Richardson
George A. Richardson, 68, of 615 Elm St. Extension, an employe of C. J, Rumsey & Co., for the last 40 years, died unexpectedly Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1957. He was seized with a heart attack at his home and was dead on arrival at the hospital.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Catherine Richardson of Ithaca; two sons, Edward A, Richardson of La Marque, Tex., and Laurence F. Richardson of Manhattan Beach, Calif., a sister, Mrs, Rena Hoyer of East Springfield and a grandchild.
Funeral services will be held at 11 am. Friday in the Wagner Funeral Home, 421 N. Aurora St.
Burial will be in Lake View Cemetery.
Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.
— 23 Oct 1957, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p2, View largest available size.

George A. Richardson
Funeral services for George A. Richardson, 68, of 615 Elm St. Extension, who died unexpectedly Oct. 22, 1957, were held at 11 a.m. Friday at the Wagner Funeral Home, 421 N. Aurora St. The service was conducted by Charles DeForest, reader of the First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Bearers were George Kelly, Fay Bower, Ralph Tait, Howard Bloom, Orthel Covert, and Robert McCracken.
Burial was in Lake View Cemetery.
— 26 Oct 1957, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

Deaths, Funerals
Catherine A. Richardson
Mrs. Catherine A. Richardson, 69, widow of George A. Richardson, of 506 Spencer Rd., died Sunday, Jan. 17, 1960, at the Tompkins County Hospital.
She was a member of the Christian Science Church.
Surviving are two sons, Edward A. Richardson of La Marque, Texas, and Laurence F. Richardson of Phoenix, Ariz.; a brother, Laurence J. Van Marter of Ithaca; and one grandchild.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Wagner Funeral Home, 421 N. Aurora St. Burial will be in Lake View Cemetery, Ithaca.
Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday evening.
— 18 Jan 1960, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p2, View largest available size.

Deaths, Funerals
Catherine A. Richardson
Funeral services for Mrs. Catherine A. Richardson of 506 Spencer Rd., who died Jan. 17, 1960, were held at 11 a.m. today at the Wagner Funeral Home, 421 N. Aurora St. Burial was in Lake View Cemetery, Ithaca.
Bearers were George Kelly, Ralph Tait, Fayette Bower and Howard Bloom.
— 20 Jan 1960, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p3, View largest available size.

[Partial transcription.]
Library Gift Brings Total to $150,000
…The Library’s operating committee also heard a report of a gift of $172.50 for the purchase of books in memory of Mrs. Catherine Richardson. The gift was made by associates of Mrs. Richardson’s son, Edward A. Richardson, a former Ithacan who is now treasurer and comptroller of Texas City Refining Co. in Texas City, Texas. …
— 19 Feb 1960, The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca NY, p5, View largest available size.

Mrs. Rena R. Hoyer
EAST SPRINGFIELD — Mrs. Rena R. Hoyer of East Springfield died at Community Hospital, Cobleskill, January 31. She had been a patient there about two weeks.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Friday, February 3, at the Ottman Funeral Home, Cherry Valley. Fred L. Reynolds, former reader of the Christian Science Society, will preside.
Burial will be later in the Springfield Center Cemetery.
Mrs. Hoyer was born at Brooktondale, Tompkins County, the daughter of George and Emma (Allen) Richardson. She was married to Edgar J. Hoyer, Nov. 22, 1916,
She attended Ithaca schools and graduated from Cornell University. She was English and French teacher in Springfield School system for a number of years,
Mrs. Hoyer was a member of the Christian Science Society and Evergreen Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star at Springfield Center.
She is survived by her husband; and two nephews, Lawrence Richardson of Pheonix, Ariz. and Lamarque Richardson of Texas.
Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday after noon and evening.
— 01 Feb 1967, The Oneonta Star, Oneonta NY, p11, View largest available size.

HOYER — Mrs. Rena R., of East Springfield, January 31, in Community Hospital, Cobleskill. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, February 3, in Ottman Funeral Home, Cherry Valley. Burial later in Springfield Center Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday afternoon and evening.
— 03 Feb 1967, The Oneonta Star, Oneonta NY, p12, View largest available size.

Evelyn Ella Richardson, 72, of Scottsdale, a homemaker, died Dec. 4, 1988. She was born in Rexford, Texas. Survivors include her husband, Larry F.; a son; two daughters; two sisters; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Visitation: 7 to 9 p.m., Messinger Mortuary, 7601 FE. Indian School Road, Scottsdale. Graveside services: 10 am. Wednesday, Paradise Memorial Gardnes, 9300 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale.
— 06 Dec 1988, Arizona Republic, Pheonix AZ, p63, View largest available size.

Lawrence Frederick Richardson, 79, of Scottsdale, a musician, died Dec. 15, 1998. He was born in Ithaca, N.Y, and was a World War II Army veteran. Survivors include his wife, Ann; daughters, Cynthia Pastorino, Charlotte Mance, Laurie Powers, Jackie Webb and Mariland King; sons, Ralph, Michael, and Joseph Mance and Reginal; 22 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Whitney and Murphy Arcadia Funeral Home, 4800 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix, with honors services at 1 p.m, National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, 23029 N. Cave Creek Road, Phoenix.
— 20 Dec 1998, Arizona Republic, Phoenix AZ, p54, View largest available size.
I have not yet been able to positively identify and contact living descendants of Lawrence and Evelyn.
Notes for Future Researchers
There appears to be at least one other George Richardson living in Ithaca during the time this subject lived there.